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harvester last won the day on November 16 2015

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  1. Wouldn't changing the "That's a real threat" to "That's real, disarm it!" make the command being used less? Since it is not general to be used on more situations. It's the closest thing to "enemy spotted!" when I need to relay enemy presence quickly. And wouldn't changing the MRJ price makes it used less if the enemy still has a War factory, it feels like denying vehicle airdrops is its primary role now but I like the idea of players forcing themselves hunting a hidden MRJ to get out of a handicapped situation. Besides that, other changes are great.
  2. In TS, the function of that unit is to infiltrate buildings (and trigger what happens next in the mission), not a stealth assassin. So, a special ability upon entering buildings doesn't bother me. Also, keep the usual stuffs stealth soldier always do in Renegade like stealing unattended vehicles, spying and giving info to teammates, crate whoring...
  3. Yaks? That thing did appear on the very first soviet mission and the second one (where the map Guard_Duty is based on).
  4. What's a numpad animation again?
  5. Teamwork? In an online multiplayer game? Unbelievable!
  6. The soviets are meant to be powerful at long games, that's their strength. All these changes would make Allies unnecessarily powerful and frustrating on short/small games.
  7. Right. Except he needs to yell "I'M OVER HERE!!!" loud enough the entire map could trace him everytime he throws a grenade.
  8. Or we could make his frag grenades a weaker version of flamethrower (like before Delta) and give him some non-combat support (He is the counterpart of Medic in RA1.) like smoke and stun grenades or area of denial weapon, the molotov cocktail! I know the smoke idea has been brought up but if we could make them very limited, I don't think it's gonna cause too much team-hampering. Renegade X has more trollers there but smoke is never a problem. Just giving some suggestions.
  9. This is exactly why the CY doesn't need a change in repair rate. People will need some effort to use the repair classes instead of letting the CY taking away the important role of the game: repairing. This makes attacks from the enemy more rewarding since it delays you into repair duty or spend a bit of credits if there are no repairmen around. The Construction Yard is merely to slow down disorganized attacks or other small rushes from killing a building. If you are a Volkov, usually players with cheaper classes will voluntarily be the engineer. If the team is full of Volkovs, then they should realize that character variety is important.
  10. I prefer rushing with the riflemen. Would be nice to see a gang of angry regular guys led by 1 kapitan wrecking havoc.
  11. I've been thinking these 2 underused units need a buff too but for it's intended role. I don't want the medic to be an upgraded rifle soldier again or the APC side ability to overcharge people, I want their healing and transport abilities to get more attention and usefulness. How about instead of buffing the medic and APC transport abilities, why not nerf self-regeneration and sprinting. If you can't change something to be better, change everything else to be worse. Yeah! I think horns should be given to everything. HELL YEAH!
  12. Harvesters, they're very important. For combat unit, I can't decide yet. Each C&C game have my own favorite unit that I can't decide.
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