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Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising - Ask a developer!


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Do you have any burning questions surrounding Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising that you are itching to know the answers to? Well now is your chance to get those answers with this incredibly awesome new thread!


Simply ask a question and myself or moonsense715 will try and get back to you as swiftly as possible! It's that easy!


There are no bad questions, so feel free to ask whatever you like as long as it relates to the project!

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How will nation exclusive units be implemented, like the black eagle, terrorist, tesla tank, sniper, etc. Also, will any custom infantry be added? (by that I mean not in the game it's based on, like APB snipers and Nod Kerubim)

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How will nation exclusive units be implemented, like the black eagle, terrorist, tesla tank, sniper, etc. Also, will any custom infantry be added? (by that I mean not in the game it's based on, like APB snipers and Nod Kerubim)


Just to expand on cfehunter's point, At the beginning of every game, a script randomly picks a country for your side to play as. This mean that there will be more variety in the gameplay as you pit the two unique country units/structures/powers against each other. Also, there will hopefully also be a small chance that global war will be triggered, which means that all country-specific units/structures/powers are available in the match,


There are currently no plans to add anything that wasn't in Red Alert 2. Technicians will be going into the game as playable units. We did mull over the possibility of a Soviet Spy, but we have scrapped those plans for now.


Roughly how long do you think it will take until the first release is ready? :)


It's hard to put a time frame on these things because it's dependant on how much free time we have to develop the game. Hopefully maybe soon?


Will there be any graphical improvements made by TT related to the project? :>


Hopefully we'll have normal mapping, specular mapping and gloss mapping. AR is currently running on the latest branch of scripts (scripts 5.0) so we are at the cutting edge of W3D development!

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Interesting idea, not sure how well that will play out in a fps. Say soviets get Cuba, and the Allies get Britain. Close range infantry vs. long range infantry killer.


If Soviets have any sense, they will use Flak Tracks!

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Interesting idea, not sure how well that will play out in a fps. Say soviets get Cuba, and the Allies get Britain. Close range infantry vs. long range infantry killer.

Sure, but you could say the same for the RTS. And don't forget, a flak track can transport lots of Soviet troops into the enemy base and the snipers will be impotent to stop them. Lots of snipers on a team is a good way to lose the match :p

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Interesting idea, not sure how well that will play out in a fps. Say soviets get Cuba, and the Allies get Britain. Close range infantry vs. long range infantry killer.



Yeah i think that just adds to the fun... having to figure out other ways of outsmarting your enemy. Not only that; i can't see that a match would be entirely focused around the respective countries special unit.. people will still get in tanks, IFV's, planes etc... I can't imagine there would be any match that has an army of terrorists vs an army of snipers... :)


I think the random country assignments will make for extremely interesting & varied game play.

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True.... I have to ask if the terrorist will work just like in RA2, because a unit who's sole purpose is to blow up and cause as much damage as possible sounds like a killwhore or troll's best friend. Defensively, I can imagine them being used just like the suicide attack flamethrower trooper has in APB, just clearing out a building without having to actually aim and "dance" around enemy fire.

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They will work in pretty much the same way, but it's going to be an expensive way to kill people and you have to survive long enough to get into their face and explode to do any decent amount of damage... odds are you're not going to find many situations in which they're cost effective.


One scenario that might work well is acting as a rear guard for infantry rushing into a building from a flak track... imagine the allies piling into the building in chase of the soviets only to run into a terrorist waiting on the stairs for them... handy way to delay their response to the building intrusion.

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1. Will secret/stolen tech be inplimented in the game .


2. If so will both sides recive spy type unites or only the allies .


3. Will dogs be exesable to both teams ?


4. Is navy being implimented now , latter or never ?


5.Have refill/renforcment structures been implimented ? (that compatition that SquidEmpire won )


6.Have any of you guys played Zero-K it is amazing ! go play now .


7.How do sand bags work for GI's ? Do they change your armor type , do you recieve less damage from headshots ?

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4. Is navy being implimented now , latter or never ?

Show me a naval unit in RA2:YR (unmodded) and we'll discuss it :)



Watcha mean dan? There are loads of naval units...

I know right . . .


Here's all of them and if you don't think there is enough veriaty use units for Mental Omega or from the community .

Edited by Eternity 6
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I will ask the question that is on everybody's mind

will Tanya have real physics?


Have you guys figured out the chrono tech for infantry?

Haha, not exactly.


Chrono tech needs another look at, but it was functional a long time ago.


1. Will secret/stolen tech be inplimented in the game .


2. If so will both sides recive spy type unites or only the allies .


3. Will dogs be exesable to both teams ?


4. Is navy being implimented now , latter or never ?


5. Have refill/renforcment structures been implimented ? (that compatition that SquidEmpire won )


6. Have any of you guys played Zero-K it is amazing ! go play now .


7. How do sand bags work for GI's ? Do they change your armor type , do you recieve less damage from headshots ?

1. Yes!


2. Just the Allies currently.


3. Yes.


4. Later.


5. They have been implemented, but they are currently only placeholders.


6. Nope.


7. They do change your armour type. GI's are more resistant to everything when deployed!


Never mind, I am thinking of TSR for some reason :D

This is why me and moonsense715 answer the questions. :p

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If we're talking stolen tech, I think both sides should get spy. more dynamic gameplay, and it would be unfair that only one side has to defend their battle lab (will be in it, right?) from spies. But since it's currently just the allies, what will they get? Chrono Ivan or psi commando? or something new?

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How are attack dogs going to be handled? I'm thinking of RA1 where if you had a dog attack a rifle soldier, the rifle soldier shoots the dog, and the dog dies, every time. Is that how it's going to be in AR, or are the dogs here going to be tanky enough to run up to a GI and attack before being killed?

Edited by delta
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Dogs were tougher than that i thought, well they certainly are in RA2. One dog could easily take out 3/4 conscripts easy. As the dog is a playable character it would make sense that he has a fair amount of health!

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If we're talking stolen tech, I think both sides should get spy. more dynamic gameplay, and it would be unfair that only one side has to defend their battle lab (will be in it, right?) from spies. But since it's currently just the allies, what will they get? Chrono Ivan or psi commando? or something new?

This is what we were thinking, however we can cross that bridge when we come to it. The original plan was to have some sort of KGB or Spetznaz operative for the Soviets, but it needs more discussion before we actually take action on it.


How are attack dogs going to be handled? I'm thinking of RA1 where if you had a dog attack a rifle soldier, the rifle soldier shoots the dog, and the dog dies, every time. Is that how it's going to be in AR, or are the dogs here going to be tanky enough to run up to a GI and attack before being killed?

We'll have to balance Attack Dogs to make sure they aren't too frustrating. They should be able to take a few bullets, but they shouldn't be able to kill an infantry in one bite. The man advantage for the attack dog is it's speed, so we've got to make sure that it's health and damage are matched to that.

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How are attack dogs going to be handled? I'm thinking of RA1 where if you had a dog attack a rifle soldier, the rifle soldier shoots the dog, and the dog dies, every time. Is that how it's going to be in AR, or are the dogs here going to be tanky enough to run up to a GI and attack before being killed?

We'll have to balance Attack Dogs to make sure they aren't too frustrating. They should be able to take a few bullets, but they shouldn't be able to kill an infantry in one bite. The man advantage for the attack dog is it's speed, so we've got to make sure that it's health and damage are matched to that.


Now, Cyborg Dogs on the other hand... well, they're a whole different kettle of fish. Fast, armoured like a tank, able to mow down infantry with impunity... :D

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How are attack dogs going to be handled? I'm thinking of RA1 where if you had a dog attack a rifle soldier, the rifle soldier shoots the dog, and the dog dies, every time. Is that how it's going to be in AR, or are the dogs here going to be tanky enough to run up to a GI and attack before being killed?

We'll have to balance Attack Dogs to make sure they aren't too frustrating. They should be able to take a few bullets, but they shouldn't be able to kill an infantry in one bite. The man advantage for the attack dog is it's speed, so we've got to make sure that it's health and damage are matched to that.


Now, Cyborg Dogs on the other hand... well, they're a whole different kettle of fish. Fast, armoured like a tank, able to mow down infantry with impunity... :D



Chitzkoi 2.0!

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Sorry for the double post, but I had something else to add.


If I understand correctly, spy has to physcially target an enemy infantry from far away to disguise, right? Once disguised, does spy function just like in APB where it can read soviet chatter and the player appears as soviet on the player list? And will dogs have an auto-detect spy feature?

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  • 11 months later...

Will the Yuri faction ever be implemented?


Is the allied destroyer going to be a 2 player thing or 1 player with AI? (The VTOL at the back, or perhaps it can rearm other VOTLs?)

Will the soviet's dreadnaught have guided missiles or some sort of missile system like in RA2 where it could turn?

Is the giant squid from soviets going to be implemented?

Is the chrono capability going to be implemented? (infantry, ore gathering)?

How will the IFV work? And also the allies big tank that can run over other tanks.

will the kirov airship be implemented? Someone actually made this in from the depths.

Can engineers have similar spy functionality when it comes to stealing tech? As in engineer goes into enemy building than the team gets the build the other side's stuff.

Will special faction units be implemented? (i.e. grand cannon, snipers)

Will the allies only be able to build 4 harriers per radar or more?


I think the allies should only have spy however if the soviets get engineer in barracks and/or tech lab than they should be able to build spies.


Engineer rush is one thing the RA2 AI loves to do.


Can the spy steal cash?


Will the dogs look cute and terrifying?

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I am not a dev but, half of these have already been answered with no. So just read the rest of the topic and AR news forum for your answers.


Not quite, many of these things are planed or already implemented!


Navy is a bit out so I won't comment on that but will post this:





The Chrono miner works like you would expect it too.


You can toggle between the normal IFV turret and your current infantry turret


The game currently has support for country specific units.


I'll leave the rest for a producer to answer.

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Will the Yuri faction ever be implemented?


Is the allied destroyer going to be a 2 player thing or 1 player with AI? (The VTOL at the back, or perhaps it can rearm other VOTLs?)

Can engineers have similar spy functionality when it comes to stealing tech? As in engineer goes into enemy building than the team gets the build the other side's stuff.


I think the allies should only have spy however if the soviets get engineer in barracks and/or tech lab than they should be able to build spies.


Engineer rush is one thing the RA2 AI loves to do.



I meant these sorry for the misinterpretation.


(There was a big long discussion about Yuri I don't remember the outcome.)

Edited by Isaac The Madd
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