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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Rather a question. But I'd be up for having you look up 6 years of history, finding everyone's connections and assigned perks, traditions, goods and bads.
  2. Then the question would be whether you know enough about our histories.
  3. Well, that's the thing. I'm pretty certain that Voe will be lynched no matter the reason, be it as a scummy suspect, as a get rid of the good player ASAP or as a case where people just want to get rid of the annoying plunger proffesional.
  4. Nobody will have meta on anyone. So that's not really a unique advantage.
  5. The games are vanilla roles only. No Staplerfahrer shenanigans.
  6. IIRC, one of the ancient podcasts from early 2008 put the ''planned'' release date around ''October 2008''. As it stands, even TSR wasn't released that much overdue compared to AR.
  7. Well, even if I wanted to see if people want me to be a rep, I don't have the time to join in. But I agree that Cat5 is possibly one of the best, if not the best around here.
  8. Considering the mess I got into today, I'm pretty much out until the start of the summer holidays.
  9. By the way, should I be able to find time to run a game, I'd like to ''reserve'' a spot for late July/Early August under the title of ''The July Crisis''.
  10. Verti posted a picture of me. One that somebody else posted on his own facebook, as I don't upload my face onto the internet.
  11. I don't know. Maybe the book will bluescreen and windowsXPshutdownSound.mp3 itself out of existence?
  12. I can't throw a smile, I really can't without looking like the great Mr. Bean himself! But congrats to Orange for winning this little notebook and doing his part. Time to test the debtnote vs. the revenge list? Also, don't ask god to provide, but rather assume that the emperor will somehow hear your call!
  13. >Still not knowing my full name. Also that picture is absolutely terrible, taken by a dick who thought it was funny to make bad pictures at bad moments without notifying people to upload it to his bacefook. Plus, that picture is 4 years old by now. In fact, I haven't uploaded a picture of myself, ever.
  14. >No full names. And you don't know our faces, so thank the Emperor for that!
  15. Oh don't you worry about that! Fun has definately been had all the way from the start until the end. You playing your role was the right choice. Don't you worry about that. My rage/frustration/anger/whatever posts were intended to have one of two outcomes. 1. To have you turn to town and force you to accept a town victory (mind game). 2. To ensure that town would go after now that you were confirmed scum (it's my job to take care of scum ) and to hopefully cause some distrust between the several scum and you. I didn't actually mean to cause stress to you, I hoped that you would take the kind reminder of the possible CoH match as a hint that it wasn't the case, as I know that you sometimes have hard times with these things. Alas, I failed on that part. So sorry if I caused any issues. To end this though, well played. Scummy players could afford it to mostly focus on their personal objectives while town had see if they could discard theirs in order to win. So good choices on that one. (In fact, I achieved my personal objective at the moment, but I'm renouncing that win should it come around, as I wanted a team win.) I still don't fully believe that you had plotted your betrayal from the start, but I may be proven wrong once Verti comes up with the post game statistics and his thoughts on how everyone played. In fact, your sudden turn had me scratching my head in shame and disbelief after trusting you, the same probably happened with Voe when he found out about Orange's true allegiance, showing that even the oldest and most experienced players can make the wrong judgements and fall for ruses every now and then. Props to Cat5 for kiling you (no pun intended) with Cromwells though. In case you still had any doubts, you didn't piss me off, we're good. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised about the Cat5 and Choppy doc. Great content in there. @ChopBam I did indeed post that town's loss was a forgone conclusion, which was an intended ruse. I knew I was going to die, somebody actually granting my wish to survive longer (pretty unlikely considering who probably got the debtnote with my name in it) would have somewhat helped, but could also have disturbed possible victory. However, that post was filled with hints for either Voe or Chaos_Knight on what both had to be done and what could potentially help. I knew about the ''N'' call, as you specified that many times, both in public and in private. The defeatist attitude was meant to sway scum to not to pay too much attention to me or to have them let me live longer for the fun of it. People who know me well enough know that I don't give up until the game is truly over. (Which, again, I hoped they would pick up on.) Oh, and @Category 5 Hurricane, I won't stop my crusade against anime. You wondered about the point of it all, there isn't one really, I just enjoy it. Used to hate it for just about any reason, don't really care about it these days, but mislabeling, attacking and crusading is still enjoyable. Most of all, well played to you lads! Although I still question Mojoman's motives on D6.
  16. It is very much possible. However, it is possible for people to delay my death by changing the time of death in the debtnote document. However, I doubt that anyone besides you is willing to help me out, nor do I know if the real debtnote is in anybody's hands right now. However, should anyone posess the debtnote, then I'd have to ask a small favour. Please change or add a cause of death to me simply dying in my sleep. (Doesn't matter if you want me to live longer or not.) Also, Choppy should you have any reason to visit me, let me know. Anyway, let's roll on to a few things I wanted to say should I die anyway. Jeod, I think you know very well that I despise you in this game. We pretty much had you cornered as bad guy on D1 and confirmed on D3 after a few lies on my part. However, despite the attempts to set up organisation and communication, we weren't able to find out how to kill you or contain you. We had some pretty interesting plans, especially those that I worked on with Chris, but those never came to fruitation due a variety of reasons, the biggest of which was Team Dan's decision to suggest the Choppy kill on Cat5 to hopefully kill you over our ever growing suspicions of Orange. When I look back on it, Chris and I even figured out Orange's allegiance but our dedication to fighting you proved to be the deciding factor to classify that as a secondary thought. Your role and abilities are still a mystery to me, so I'll hold my judgement on your actual performance until after the game. Congrats on your supposed victory though. Chaos_Knight's death today surprised me, I didn't see that coming considering that his real name wasn't known, and our calculations suggested that Orange didn't buy ghost vision. If the game wasn't already lost for town, then I'm pretty sure that the remaining taskforce members would still be working to neutralize Jeod by any means necessary, as he was on the list, a list that Chris would have honoured as per usual sucession agreements, especially since I believe that we were very close to figuring out how achieve such a thing. Yet this is a now forgone possibility. In an ironic twist of faith though, the taskforce still killed the biggest direct threat in the manner of Choppy shooting Orange. I have the feeling that if the taskforce was able to buy a little bit more time, the game would have ended a lot differently. Even if Chaos and I were on ''separate'' teams, both of us know when it is required to discard personal objective for mutual benifit. We've done so before and would have done it again. Too bad we weren't able to achieve victory. I should probably have read the rules and contacted the guy on N1. And then we come to another potential point in which infighting wasted a day for town. Ah yes, the dreaded Day 5. It was Voe's wish to open the note and meet with Jeod against my paranoia to prevent corruption and temptation. In the end, I agreed to open the note for the good of all. However, I do stand by my choice to forcefully confiscate Voe's notebook, as while he is hard to influence, he's easily tempted by a good deal. A deal I believe Jeod would have offered him. The biggest issue here was that Voe and I had to stand on opposite sides of the spectrum, forcing a confrontation. Had this not happened or had we been able to come to an agreement, then perhaps the day would have been more productive. Not only that, but it would have prevented Voe's death, at least for a while. His death was bad, as despite his quirks, he's a good player, one that would have been very capable of leading the good guys to victory should he have wished doing so. And I do believe that he would have been able to organise effective resistence, no matter if Team Dan died or not. His direct and sometimes risky and morally questionable methods to blitzkrieg through at the risk of being enveloped and trapped stand directly opposite to my preference to planning, taking the available time and forcing pitched battles whenever possible. Maybe something in between could have been the right thing this game. Alas, it's too late now. Silly points go to him trusting Orange, which in turn made me have a bit of natural trust in Orange. Then again, I trusted the turncoat, even helping him to understand how and when to make most out of a claim to prevent a lynch/investigation. So I guess both Voe and I made mistakes that day. Oh well, I still have one more post for the night. So yeah, hopefully I won't die tonight, meaning I still have the chance of having a bit of influence on who is going to win in the end.
  17. IIRC, Both DICE and Westwood were owned by EA at the time.
  18. Also, that's fine KY, I'll probably be extremely busy until somewhere mid April.
  19. So we've decided that at least KY should lose? Most excelent!
  20. IIRC Jeod can't kill people that aren't NPCs. So the note will have to be passed to either KY or Cat5.
  21. On a completely unrelated note: KY, back in October you asked if we could play Company of Heroes. Still up for that?
  22. And that should be hammer. As for you KY, I highly doubt that you plotted all this from the start, but in case you did my point still stands, you decided to forgo as many people winning as possible for your own personal gain. If anything, chosing to become scum when you don't have to is worse than being scum from the get-go. You fell for your personal objective. Personal objectives, at least for the good and some neutral players, exist to cause divisions and break down efficiency. Orange would have deserved victory for how he played, if only he didn't become cocky, which likely cost him the game. Jeod deserving victory? I don't know enough about his role and/or abilities to judge him yet. But I think it is pretty clear that I don't like his attitude. Anyway, I'll be back later.
  23. Lol, if that were possible, you should pick Chaos_Knight. He has a much better temper than Voe.
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