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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. You are not ADHD. You are Isaac The Madd, a FAR worse problem to have. I wish I chose a better nickname for myself.
  2. You misunderstand me. I meant that it fired slower than the Nod Rifle Infantry, not the GDI officer. EDIT: Who added these auto-acronyms? They are REALLY annoying.
  3. Alright, I took Danpaul's values through a bit of testing. I believe the reason the Elite Cadre was changed was because it fired slower than the Nod Rifle infantry. However, in correcting this, the stats were not taken through a calculator. This also doesn't explain the officer nerfed. Anyway, the Officer and Eltie Cadre guns use Danpaul's stats now. I changed the ROF of the Elite Cadre's Carbine to match Nod's Light Infantry, but I kept the same DPS values using some math skills. The Elite Cadre's Grenades will also be looked at.
  4. Alright, took a look at the stats on this thing.. and they do not look good: GDI Officer: Damage: 6.5 ROF: 14 6.5 x 14 = 91 DPS Range: 75 Spray Angle: 1.1 Elite Cadre: Damage: 9 ROF: 11.5 9 x 11.5 = 103.5 DPS Range: 75 Spray Angle: 0.35 Summary: Not only does the Elite Cadre do more damage, but it also has superior accuracy, which means more bullets will hit. The officer has absolutely nothing going for it-not even range-except for clip size, which doesn't matter when you are dead. In addition, the Elite Cadre serves an anti-vehicle role which it really shouldn't since they have a Rocket Soldier, which makes it far superior to the Officer, which only serves an anti-air role (useless in most maps). NOTE: I apologize for the slight condescending tone of the original post here, I've had a very bad few weeks.
  5. I have no idea how the officers were supposed to be balanced.. but it clearly isn't working. I don't plan on removing the AA Rocket Launcher due to a severe lack of any AA units in GDI, but the rest of the stuff.. needs to be looked at. My focus is on getting this thing released, but due to a severe issue with TSR that might delay from my planned release (which will be a REALLY FUN [/sarcasm] thing to fix), I might take some time to look at advanced infantry balance.
  6. Probably yes. We have some logic on the pipeline for that. Also, please let the developers answer any questions....
  7. Hmm, let's see: Scripts Team hasn't finished critical features Scripts Team has not cleared release of 5.x builds to public All the reasons OWA mentioned.
  8. They are using assets from an old mod that Havoc89 used to work on for Battlefield: Vietnam. Actually, we have these assets too, but we are unlikely to use very many of them.
  9. It's an outdated protocol for internet chat using a relay that is still used for some reason.
  10. THAT ISN'T A HAT! THAT'S A BELT! (/nitpicker)
  11. You have a bottomless can of Pringles. Too bad no crisps are in it. I wish I had a bottomless bag of Cape Cod potato crisps with an infinite amount of chips.
  12. Any idea when ECW settings will be available?
  13. It is much easier, but the only thing that can be made are clones of minecraft. I wish that would not happen.
  14. I can assure you that the new version fixes most (actually probably all) of your complaints about the current version. The problem is actually getting it out, since I have had severe insomnia the past few weeks, and when I could work on it, I spent that time attempting to sleep.
  15. It works on Scorpions. Deadly spiders and Mosquitoes however are attracted to it. I wish I could shape-shift.
  16. Details to be revealed soon. Probably around the release of the next update.
  17. It suddenly becomes good. By lowering the quality of everything else besides it. I wish I would not wish.
  18. Granted. Unfortunately, the same wish also teleported you into the vacuum of space. Have fun playing with the controls that do nothing for a whole minute before succumbing to asphyxia. I wish space would behave like an ocean.
  19. Your best bet for the Obi is to implement Danpaul's capture building scripts. I'm not exactly sure how to set them up however: You need to ask Danpaul.
  20. Unrelated, but I was informed there WAS actually a Star Trek christmas special. And yes, it was very bad (so bad it never aired).
  21. You are watching the extremely rare never before seen "Star Trek Christmas Special" which makes the Star Wars christmas special look like a runaway hit with 20 oscars. I wish I would wish.
  22. Granted. You play a horrible Chinese port of Arkham Knight on the NES. I wish world peace would be achieved.
  23. You know, we have a bug tracker for a reason. Please use it instead of bumping an old update with irrelevant information.
  24. Textures? Why not use the textures located in Always.dat?
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