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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Awesome! It will be great to have this one finally added back to the list!
  2. Just making my rounds again, thought I would say hello to all the new ones who have joined up recently. Welcome!
  3. Hearing people with attitudes like this is what discourages the developers and lengthens the time it takes for a project to reach completion. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fine example of how not to be. Lets stop with the instant negativity on everything shall we?
  4. Yeah dude, on the new Forest of Illusion there was a AI kov super soldier that was translucent, 10 feet tall, and resembled something akin to Slenderman and his only purpose in life was to look awesome and ruin everyone's day...all at the same time But now he has been replaced with a Cyborg Reaper. Although.......he may not be 100% gone forever. Thats all I can say
  5. Whatever you say...boss Any idea if this bug still exists? I'd like to play with it
  6. I think I can safely say that all of our projects are past the "half-way" mark as far as completeness. And how long did that take? If we started moving to another engine, we would not only be creating an ungodly amount of unnecessary work, but would likely be killing every project that made the move, because of the need to basically "start over". The RenX engine wasn't designed for the type of "C&C mode" gameplay capabilities that are inherently available in the W3D engine. If we moved, we would just have to hack up a different engine that we all know less about. Like raap said, new engines are best suited for new projects. This has been discussed many times just here in the last year, not to mention brought up numerous times at BHP as well when some of the projects were hosted there. The point of this place (the hub part) is for it to be a literal hub for all W3D projects. So we can all work together and not let projects fall to the wayside. Strength in numbers. We have something really special here. Not only do we have the largest collection of W3D projects that has ever existed all operating under one roof, but we also have the largest amount of still-active W3D engine developers here. In other words, at no other place can you find the number of "W3D people" that we have, as well as the potential that comes along with that. We all didn't come here just to switch engines guys. APB is the first to make it to a "released" state, but I do not expect it to be the last. We have something here that is more than just strength in numbers, and that thing is dedication and willingness from all the project leaders to see their projects through to completion. And I can say with 100% certainty that it is the support of the fans and players that keep them going. It drives them, quite literally. That is why at every opportunity I have, I encourage them or otherwise help out in any way that I can. Because them finishing their work on this engine is the shortest path to completion! I would like to encourage anyone that shares these feelings to do the same. Whether it be just being a loyal player of the game, or a tester, a content creator...whatever you can do, if we have a need then we'll use you. And all of us can drop an occasional encouraging word to the devs. I guarantee it will mean a lot. I'll get off my box now. I hope I have properly answered your question.
  7. I have a feeling, judging by what the link preview box in the bottom of my browser is showing, that you will all be thoroughly impressed by the analysis work being done over at Medium. Be sure to give them a nice big pat on the back.
  8. Its in there, just not the same as before. I wonder if you could run a looping kill script for it? Something like.... :top taskkill /f /im dwm.exe goto top
  9. Crap, I was unaware that they took its service out of the list in win10 In 7 and 8/8.1 when i had an issue like this, I could usually work around it by using a batch file to kill those processes and then launch whatever program is having graphical issues (Hasbro Risk 1996 is a prime example). Works for some things, doesn't for others, and it depends on the PC too...Just thought I would throw that out there, but since M$ kinda broke that method I guess its back to my drawing board Sorry lol
  10. @Raapnaap I know this sounds absolutely stupid, but try killing explorer.exe and dwm.exe before you open max8. Just humor me and then let us know if it acted any differently as far as the visual issues. As far as the distance...i wouldn't think it would save something like that to a config file on the fly but maybe? Running as admin correct?
  11. You might check here: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=415466 And there's a monthly news item regarding this too.
  12. Possible? ofcourse because we have awesome folks breaking modding renegade here and they can do all sorts of cool stuff. Going to make it in the game? Unless there's some kind of fan-made patch....i really doubt it. But RA2:AR is supposed to have dogs last i heard
  13. Drama? ... ... ... Here? ... ... ... Thou jest!
  14. Nice. "Safe internet practices" is still the best "firewall" to date it seems.....glad its fixed though! Now get in game soldier!
  15. 5mbps dsl and i average 100-150 ping. Idk man
  16. This might deserve an announcement.
  17. and apply updates, patches, etc. so that everyone is on the same version. I think this is a good idea if there aren't any legal hurdles anywhere.
  18. Most of our playerbase is in EU so it makes sense to have an EU (main) server no? I honestly don't know what the plan is for the future of expansion but I haven't heard anyone say anything about any US servers yet. We'll be sure to announce it if we do open one though! Just curious, have you checked your connection? Because I have one of the worst home internet connections imaginable and I can still play fine. Kinda strange actually haha.
  19. Moved here from APB gameservers subforum. APB
  20. Moved to the help subforum What version of windows are you running?
  21. there's 14 people playing APB right now
  22. Hmm, there's an old name Assuming you are ofcourse the same Loki that i remember from earlier APB days. Thanks for the errors.log upload. I'm no expert by any means, but the log mentions a system.net.webexception error, which I believe suggests an issue with the launcher accessing the internet. I'll let danpaul88 give a proper answer, but in the meantime, you might check your firewall and UAC settings for this program. Try right click -> run as administrator just to see if it makes a difference. Thanks for posting the issue and we'll do what we can to help you make it work!
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