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Everything posted by moonsense715

  1. Max 8 can have everything rigged correctly.
  2. If things are right, ECW will appear on the W3D Hub launcher so you can get it from there. This might take some time though, for the time being Jerad might have a download link
  3. Upload your best screenshots of ingame battles or base/environment scenery here (W3D games only). The best ones will appear on the welcome page of the website. I start with an example of the AR War Miner sitting in the base: "Pride of the working class!"
  4. If I ever get involved in moving any of these games to a newer engine you can be sure it will be UE4 and not UDK.
  5. I'm fairly certain that every project begins with "I have an idea." Fair point but then read the first post again: it does not look like it says that Good luck with your mod. If you didn't know, Apocalypse Rising was originally (though with a different name) was also trying to connect the Red Alert and Tiberium universes but then it turned into what it is now. bro888, I suggest you change your contact e-mail name if you'd like people to apply through that.
  6. I'll definitely help with the building and vehicle rigging, things to watch out for, etc. Character rigging is yours and don't forget what happens when you change material of the character mesh instead of the hitboxes
  7. We actually tried to do this 3 years ago, the project died quite fast. But as for source code as far as I know Tiberian Technologies do have it, which is why they could make rendering improvements, changing a lot of ground-basic behaviour, a buttload of new features that we can now use, removing hardcoded texture names, customizing the game further and so on.
  8. Subjective opinion: all the realistic detail that I see in today's fancypants FPS games are irritating to me as it draws my attention away from the actual gameplay. To a point where I keep missing enemies passing by! I understand how that's good in sneaking games (because you die from a bullet in your shoulder) but in a strategy game from an fps perspective (Renegade X), I feel like a damn useless unit from the nonexistant commander's point of view who is just looking at the environment instead of 100% focusing on the objective. tl;dr: I don't like all the distracting "realistic" detail in new games, they barely feel like games anymore to me. If I want to see realistic stuff I go on a damn trip.
  9. Terrain is always placed at 0,0,0 unless you proxy it in with another terrain.
  10. Does it appear as a skeleton-box in level edit? If so then Level Edit can't find the w3d file for the preset. I suggest you try to place spawners or vehicles via proxying first. I haven't seen the APB LE for some time but IIRC building stuff are under Terrain AND/OR Tiles.
  11. Let me explain proxies in a simple way. Let's say you have a box building with a box interior and one door. (all this is irrelevant but just picture it) You want to place and position spawners in renx/3dsmax. You do this: create any primitive (e.g. a box), place it into your box building and you name it "GDI Spawner~00" and then a second box called "GDI Spawner~01" and so on. When you export this boxbuilding with these special named primitive models and load it in Level Edit, they will be replaced by real GDI spawners in the editor. It looks for the matching preset name and places them to the proxy's position. Do you now understand what proxies are? APB did this in the past: they exported the building interiors and added them to the LevelEdit preset tree and named the preset mbar_int or whatever. Then in 3dsmax/renx on a new map they only placed the exterior of the building and a primitve model in the middle of it named "mbar_int~00" and exported the map. In LevelEdit that proxy is replaced by the interior they added previously to the preset tree. So proxies are very good for placing LE objects in 3dsmax/renx. For whatever reason (faster placing, preciness, etc) If anything is still unclear just ask.
  12. I don't know of an option to use different rigs for different fovs.
  13. The flipside is that Reborn won't attract any new players using this engine. The outcome long term will be worse than switching over to UDK. Losing all players and devs. Have you considered how many players cookie clicker and other free games are drawing? They are not on UDK either.
  14. I'll agree here the camera feels very wrong. I tried it on AR before too. It looks weird on the side-ends. If anything I'm okay with a per-player-setting but please don't force everyone to 90 fov.
  15. Hey Squid, I still love your pixelart work. If you ever feel like continuing on HeroesX or actually starting a real time strategy game, I'm up for it!
  16. First post Like in the good old days... don't ban me for it D: I can't get bored of Verti60's recording of Fort Bradley
  17. They don't work for me on PC Chrome, Warrior theme. Just a white window.
  18. Since the country system picks a country when the game starts, we could set a variable that makes the system pick an "all countries setting" for both teams on occasion. How about Holy Alliance game mode to get you this, since Unholy mode in RA2 gave you Allied + Soviet MCVs, but this could combine the one-side countries
  19. It's something we started to work on with danpaul88, although atm just the offensive scripts are done, but it's looking good so far.
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