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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. Aero isn't even IN Windows 8/10, so that shouldn't be causing any problems.
  2. If you want more accuracy, crouch while firing. This applies to most weapons IIRC.
  3. I find "software" rendering is best for newer systems.
  4. I see Jerad turned this into a tease. Well, if HE gets to tease, then I get to tease too!
  5. Our staff is very fluid here. We really don't have much of a roster in the sense you are talking about. A person could texture something for AR one day and model up a map for TSR the next. Really your best bet is to go into the members list and sort by "staff" in member types. That's a basic roster.
  6. Nope. It's all automated via achash.exe. As for whitelisting, it is all up to Triattack to whitelist them. It is his server, and he makes the rules.
  7. Welcome to the forums! I recognize you from all those years ago!
  8. Oh it gets better. Trust me. It gets MUCH better.
  9. Hey Raapnaap! Good to see you here! Hope you enjoy yourself here!
  10. Bit late I know. C&C Shockwave. Will probably leave this up for a while as I am working on the new version.
  11. Of course! That is what the community projects forum is for afterall! Post all your mods and whatnot!
  12. Correct. Scripts 5.x does not support Windows XP. You can't run APB even if you tried.
  13. ...it's been that way for years. Since literally .993x.
  14. Along with Giant Ants, inflatable Rafts, Sea Mines, Tech Levels, Tech Centers, and a lot of other things. Most of it for the better.
  15. #AHypeBeyond It's about time. Let's hope for a full server!
  16. No-one. I think he just had too many drinks. Maybe too much TSR as well.
  17. Slightly unrelated news: The APB Forum Theme has been added. Enjoy!
  18. A monumental day for the w3d community. I am glad to see this is finally public.
  19. Hmm, too bad I am away from my computer for a while. All I have is this laptop, and it probably cannot handle this.
  20. Believe me I've argued that point constantly, I keep being told we're not advertising until after the "next patch". We've had about 20 patches since then, but it's still waiting for the mythical "next patch". *shrug* I'm not sure what is going on now or before I worked on TSR, but while I was working on TSR, I told everyone that it was to wait until 2.x. I'm not sure if that is still the case though.
  21. If you have C&C Generals: Zero Hour, I highly recommend Shockwave. Seriously, get it. Rise of the Reds too if you like RA2 and RA gameplay, since it takes a lot of influence from those games.
  22. The game nights are traditionally organized by moonsense, as he is the one who spends time and cash to advertise them throughout the C&C community and beyond. You will need to talk to him.
  23. INB4 the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that.......
  24. Just a note to the people who seem to keep messaging me: I am no longer working on Reborn, as I am now working on BfD. Anything I said is also null and void from this point on.
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