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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. Impressive. Allow me to respond to these questions. There are plans for No-Fly zones to be placed inside buildings and tight tunnels so Jumpjets are not such a horrible thing. These were supposed to be implemented in the last release, but some script bugs made this impossible. The AR team is trying something related to this, so I may copy off them when some results come back. Same as above. Our basis for this was Renegade, and the "Drop Trooper" cutscene in TS, and also the Zone Trooper from C&C 3 (And post-TS counting Kane's Wrath) Main reason this was done is because no-one used the primary fire. Some tweaks to the secondary fire may be in line though, but need to have some statistics on things (Danpaul) before I can actually do something about it. I don't see why people think an "AA Rocket" is going to be good against tanks? I see your point though, but also note that the Elite Cadre is getting some rework in 2.x, which is already being worked on. [handwave]Remember that these are PULSE rifles and not BULLET rifles. Hence why the projectiles look like Glowsticks. Some actual bullets will probably be given to the Mutants at one point, when we get proper models. But this explains the HUGE capacities.[/handwave] We can fix this with some proper rigging and settings. I'll check those out later. I'll talk to a few people about this. I was going to take the third option and re-rig it so the railguns can actually rotate... Prepare for a surprise (a rework) for the Chameleon Spy in 2.x Light Vehicles it should already do some decent damage on. As for the rest, Remember that Nod has cheaper options for Anti-Air (Rocket Soldier, Recon Bike) compared to GDI (HMRLS, Officer) Hmm. You mean like this? This is a WIP Screenshot of a revised Crossroads. Still trying to do a lot of work, and the GDI base isn't even half-finished yet. But at least it is being worked on. ... IMO it depends on the map. Some maps seem to progress faster than others. We are looking at a few changes to both Umagon and the Toxin Trooper come 2.x. I think the changes will be interesting. More information in a blog later. Tiberian Sun honestly wasn't balanced at all, and the gameplay was horrible. We really shouldn't be basing the game directly off of that. It's more "based on a work by" and that sort of thing. Headshot multipliers were nerfed last patch though, which seemed to radically changed the gameplay. Have you felt this change?
  2. Actually if you live in GMT-5 (east-coast USA) it is actually 4 PM, due to Daylight Savings Time. If DST was not in effect, it would be 3 PM. And the reason why it is at this time? To benefit our European audience (of which there is a majority of) and somewhat our American Audience.
  3. Our maps are not designed for it though, and it would cause other issues. So many script zones might cause some huge issues.
  4. Some of you know that 2.x is coming soon-ish, and will bring a full re-balance and possibly some updates to the game mechanics. What I want to know is what some of you think of the gameplay of TSR. I want both positives and negatives, or even some neutral arguments on this topic. For example: Gameplay is too fast Gameplay is too slow Snipers are horrible Bullets feel weak etc 2.x will be using the features of 5.x, which removes many of the limits we previously had regarding game logic and assorted other things. So really just post your feelings on this game. I'll be keeping a good watch on this topic as well.
  5. To compliment the other thread regarding World of Tanks, let's talk about World of Warships. I am currently up to Tier IV, and have a Pheonix, a Langley, a Clemson, and a Wyoming. I honestly LOVE the Clemson, and have had a great streak of winning games in it two days ago. Not looking forward to the next few destroyers in the tier, as I heard they don't get good again until Tier VIII. The Wyoming is a decent ship, but it was nerfed. IT isn't that great anymore. The Langley is an aircraft carrier, which I have an interesting time in. It's a tier IV, so it isn't powerful at all, though it does have great fighters that can go up against ships two tiers above it, assuming you are smart and use the manual targetting ability well. The Pheonix is horrible. Less guns than the St. Louis, less armoured, and honestly not that great. It has torpedos that can ruin someone's day, but they are horrible and definitely not something you should be attacking with. My Clemson has more firepower than the Pheonix... So what about everyone else that plays? What ships do you have? And if you haven't played it yet, are you considering it? It has launched a bit ago, so now is a great time. And on October 19th, Russian Destroyers and German Cruisers will be introduced, which definitely sounds interesting.
  6. The Tog II is good at being bad! It's also great mince-meat for my Sky Cancer SPGs!
  7. On Topic: Representation of Einstein's Personality (Using Tanks from World of Tanks and their Statistics). Ego: TOG II* Fun Killing Abilities: KV-2 Actual Power: T1 Cunningham All of these tanks are.. actually good in World of Tanks. I recommend playing all of them at least once.
  8. You are mean. Seriously. I quit life. You can find me in an obituary tomorrow.
  9. Actually, it will be receiving significant changes. The exact changes I am not allowed to disclose yet, but they involve our graphics coders.
  10. What? That's news to me. 5.x relies on libraries and compilers provided by Visual Studio 2013. These items do not support XP, and to add support for XP, it would mean a sharp reduction in performance and feature loss. Remember that 3.x broke compatibility with 98, and 4.x broke compatibility with 2000, so this isn't the first time this has ever happened.
  11. I use both depending on my mood. I consider the derp gun a decent gun, but unreliable. The 76mm is reliable and can be counted on.
  12. I am Generalcamo, and I am part of the 495th Scarlet Devil Armoured Division. While my time recently has been split between Tanks and Warships (YES), I am currently focusing on my T21, getting through the American autoloaders. I earlier attempted to go through the American Medium Tanks, but didn't like my time there. I do still have an M4 Sherman with a Mastery Badge and a Mark of Excellence. I've also recently been climbing up the JApanese Heavies. Those are fun. I consider myself a mixed player. I can play absolutely horrible at games. But yet, my M7 (considered a very hard tank to master) I have both an Ace Mastery badge and a Mark of Excellence, so I do have that. I have also been steadily climbing in WN8, as currently I am at 431 (from 384 one month ago). I am working to improve myself as well.
  13. I am currently enrolled in a state college to get my 2-year AA degree. After I complete it, I will likely transfer into the University of Florida (One of the top universities in the nation, definitely the top public university) to complete my Computer Engineering degree, likely with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. As a hobby, I play with my school's Concert and R&B Band, playing Keyboard Percussion, Auxiliary Percussion, and now Drum Kit. While the band itself is not that great, the people in it grant me opportunities to go big if I desired. I currently do not have a job. I would honestly hate to go into the service industry as a retail worker-or worse-a technical support staff. Currently my extra financial aid pays for living expenses, but if I ever need more money, I will look for a job.
  14. Hey everyone. Welcome to the update. I'm a bit tired from working non-stop this week, so I will make this quick. Update has just been uploaded. We will be pushing it onto the launcher shortly, and will be updated the server when that happens. This is a smaller patch, but with a big change: Completely Redid Veterancy as Follows: Veteran 5% ROF/Reload buff Health/armor buff Elite 10% Damage buff Self-Healing Special Ability (If applicable) Note: Veterancy does not apply to pistols (except the Spy's pistol) Updated effects to newer versions by Fabian (Fixes a large amount of bugs with existing effects) Enforcer now immune to fall damage at elite, and health increased from 150/100 to 175/150. Anti-Vehicle infantry now carry a limited pistol. Veterancy Changes These veterancy changes are intended to make things more fair for both teams and remove a large amount of the gimmicky aspects that were either useless or overpowered. Ion Ammunition and Tiberium Ammunition have been cut entirely for most infantry, only the Mutant Hijacker and Toxin trooper have Tiberium Ammunition. These changes do need feedback, so we do hope to see your feedback on our forums. However, this definitely should remove any overpowered aspect of the veterancy system. Game Night We are hosting a game night this Sunday at 20:00 GMT (16:00 EDT for Americans out there) and you can be assured that the developers will definitely be there playing with our players. This does not just include the TSR Devs; we also have AR, ECW, and BfD developers incoming to play some TSR. Moonsense715 additionally pulled out all the stops for this one and even attracted some new members by notifying people about the game night on Facebook and even some posts around the C&C community. I hope to see many of you there, because it will probably be a blast. Game Update information and Changelog! Also: Game Night!
  15. Actually an interesting idea, but something that needs to be tested extensively. Not going into the patch. As for the enforcer, I do agree it does need more armor. Two changes for the unit: It is now immune to fall damage at elite rank He now has 175/150 health instead of 150/100 health, both to buff his armor and match other high tier units.
  16. Veterancy is getting a full redo in the next patch that should be released today. Don't worry about it affecting your maps, the changes in it will not cause problems. So you can continue with the maps.
  17. It automatically refills whenever you pour liquid inside of it. I wish I had an M4A3E8 Sherman
  18. You quickly realize it is free to download at cnc-comm, rush to install it, but RA2 is better. I wish I could graduate from college already.
  19. It's Harrison Ford as INDIANA JONES however, and he miraculously saves the day as he professionally flies the plane to NOT crash land at you! The Brazilian ninjas are now threatening to kill me if I do not tell them where my family lives. They will probably kill them too.
  20. This destroyer finds you as it is on a quest to hunt and sink the Tirpitz before it attempts anything else rash. However, I am now in Prison as I was kidnapped by Brazilian Ninjas and whisked into a secret base.
  21. It is unfortunate that Auschwitz is a museum now. No harm came to her at all. But the FBI notice that I was involved in teleporting these guys to our time, and now have snipers to shoot into my window at any time. Please help.
  22. The German Battleship Tirpitz has time traveled from WWII to save the drowning people! But now it threatens to bombard British Cities because it thinks the war is still going on!
  23. Turns out the Mattress was actually an EXPLOSIVE device, revealed when it EXPLODES right when AZ-Stalker hits it. Everyone hails you as a Hero for saving lives, and your boss gives you the rest of the day off, paid. But now the explosion caused a fire in the forest, and my house is near it....
  24. Apparently the goal is to accurately recreate the engine of RA, so it isn't going in its own direction.
  25. The lobby is designed to be a chat room for anyone who uses the launcher. This will allow players to see who is online, and perhaps even chat with them to organize games and whatnot.
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