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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. To those that were wondering: Previously you used the Ion_Storm daves arrow, then had to modify the values in JFW_Ion_Weather to fit your map. Now however, it stores the values in JFW_Ion_Weather_2 so you have no need to edit it.
  2. RA3 is actually less campy then Yuri's Revenge. That was... poorly done. Fun though.
  3. This is COMPLETELY SERIOUS guys. We had a big talk about it yesterday in our staff channel. We did not get the entire thing sorted as half of us were drunk (most of the rest were high), but we believe that this will be the best game ever to come out to PC.
  4. We noticed that. The patch will also give them two rockets (still only one net though), and fix their ability to heal in tiberium.
  5. It's not a waypath. It is using DP88's super AI scripts... which ignore waypaths.
  6. Once we realized that the juggernauts were BLOCKING the MKII, we realized a lot of things (also it was funny). The same day Wallywood's Juggernaut was outrun by an MKII.. hence why they got a 25% speed increase.
  7. TSR buildings are a mess though. Not a great example.
  8. We've decided to reduce the rate of fire for the juggernaut, both to fix this problem and the fact that currently GDI can barrage Nod endlessly.
  9. That's exactly what you must do.
  10. Are you going to add Ion Storms? They are quite easy to add now. I can tell you how to add them if you need help.
  11. They are not buildings. They are simple objects. Check under there.
  12. It's all taken care of now though. Really sorry about the mess. Hope the implemented ion storms are enough to ask for forgiveness.
  13. I have horrible news! The patch is fixed, so now all of you can take time out of your lives to play this patch, and you can't enjoy the nice bugs that were in there. because they are gone now.
  14. Alright, we've figured out what is wrong. A scripts build that was released (we aren't sure which, and at this point, I don't care) set all the vehicles to type "turret". What this does is tell the netcode to treat them like turrets, which usually do not move, so vehicles when they moved became desynced as the netcode is not designed to handle moving turrets. This was an easy fix however, and all vehicles are once again set to their respective (correct!) types. It's going to take a bit to release a new version however, so I've gone ahead and added a few bonus things. Ion Storms will come back, using brand new scripts that make them easy to place in maps, so for example Timeaua's maps could implement them when the patch is ready and it would take him about 2 seconds to implement, compared to previously where a lot of hacky stuff had to be done. They will only affect Radar for now however pending a lengthy discussion on how they fit into the game. So basically they are purely cosmetic until that time.
  15. Oh I have great news! Turns out something REALLY bad happened. We are forced to "update" to the previous version! Everything you see in this update is now gone because of something we have no idea how to fix. We are working to try and get them back as soon as possible of course, but I still feel really bad for everyone expecting all of this stuff.
  16. Juggernauts have been temporarily removed because of netcode problems, and our need to backport the scripts to a version where Juggernauts do not work. We are working to bring them back in as soon as possible though. April Fools I guess.
  17. https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=414510 Follow this tutorial, then simply texture the tread normally.
  18. Not sure where you got that from. The majority of AR's building models are high quality. ..I realize I did not mean to say structures. I meant something else. But I forgot exactly what.
  19. The thing with w3d: It does not use your GPU smartly. Nearly everything in Renegade is done on the CPU... on a single thread (I think a second thread is used for texture rendering, but don't quote me on that). This essentially is a dual-pronged fork. If you have a great GPU but a bad CPU, UDK/UE4 will run better than w3d. If you have a bad GPU though, then don't count on it.
  20. Oh wow. Perhaps you could post your work one time? Anyway, back to specs. My GPU can handle UDK, but not my CPU. Right now I have a rather low-end CPU (this one specifically: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116775.)I am highly considering an AMD, as they have some interesting technologies that seem to work better on 3d modeling programs (and UDK). Going to take me a bit to actually afford one though.
  21. You really do not need a soundcard these days if you get a half-decent motherboard, since most integrated sound cards are pretty good (unless you have a really big and/or complicated sound system, what do you have exactly?). You probably should have used that money for a better GPU.
  22. The main problem is that the majority of the art assets are not up to par with UDK. At the moment, Tiberium is really the only mod that would recieve no harm from a move. AR is a close second, but structures would need to be redone. TSR would need a redo of all art assets as they are outdated.
  23. To both of your questions: Not in 4.x or below. 5.x will support it, but that is not public yet. Details will not be revealed for this reason.
  24. Hey everyone. I know of several people here who are fans of C&C Shockwave. I just wanted to spread the word that not only is there an update coming for C&C Shockwave, but I am also a developer of it! Read more about it on the official thread here: http://forums.swr-productions.com/index.php?showtopic=8020&view=findpost&p=103069
  25. You know what would be cool? What if both teams got a sensor array, and it pointed out all units, not just stealth and underground units? That way, sneaking is also detected.
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