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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. It's not an intended realism/unrealism change or anything, it's a consequence of how permeable mesh logic works in the engine. If the launchers are below sea level it sees the water as a "wall" and thus missiles try to seek into the wall, but can't hit it since it's not solid so the missiles loop around constantly trying to hit it until they explode. Anyone who was around in Beta or Reborn may remember similar things with bushes, except due to their awkward shape they'd make it hard to fire any weapon through them and not just tracking ones, plus surfacing fully is not quite as difficult as making sure that there's no bushes between you and your target.
  2. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update General Script zone checks are now only run server-side, this will improve client performance. Reduced particle count, size and lifetime of a wide array of particle effects in the game (mostly explosions, smoke and fire). Again this will improve performance. Fixed exhaust sound for normal rockets being louder than even V2/Arty projectiles (now only audible from up to 50m away instead of 200m) A little experiment to switch up sub searching. Water is now 95% opaque instead of 99%, but it blocks target acquisition - you can't get a target box on something on the other side of a water surface, just like in Beta. So subs are a fair bit easier to spot by eye close up (though not so much from a distance since the bubble emitter is gone), but you can't just detect one by flailing your mouse until a target box shows up anymore. This also has the neat little effect that bullets/rockets going through water will actually splash at the water surface now instead of the floor. However, it also causes tracking weapons to randomly go berserk when trying to track through water, but that's really only an issue for Longbows hitting submerged subs - phases are almost never close enough to submerged subs to hit them, and dest rockets don't damage them anyway. To compensate for this inconvenience, Longbow damage to submerged subs has doubled. The water opacity and permeability settings aren't on the non-naval maps yet until it tests well and even then only when I have more pressing reasons to update every other map (probably at the same time as whatever ends being done about rooftop access - don't worry, it's not getting removed, you've made your point ) On the flip side, water is now completely opaque from below due to a bunch of awkward overlaps with particle effects/windows. Subs should still have a fairly easy time seeing boats from below though due to the water wakes and the submerged hull (which subs CAN get targeting on). Vehicles Supply Truck Max speed up (~13.5 -> ~15.3m/s), a ~14% increase Can't dodge FTs/Turrets anymore. LST Price down (700 -> 500) Health down (450 -> 400) Reworked physics a bit, should be less vulnerable to getting stuck on beaches. Submarines Attack Sub torpedo's trail spawns particles at a faster rate, so it's easier to determine how to lead but also easier for Allies to notice you when you're firing. Removed rotor bubbles, so submerged subs are harder for Allies to spot at a distance. Reduced physical collision radius. Due to the water permeability change, Missile Sub's missiles now fire straight and it now needs to bring its launchers above sea level before firing, or else the missiles will spaz out. Yak Made physical collision box more lenient (used to be 66% as wide as its wings, now it's only 33%, or about as far as the landing gear). In addition to making it harder to clip trees/other Yaks and less obnoxious for infantry getting in, 2 Yaks can now be landed at the Airfield without creating a Mexican standoff where neither of them can build up speed for takeoff without crashing into the other one. Now floats downwards 1m while putting away its landing gear, so that the plane's in-flight position reflects its physical collision box more accurately (since moving THAT instead during the animation would cause issues). In addition to making it easier to tell how close you are to the ground, this also puts its gun 1m closer to the ground compared to its collision box, making it slightly easier to hit things without crashing into cover. Made speed thresholds for stall/damage more lenient again (20m stall/25m damage -> 15m stall/20m damage) Now has a heli-esque fuselage pitch effect when flying, and the inherent pitching from the flying animation is reduced to compensate. This makes it harder to attack things that are at ground level if you deliberately stop accelerating, ensuring that the more lenient stall speed is not too abusable for combat - it's there to make communication easier and make it harder to crash accidentally. Deceleration when not holding W is slower thanks to reduced mass (however mass can't be reduced much further than it already is without glitches) This mass reduction has also effectively improved its acceleration again, however its max speed is now lower to compensate (~49m/s -> ~45m/s) Horizontal aiming cone increased (40 -> 60 degrees) Splash damage (anti-infantry) up (9 -> 10) Splash radius up (10 -> 12) Direct hit damage multiplier to infantry down (1 -> 0.5), a 50% decrease Damage multiplier to Mammoth armour back down (0.4 -> 0.3), a 25% decrease Range down (130 -> 115m) Shots now use the same terrain effects as dragonsbreath, so they will not kick up enough dirt/sparks to hinder performance. Health down (400 -> 300) Now has a unique armour class that takes reduced damage from various sources: Redeye/AA Guns (1x -> 0.5x) LAW (1x -> 0.75x) APCs (0.875x -> 0.625x) Rangers/Captains (0.5x -> 0.4x) Artillery/V2 (1.2x -> 0.8x) With the health reduction, this means Yaks are killed by Redeyes/AAs 33% slower, APCs 5% slower and Artilleries 11% slower, but 6% faster by Rangers/Captains and 33% faster by almost everything else (Rifle/Sergeant/Grenadier/LT) as the problem before was that Yaks were completely useless if Redeyes were on the field, but completely unstoppable if they weren't. TL;DR Yak is now much easier to use (both control-wise and hurting infantry reliably) but has less raw power in fringe cases, and is less hard-countered but more soft-countered. Buildings Airfield Added a small invisible ramp on each end of the landing strip, which will cause Yaks to automatically pull up slightly at the end, making it more clear when you should start manually ascending. Maps RA_GuardDuty Removed the tree cluster directly in front of the Airfield to give scrambling Yaks more time to ascend. Allied infantry bots no longer randomly commit suicide while on the move (they kept trying to path to the Airfield MCT and failing). However they won't try to infiltrate the Airfield anymore. The riverside hills are reshaped to be less accessible, harder for enemy infantry to retreat from, and force artillery/V2 to expose themselves more when attacking from them. RA_Under Fixed Attack Sub being stuck in its spawn point. More tweaks to naval, as well as the long-awaited rerelease of Hostile Waters, are coming soon![blurb]Performance improvements and experimental Yak/naval tweaks abounds in this new APB update![/blurb]
  3. I guess you missed the latest APB update that brings the prices of naval units way down (gunboats/dests are now their RA prices of 500/1000, attack subs priced at 550, and missile subs at the RA attack sub price of 950). Money pool won't actually be that large as a result, and what this means is that it'll be pretty costly to amass air units or to sprinkle rocket soldiers around the icebergs but deploying combat boats will still be cheap.
  4. As someone who started playing after elevators stopped existing in the WF, I wouldn't know about that, but I know getting onto the elevator in the Refinery without the game saying "oh actually you're 1m off the elevator but you'll have to correct that yourself" was a pain. And I know in the new Ref staircase people occasionally lag into the railing on their way up, and that's a wider and more sheltered staircase than I imagine the fire escapes would be. It might also be worth getting some input from anyone who played TS_Isles on Reborn after it got a bunch of scaffolding square ramp spirals added to allow Nod units to access their own cliffs. Which, I might add, didn't have any guard rails.
  5. I said it in discord in response to Sarah's ramp suggestion and forgot to bring it here - squaredancing your way up/down a fire escape would be hell for anyone with non-euro ping, and possibly still so for some people in that area. Unless it's large enough that would be less of a problem but then that comes with aesthetic issues. Back when I was adding the Soviet cliff ladder on RidgeWar, I originally intended for it to be a spiral/square ramp/staircase but cut it in favour of a ladder because of both these issues. Straight ramps or staircases (with enough room to strafe side to side) might possibly work for the WF due to its width/length compared to its height, but a fire escape that you constantly have to change direction on... not so much.
  6. That'd need at least a 50% reduction in damage though. Flares do 1000 damage and buildings have 500 health. And if a flare placed directly on top of a building doesn't even kill it... that just encourages double flares even harder because if a flare doesn't kill a building but kills infantry even harder, that's a ton of enemies respawning at once which makes it incredibly likely that an engineer or two will pop up right next to the MCT of the building you just weakened and fix it up before you can infiltrate. (But at least means disarming one of the 2 double flares actually matters.) And with low enough damage to not kill a building it's planted on, let's be real, it's not going to noticeably hurt any of the other buildings further away. Oh, and it'd make ground-level flares even worse - forcing roof flares. A building 33% of the way away from the flare's splash centre, is going to take 33% less damage. Which isn't an issue when that 33% less is still more than the building's max health. It might be better if I jack up the damage but turn down the blast radius so it can't kill as many buildings at once - the thing with double flares currently, which your idea would also solve, is it doesn't matter if you disarm one but not the other, the other will take out half your base anyway.
  7. If roof access stays, an alternative to this would be removing binoculars from Captains and giving them back to Tanya/Volkov, but then that opens back up the can of worms of accidentally selecting the binocs when you wanted to select something else, since Tanya/Volkov have 2 things to switch between depending on the situation and the Captain doesn't... Or maybe a much weaker zoom on the binocs so the sniper is better at scouting than the captain (but still has binocs for marking purposes)
  8. Anyway @Killing_YouI'd like to see those concepts. SarahNautili brought up the idea of ramps fort certain roofs as well, which I personally think would only work for the WF due to its width compared to its height and not having any immediately obvious outlets for roof doors. Besides maybe a door at the back of the second floor which then ramps/staircases up to the roof from there?
  9. It'd certainly be harder to camp than the perpetual loop of climb ladder halfway, receive an all-you-can-eat buffet of colt/kovshotty headshots from above that you can't dodge due to the engine's quirkly ladder mechanics, rinse and repeat and ragequit.
  10. ChopBam said pretty much the same thing when I hinted at this in staff chat and the problem there is you can't team lock ladders. So it'd have to be team locked doors - which, fair enough, and we can even make a different lock for those which spies can't access. The Refinery used to have an internal rooftop access in Delta's prerelease so it wouldn't be too difficult to re-add that, and an internal elevator to the roof could probably be made for the Power Plant. The problem would be doing this for the War Factory and Construction Yard which don't really have anywhere where one can place a roof door without divulging too much from the building's RA appearance. However, having the rooftops only accessible to their own team instead of both teams or neither team, presents a different problem. Defender's advantage becomes even more robust than it already is. If a bunch of rocket soldiers are camping the roof of a dead building and you can't climb it with a shotgunner or something to force them to flee or die, that area of the map is just entirely off-limits to vehicles unless you have enough V2s/Arties behind your assault to catch them off guard.
  11. I'm feeling more and more that the building ladders aren't really that beneficial for gameplay. While they do make a good defensive position for infantry against tanks in the middle of your base, the thing is, normally people only use their own rooftops for defense when they're losing badly enough that they can't make a comeback, so it just draws out the game. Or because they're snipers - a unit that could probably stand to be a little better in general and not need to rely on high ground so much. Or the Sub Pen which I'll discuss a little more later. They make scouting on the smaller maps like Guard Duty/River Raid even easier than it needs to be. A captain/sniper can just stand on their own WF/Ref roof and scope straight to the enemy base while ignoring all the rock/prop/foliage cover that people on ground can't see around, and bam, all rushes instantly visible without even exposing your neck. Mostly though they are a haven for killwhores, make units like Volkov/Tanya difficult to balance for their intended purpose, and either make a-bomb flares guarded by a grand total of one person require half a team to stop, or lull newbies into a false sense of security where they think they can fend off half a team from up there like the pros can or that nobody will ever notice a flare up here!!! but just end up feeding the enemy flare disarm points on a silver platter. It's why NBNW got convenient boxes placed around its Refinery ladders - to minimise the places where you could put an OP flare. (And looking at similar blockades on the new Hostile Waters, I think Raap sees the ladders as a liability too.) As far as I can tell, the only reason Chronojam really wanted ladders back when he was in charge, was to solve the problem of people losing helis over enemy rooftops and walking around on them wrecking everything while nigh-invincible - which was against the rules back when ladders didn't exist. And there's another solution that works without forcing rooftop engagements: coating the rooftop in a mesh that damages infantry. The Radar Dome already has this (though it didn't back under the CJ plan...) since the shape of its roof doesn't exactly make it plausible to add an access ladder. It'd be easy to do the same for every other building. The only thing I can really see being problematic if building ladders are removed, is that it'd give RPGs a lot less room to defend the Sub Pen from gunboats and no room against destroyers - not being able to put infantry in front of the Sub Pen or Advanced Sub Pen means their rooftops get used for defense far, far more frequently than other buildings. So some solution would have to be found for that. Maybe some sort of internal staircase with a team-locked door that leads to the roof like on the Airfield? Or just leave it as the only building with ladders? Since the Sub Pen is out of range of most of the rest of the base, has 4 rooftop access points, and leaves enemies on it cornered since the pen is mostly surrounded by water, it's not a very appealing rooftop for Allies to hang out on anyway. Anyway. discuss. Maybe there's something I'm missing
  12. Glad we got Lunar working this time! Sadly I was enjoying it too much to get screenshots, hope someone else did. Because when you lose your navy and the enemy is down to their bar, it's pretty hard to close the game. Knew there was a reason these guys still existed on PacThreat Way to pretty much warn them about this in advance gary Insert the typical "u mad" GG silver
  13. Good games everyone! Hope to have more of that quality tomorrow
  14. is to amend some lingering issues with Lunar Paradox caused by updates to the main game: Fixed rifle soldiers missing their limited LAW/RPG. Toned down jumpiness of the Pimpin' Ranger, Brain Jammer and Tesla Glober to make them slightly more drivable without flipping over. However the Brain Jammer/Tesla Glober are about 25% slower as a result. Fixed Brain Jammer/Tesla Glober exit zones being too low. Updated Brain Jammer's custom model with the same flippiness fix that the MRJ/TT have. Sniper Soakers now use the snow camo since it's a little more appropriate for the map. Updated PT icons for Sniper Soaker and VTOL Yak to the new ones. And to amend the map's balance a little, since it may come into play on the game night: Rifle soldiers no longer have pistols, as they don't really need them and this removal causes the limited LAW/RPG to be displayed on the back, making their existence more obvious. Uber Captain's accuracy penalty while walking/jogging is harsher (+3 spread instead of +2) Toned down regeneration on bosses (infantry bosses 10 -> 5, tank bosses 30 -> 20) Increased damage radius of Anti-Medic and V2 Rocket (25m -> 30m) Brain Jammer/Tesla Glober health up (250 -> 300) since making them easy to drive without flipping involved making them slower Toned down range of flagship boats (Flying Dutchman 200m -> 180m, Dreadnaut 180m -> 170m) Toned down health of flagship boats (999 -> 900) Sniper Soaker damage increased (6 -> 6.75)
  15. It's not age of empires unless it takes 40 of those throwing spears to kill someone
  16. Okay but they used depth charges in RA. Besides, the renderer has a very hard time processing 30 explosions happening at roughly the same time (which is why the Lunar Paradox rapid-fire explosive weapons have a severely tanked ROF compared to the pre-Gamma LOLmap back when explosions were the bland Renegade ones), the only reason the Destroyer is able to have a weapon that fires 2 shots before reloading and a weapon that fires 1 shot before reloading is because one of those only fires one shot instead of 30 and thus doesn't need a "real" reload, and I've already heard enough complaints about gunboat depth charges OP, destroyers aren't meant to be better or even equal at the job hence having charges with far inferior range.
  17. We already tried "press Q to switch to depth charge rack" (for gunboat) and it wasn't well received. Doubt this will be either.
  18. Fair enough then, just felt it didn't pass the bar for realism since they're still not being fired from K-guns.
  19. Minipatch fixes Guard Duty's Allied ore truck getting stuck on the way out of the WF.
  20. Minipatch just delivers the appropriate client scripts build to match the new server-side one, I forgot to include this before, now the MCT defender bot change will actually work offline and this'll prevent any other issues being caused by scripts discrepancy.
  21. Pathfind blockers. In addition to the screenshot Totd posted on discord, the bots had a very bad habit of using the crates to jump down to the ground floor safely instead of using the stairs, which wouldn't be so bad if after doing so they didn't immediately turn around and try to path back into the crates for eternity (they're not even on the pathfind grid so why would they do this). So the edge of the second floor ledge had to be lined in those too.
  22. minipatch, to fix a couple of small issues and to deploy an experiment to encourage naval play. INFANTRY Grenadier Allied ones are now weaker than Soviet (direct damage 50 -> 45, splash damage 37.5 -> 30) VEHICLES Tesla Tank/MRJ/Ranger More physics adjustments to prevent them from flipping so easily on slopes. Gunboat Price down (750 -> 500) Cannon range down (110 -> 105m) Attack Sub Price down (950 -> 550) Range down (115 -> 110m) Destroyer Price down (1500 -> 1000) Range down (175 -> 160m) Splash damage up (30 -> 37.5) Splash cover penetration up (25% -> 33%) Removed the "airburst" secondary fire since it barely helped for the role it was supposed to fill. Now has access to depth charges as a secondary again, though their range is severely limited compared to the Gunboat's (about 40m vs subs that are barely below surface, and not much further against very deep subs). Due to the Destroyer's speed submerged subs should easily be able to avoid this unless they get cornered. Like the Gunboat they are fired from the missile turret since all attempts at "realistic" depth charge launching never worked out in the past. Turret can now be tilted up/down 15 degrees for depth charging purposes. Missile Sub Price down (1650 -> 950) Range down (175 -> 160m) Splash damage up (22.5 -> 25) Splash cover penetration up (25% -> 33%) Removed the "airburst" secondary fire since it barely helped for the role it was supposed to fill. BUILDINGS Submarine Pen Extended collision underwater so subs don't poke through the piers. BOTS Bots assigned to MCT defense now buy appropriate infantry for the job (20% Sergeant, 30% Medic/Flamethrower, 50% Tanya/Volkov) even if the map normally forbids bots from taking these shorter-range infantry to open fields. No more MCT rocket soldiers! Bot pathfinding around the upper floor of the War Factory should be less derpy (particularly on Metro) MAPS RA_GuardDuty Bots can now be enabled. RA_NorthByNorthwest Lowered War Factory spawn points, Rangers should not get stuck anymore. RA_StormyValley Fixed server crash on startup. Also fixed some stuff that was holding up Raap's Hostile Waters work.
  23. For the temp rocket emplacements missing settings: Click the SpawnDefinitionIDList, find out what presets the spawner is pointing to, and then find and edit those presets instead of the spawner. Spawners only spawn other objects, you can't edit those objects' settings from the spawner dialog. (Don't mind that these are APB settings, I couldn't be bothered to get the ren LE for this ) For pickups that increase health instead of restoring: Under the settings for Powerups, check out GrantHealthMax and GrantShieldStrengthMax, and the associated "tick this for percentages" boxes. If those boxes are unticked, the powerup will increase the user's max health or shield by exactly the number you put in the Max box, but if they are ticked, it'll increase max health/shield based on a percentage of the max health of the user's character class (where 1.00 = +100% max health). So in this example screenshot, this pickup with 0.1 in both GrantMax and the percentage options ticked, increases the user's maximum health and shield by 10% (and also full heals due to the 999, if you don't want that just set those to 0), which would give +5 max health/shield if you're using a character with a fresh max health/shield of 50, and +100 max health/shield to a character with a fresh max health/shield of 1000.
  24. A few patches ago we added the feature where destroying the power plant (and i think disabling it as a spy?) now causes main buildings to take 10% more damage from all damage sources except repair tools/golden wrench, which is an evolution of the "low power damage" TD/RA mechanic but doesn't force people to constantly repair a base that isn't under attack.
  25. commenting again to put this over the closed duplicate.
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