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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. That can be arranged. Also reminder to all parties to send me your poke-party. If you need help I can offer suggestions, as can the other players probably, but you don't necessarily want to tip them off eh.
  2. I can see it kind of as some objective based map, where the Soviets have to destroy a captured airfield before the allies have a chance to analyze the designs or something.
  3. Updated the battle section slightly, forgot about direct challenges. Also added what the standard actions are.
  4. Edited in the battle rules, and how we'll be flexible about battling. I know some people expressed dislike at those methods, but with this being a busy time of year we might just have to resort to them.
  5. I also have something like this on a shirt. Sometimes I wear it when I have an appointment at the hospital.
  6. I never actually beat Dead Island 1, believe it or not. It was fun, at first, but after awhile I just kinda got bored with that one for some reason. Though it did produce the hilarious moment of me running to a car trying to drive away from a horde, only to get into the passenger side because PNG drives on the left apparently. I'm sure that threw off a lot of players.
  7. The game in question is Project Zomboid. It's a game still under development. In the past 2 years since I played it's gotten quite a bit better, and the map has expanded to be about 225% of the size it used to be. That's reignited my love of zombies, and I've been playing some L4D out of nostalgia as well. Also there's Football Manager, which I'll never not be obsessed with. So that makes a grand total of 8 games on my radar at present time, which is really entirely too much, especially with other life concerns, heh.
  8. I have a grand total of 5 things you could classify as new video games from Christmas, some of which I've not even installed yet, and I have the capital to buy more (though I probably won't), and I'm also suddenly obsessed with some older games too.
  9. To be fair Nodlied's game seemed like it was *supposed* to work that way.... we just eventually got fed up and decided to go Committee of Public Safety on all the other factions
  10. I could revise the game. However, that would create a lot of uncertainty so I can't really comment. I'll look into the possibility. That said, I've been being lazy and haven't worked it up/posted it, but I'm planning on letting the actual fighting be a lot more "hands off", which would take pressure off the players when it comes to battling. Things like designating a proxy, flexible duel times, extended nights, etc. But like I said, I haven't hammered out the details because I've been being lazy (and got a ton of video games for Christmas), but I assure you I'm doing my best to remove a lot of the pain of battling.
  11. This makes 6. The game is for 10-11 players. I can theoretically run it with 9, so we need at least 3 more.
  12. I've been craving APB lately but haven't been able to make the time. I've still not flown a Mig yet I'll definitely try to make this one.
  13. I feel that W3D games (and renegade) have their own niche, and that niche should be catered to rather than making mechanics like most other games. While it's true that sticking too close to the roots can be a bad thing, not honoring them is likewise a bad move IMO. That means by default I'm skeptical of changes, but I'll also acknowledge there's probably room for improvement. On the specific items on the table: Aim down sights - fine, as long as it doesn't remove secondary fires. Right click is kind of the "king" for both those functions, but assuming one or both features were rebindable there's really no problem. Bullet damage dropoff - The current range system isn't perfect, but I think it's one of the things that make these games unique and I'd want it preserved. Recoil - It's fine as long as it's not overdone. Doing it too much would be changing things too much. Advanced reload mechanics - Hard to comment without more specific examples. Partial reload of a shotgun is probably fine. If something's creative an ADDs to a weapon/unit, then sure, but I'd take it on a case by case basis. Maybe something like the captain "double charging" the M60 by linking extra ammo with a second reload. That could be fine. It really depends on the specifics though.
  14. On the topic of music (and contributing to this thread ), and this actually goes for any mod on here really, have you guys ever investigated partnering with some of the actual RTS mods to "borrow" some of their soundtrack? Twisted Insurrection has a pretty badass one, with several remixes of TD songs (and other games in the series).
  15. Mark me down as being fine with it being a Bradley. That said, I'll still critique the model at a later date probably.
  16. This will officially be pushed back to February, so hopefully people are less busy then. I'll also get up the more forgiving battle rules that should allow people to participate more easily which could sway some, been distracted with the holiday (sale) so my bad.
  17. We could push this back to Februrary even if needed.
  18. As I've said, the start date is flexible. We can wait until people are un-busy.
  19. Even beyond confirming, it would be epic lols if the subpen unwittingly repaired a damaged allied though
  20. Maybe let the subpen fix up allies or something to throw a wrench in things.
  21. I'll just manually have the other calculator up for actual stat variables I need to use, posted awhile ago. With this, sometime this weekend (or next week if I'm lazy) I'll add a section about how battles work to the main starter post.
  22. People were scumreading me so much this game I thought I was going to have an aneurysm.
  23. Thing is, when I start not suspecting you, then something must be up, so I'll have to start suspecting you again, the circle of life
  24. In gen 2, held item attack bonus is 10%. That's kind of lame. In later gens it was bumped to 20%. I'll give you guys the option. Do we want to bump it to 20%?
  25. Yeah, with no counter claims (not saying counter claims would have been smart), it's kind of hard to push someone off that hill. I'd say that's a major point of this game's design.
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