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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Surprise update! My contact there sent me an email out of the blue explaining that they had hired someone else and that the decision was purely because he had 10 years of experience in the field more than me. She said that I was well-qualified and that the interview went well and that they would hang on to my info in case they ever wanted to to expand. She also offered to forward my info along to another potential employer. Could be a blessing in disguise!
  2. Aaaand thats all i needed Thats a decent HP base model. You'll need a new power supply if you want to add a larger video card though. While I can't find a pic of that exact motherboard model, its unreasonable to assume that it doesn't have a PCI express slot. So the question now is what is your budget?
  3. Try this: SystemInfo.txt Rename it to SystemInfo.bat and then run as administrator. If the company that did the refurb did it like the OEMs do it, then this will give you some info. If they just popped in a disk to put windows back on it then it won't help at all.
  4. Well computer properties might have one. Otherwise, there's always a sticker somewhere on the box that says "model: asd;lfkjs;f;"
  5. PCI and PCI-E (the "e" is for express) are physically different and thus can't be used together in a bridged configuration such as SLI or Crossfire. They also don't fit in each others' slots due to the physical differences. For new stuff, I mainly use newegg or if you're ok with used stuff and a little risk, ebay. What you need is determined by your current system though. If can you give a model number for it? That would help me bunches!
  6. Thanks Chop! I know :/ really sucks but oh well. I'd rather break loose and work for myself but I've got a lot to do before then.
  7. True, I have a lot to be thankful for. And I hope your next one goes better man, thats a long time to wait!
  8. Well they called me early yesterday morning, which was quite odd since they said before that I would be receiving an email notification either late Tuesday or Wednesday.....called to let me know that they were "going in a different direction" and something about financials, not really sure....but yeah I didn't get the job. I'm not certain, but from the way the guy talked, they might not actually be filling the position! That doesn't really make them look the best after they conducted so many interviews though. Mine lasted 2 hours! I was really confused honestly because I thought the interview went quite well and several other things made me think that they wanted me there. So my guess is one of 2 things happened: either the board meeting went really bad and the board decided that the money wasn't there so no hiring anyone, or they already had a "pocket candidate", which I find more likely because of where I live... Its also possible that I did something wrong and didn't know it, or just wasn't as qualified as someone else, though they gave me the impression that I had everyone else beat...
  9. Always. And if you're itching to get involved, you should check into becoming a tester for us if that sort of thing interests you. We can always use another!
  10. Welcome! Onion rings are on me
  11. Congrats Mak! I hope that goes well for you. And thanks!
  12. Thanks guys! I should know something by wednesday of next week hopefully
  13. Hopefully nothing here will be blocked at the new place if I do get the job. However...I'll almost be my own boss. And I will have the ability to unblock sites
  14. Ha, thanks for the well wishes guys! The interview went better than I expected and they said that I'll receive an email sometime after monday! They still have a few applicants to review and then they will give a recommendation to the school board who will then make the final decision. The place is everything I had hoped for and then some. I'll post here in a week or so whether or not I got it!
  15. About a month ago, I was at work and I received a phone call from an unknown number. Since I have business cards floating around everywhere for my on-the-side computer repair service, I answered the call, expecting someone in need of my services.... Well, it was indeed someone in need of my services but more in the full-time capacity. The central office for a school district 30 minutes south of where I live wanted to do an interview to fill a PC technician position. They cover 5 campuses...which means that I alone would have to service these 5 campuses...all by myself haha. That being said, the lady proceeded to tell me different things about the current situation and why they were in need of someone to fill the position and also that the pay would be good. I of course asked "how good?" Starting out, it will be significantly higher than what I'm currently making and in 6 months if they decide to keep me, it would go up some more. She explained that they really wanted someone that they could convince to stay on for a long period of time and that they would use competitive pay to accomplish that. I have no problem with this I like money, especially the kind that will be used as a tool to keep me interested in working. And this sounds like a really awesome job too, not just because good money. But in all seriousness, I'm super nervous about this thing! I have an interview in 2 hours! I think I'm prepared but nobody really ever knows that until they're sitting there talking to the bigwig do they? Anyway, I'll post back here how it went and then in a few weeks, whether or not I got it! Wish me luck guys!
  16. Yes, Happy Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Saints' Day, etc. Hope everyone stays safe and has a great time celebrating in whatever manner is common to your part of the world!
  17. I guess...maybe...? This could be it then, since its already here
  18. Well I woke up this morning to find 3 people in the TSR server so i joined, and in a couple matches several more had joined and its been around 10 people for a few hours now! I had to leave for a bit but everyone thats been wanting a good match with a larger number, jump in now!
  19. Well we had (i think i counted) 11 different people on this morning in just a couple hours and up to 9 simultaneously
  20. I have been sick the last several days and haven't been sleeping the best because of it. Last night was different though. I kept having nightmares and waking myself up trying to escape the dreams. There was one dream in particular that frightened me well above the rest. Here we go... Ok so the context: Its common for real life events to influence the happenings within dreams. This happens to me a lot actually. So my house is infested with spiders. Little guys are everywhere (some not so little) and i absolutely hate them. Last night I found a large developing egg sac in the cabinet above where I keep the pizza pan.... *shiver*. Anyway, so after making pizza, I sat down in the recliner in front of the TV and debated on whether or not I should go to bed after the pizza or play some C&C3. While I ate, I watched "Granite Flats", a spy show based in the cold war era. So with all these thoughts in my head about spiders, spies and tiberium (since the mission i'm currently on is GDI Sarajevo where the ion cannon triggers the tiberium bomb), I opt to head to bed instead to try to feel better for work tomorrow. Heh.... I wake up in a dream world, slightly but not completely lucid. It quickly turned to a nightmare. I was a GDI soldier and the tiberium bomb had gone off. Furthermore, it had caused further mutations to the surviving wildlife on earth.....including making tarantulas not only intelligent but parasitic. So I'm doing my soldier thing and this lady that reminded me of Natasha from RA starts attacking me. Her eyes are glowing green and her voice is distorted and she most certainly wants me dead. Now....in dreams, often things that don't even make sense in the dream happen...yeah. So now, i have a katana and am a master swordsman (because that makes sense right). So I engage her and after a while I am triumphant....until she starts making threats and oozing greenish goup from her mouth, shortly followed by a massive talking spider lunging out of her mouth as the dead host falls to the ground. I woke up running in place under my covers trying to get the massive talking parasitic spider off my face. She most certainly wanted me for my body but I'm a one woman kind of guy Hope you all enjoyed the read! Also welcome to my head
  21. What I found the last time I looked for such information, indicated that at some point in future development, Windows would become "versionless". In other words, you won't run windows 10 or 8, 7, etc... You will simply run Windows. After which time, the only discernible separation between one "version" or the other will be the kernel build number or access to certain features that came available (or unavailable) at certain dates. I don't particularly agree with this approach for many reasons but most of all, simply because I don't think they can pull off operating under the ideology behind it. That idea being that every Microsoft product that isn't a server or kiosk should run near-identical software, separated only by architecture. @danpaul88 - allow me to quote you out of context for a moment if you don't mind. I know what you'll say next "Well Apple has been doing that for 14 years now!" Well....Apple also brands ALL of their hardware which makes this more reasonable and even possible. I may be misinformed or of poor understanding on the subject, and as such, I am always open to others enlightening me to change my views. But personally I feel that they (M$) once again took the lazy approach in building their flagship product. The idea feels bad in my head in other words. Who knows? Maybe they can pull it off. It will require a better performance than in the past though. Sorry I kinda derailed this, we may need to split the topic now.... P.S. This was not the large writeup I had lost the first time, this is simply an on-the-fly rant so....more to come! Maybe...
  22. But.....that is a mannequin D:
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