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Kicken last won the day on July 4 2020

Kicken had the most liked content!


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About Kicken

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  1. That is realistic to Red Alert, however. The cruiser's graphics were much smaller in scale than the gunboat, despite it having to be a much larger ship realistically.
  2. If anyone has any comments on the new HUD, I more than welcome the feedback! I plan on improving it further.
  3. Do you enjoy any games yourself? If so, or despite that, have any other game soundtracks caught your ears?
  4. Just piggybacking on Raap's work and with his collaboration...
  5. Kicken


    It's not that people aren't oldbies. It's just that some people predate the dinosaurs.
  6. Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, a company isn't inclined to tell you *why* you don't qualify for a job, why they choose someone else, or what you could do to improve.
  7. Kicken


    Likewise, wasup ^^ http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2905 How things change eh. Good to see you here Kicken. A few of the other oldbies are still around here including Lord_Kane. Kushan sometimes pops his head in as well. I'll find you something to have a go at soon. I've got em on my Facebook. And yes... yes you shall.
  8. Kicken


    Likewise, wasup ^^ http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2905
  9. Kicken


    I think he's more interested in painting/texturing, as from what One Winged Angel told me. Is that right? Yessir
  10. Kicken


    Fair enough. I suppose there is some old, useless legacy to be had. I came around here cause I was bored, looking for stuff to do in my spare time. That's fun, right?
  11. Kicken


    Colored text is fine....
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