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Showing most liked content on 11/10/2020 in all areas

  1. If we have so many people not doing actions we're all socially distancing pretty well though.
  2. I dont think apb is dead, im sure its just because everyone is playing reborn at the moment
  3. But Jeod's not even a player in this game?
  4. Both the APB and Reborn skins have been given a pass to the point where they are now considered fixed! If you see any issues please be sure to point them out! Cheers!
  5. Well, Shade seems to be doing a good job of that.
  6. CYOR VII will be under a different director and producer and create a trilogy nobody asked for and nobody truly enjoys.
  7. Orangep47 W Shade939 e Killing_You K iLTS n Chopbam o Category5 w Mojoman N Anon_Kat o Retaliation t FRAYDO h Irishman i Louis n
  8. Probably closer to release. But believe it or not, I do have a rough idea for a Dead Legion mafia.
  9. resists the urge to shamelessly plug Dead Legion
  10. Hi everyone. We've updated our forum software to the latest version, so there are a fair amount of styling issues present with our older forum skins. Please bear with us as we correct these issues in the next few days. For now, using the default IPB skin is probably the way to go for a bug-free experience. Cheers! - OWA [blurb]The forums have been upgraded to the latest version. There will be some bugs present that we will be ironing out in the coming days, so please bear with us.[/blurb]
  11. Gah... hate these forums sometimes. Can't parse a start at timestamp in a YouTube URL.
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  12. Should have named yourself BlueF4U
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  13. iLikeToSnipe nopes on out of there! He can';t be targeted today!
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  14. How do I get a job creating character names for Anime.
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  15. I went with information assurance. Doubt I'll ever actually use the specialized part of my degree, but at least most people think I'm smart and whenever something doesn't work or I'm wrong I can blame another vendor.
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  16. To be fair, that's more of an issue with CYOR than most other setups IMO. Getting killed off before you get to use a cool role you took time to design is less fun than getting killed off before using a role baked into the setup and randomly assigned to you. I think that's part of why D1 NoLynch is a part of our meta; we play a ton of CYOR.
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  17. But real talk, you shouldn't blindly vote anyone. You need to follow the discussion and form your opinion based on that. Critical thinking is required in these games. When you place a vote, you should always accompany it with a reason.
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  18. I think I didn’t do anything to Shade since he didn’t get a ticket. Just a heads up, so my guess is someone RB’d him while someone stabbed him. Still on pg 20, trying to catch up. Retal, I thought my character is very original... Side note: you think kurosensei would be proud of whoever killed him?
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  19. *DDoS the Action Server at Day Change*
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  20. If there's one positive from Corona I hope happens it's that we see a resurgence in the genre. I think it's already starting to happen. It goes in cycles, but we were about due for a resurgence.
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  22. To be frank, it could be, and it just doesn't work on my role.
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  23. Personally, I have been busy with university to attend to my tasks of PR and promotions but I do see regular activity in the Discord. Just because we're not seeing big games lately doesn't mean we will not see them again. It's a phase, and once we hype up APB again on the media across Reddit, Facebook, and elsewhere, we can get the server rolling again. I will say though that it does get stale after a time, but that's why we have the Discord so we can stay in contact with each other while we play different games for a change. Sometimes I'm feeling RTS over FPS but I'll keep an eye on that playercount and before I know it my Launcher is open.
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  24. I like this answer. The rest of you are fired.
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