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Showing most liked content on 11/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey, everyone's mad and no one's happy. It's been a good D1.
  2. Finally you say something that makes sense!
  3. Oh btw guys in case you didn't hear, I technically advanced this year! Not advanced advanced, but I was named a backup in case somebody dropped out of the semis, which is still something and requires a good performance in the first round.
  4. Personally, I have been busy with university to attend to my tasks of PR and promotions but I do see regular activity in the Discord. Just because we're not seeing big games lately doesn't mean we will not see them again. It's a phase, and once we hype up APB again on the media across Reddit, Facebook, and elsewhere, we can get the server rolling again. I will say though that it does get stale after a time, but that's why we have the Discord so we can stay in contact with each other while we play different games for a change. Sometimes I'm feeling RTS over FPS but I'll keep an eye on that playercount and before I know it my Launcher is open.
  5. Move-sneaking was broken. There were other elements of 3.5.0 that were bug fixes, corrections to abusable spaces, and reversions to things prior that were desired (AK-47 secondary fire and Volkov's napalm grenades, to name a couple). The tesla buff didn't actually happen until 3.5.1. So far, these have played terribly in w3d. Do you have an idea for them that would make them fun to play as and okay to fight against? How do they actually contribute to a team?
  6. People need to stop thinking of games in terms of dead-or-alive. Player activity goes up and down, can be seasonal, and is affected by many things - including going over to other games such as AI (that has been having regular 40+ player games recently). APB has been through drops in activity numerous times in the past, as with any game that has had its initial hype run already. Some players love the flagship large full server competitive battles, while others are also happy with a smaller count or coop or just having fun with bots and some friends. The core players will always come back to the game but keep in mind that playing the same things over and over all the time saturates one's desire. People need a break. And what I've noticed with APB in particular is that being the good game that it is, these brakes happen after longer periods of large server activity. It goes up and down. What you might look forward to beyond future updates to the game is that the winter holiday season is coming yet again, and that's usually a time where APB picks up again in player numbers. APB is alive, it just depends on what day/time you check in and/or what you personally want out of the experience.
  7. Somebody needs to setup a Mafia: Gambit Edition game.
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  8. I like this answer. The rest of you are fired.
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  9. There's also the community at large to consider. The actual W3D community is pretty big. That includes people who play the game, but don't come to the forums, those who only stay on the forums, and those in between. As a community, I'd say we're pretty healthy, regardless of sometimes frustrating player numbers in certain games.
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  10. Surely not sneak changes Or even not entire update. In 3.5.0, only good changes (imo) was Tesla buff and MiG reworked physics. So it is not only about new changes, but changes overall. 3.5.1 is changing literally nothing, but it is minor update, so i will ignore it for now. So first of all, I want APB to be alive, second - i hope that changes made in 3.5 update will be reconsidered. And I am still waiting for those goddamn doggos.
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