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3DS Viewport Rendering Issue, Windows 10


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I have a problem with 3DS on Windows 10; When opening a mouse click menu (such as right clicking on the viewport space), the viewport or any menu in 3DS is covered by an 'frozen' image of a previous file state.






As you can see in the image above, I can't really work with a 3DS that prevents me from actually viewing much.


I've already tried several compatibility modes, with no difference between them.


I'm using an Nvidia GPU (970GTX), Windows10 64bit. Latest drivers and everything, as well as DirectX 8 installed.


Any solutions?

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It happens if something is behind it or not... Actually it even keeps the 'frozen image' across all windows applications, from desktop to Chrome... Quite odd.


I'll try to find a proper solution but meanwhile if anyone knows this problem and how to fix it, let me know.


This and waiting on Delta assets aren't completely preventing me from doing anything at all, though, since I can still create custom assets... As long as I don't right click too much... :v

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It happens if something is behind it or not... Actually it even keeps the 'frozen image' across all windows applications, from desktop to Chrome... Quite odd.


I'll try to find a proper solution but meanwhile if anyone knows this problem and how to fix it, let me know.


This and waiting on Delta assets aren't completely preventing me from doing anything at all, though, since I can still create custom assets... As long as I don't right click too much... :v

Hmmm that's really strange. The other thing I can suggest is try changing the rendering mode from Direct3D to something else like OpenGL.

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It happens if something is behind it or not... Actually it even keeps the 'frozen image' across all windows applications, from desktop to Chrome... Quite odd.


I'll try to find a proper solution but meanwhile if anyone knows this problem and how to fix it, let me know.


This and waiting on Delta assets aren't completely preventing me from doing anything at all, though, since I can still create custom assets... As long as I don't right click too much... :v

Hmmm that's really strange. The other thing I can suggest is try changing the rendering mode from Direct3D to something else like OpenGL.


I find "software" rendering is best for newer systems.


I tried absolutely every single option related to this and none of it makes any difference.


If you're interested in making assets, you could use a newer version of 3ds.

Having to jump between two different 3DS versions could just get annoying. Besides, if it weren't for these technical issues, 3DS 8 would have been just fine... including for the creation of new assets, as I've always done it with 3DS 8.


Unless the W3D tools support newer 3DS versions...


Anyhow, I've exhausted every option on 3DS's side for solving this, unless it's something I'm not aware of.


That's not the only problem though, my 3DS absolutely refuses to save changes to the unit system (how distances are measured), I can set both settings to meters and it will just ignore that I did so.


Another thing I noticed is really poor performance in large projects. I know 3DS 8 was never amazing in this regard, but I think it got worse on Windows10...


I'll keep trying to fix these issues for now...

Edited by Raap
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This is an inherent problem with sticking with w3d. As newer operating systems are released, who's going to keep up support for the development tools? Is anyone coding a plugin for a newer version of 3ds max? Everyone has given up, from what I understand.

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I know this sounds absolutely stupid, but try killing explorer.exe and dwm.exe before you open max8. Just humor me and then let us know if it acted any differently as far as the visual issues. As far as the distance...i wouldn't think it would save something like that to a config file on the fly but maybe? Running as admin correct?

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I know this sounds absolutely stupid, but try killing explorer.exe and dwm.exe before you open max8. Just humor me and then let us know if it acted any differently as far as the visual issues. As far as the distance...i wouldn't think it would save something like that to a config file on the fly but maybe? Running as admin correct?


That's not easy or possible to even do in windows 10 (at least not dwm.exe, which is basically the shiny part of explorer).


I've already ran 3DS in lower settings such as 16bit, but none of these settings make a difference.


And yes, I'm running as admin. 3DS won't even load without running it as admin (it just freezes and forced me to manually crash it without admin).


Seems I've hit a wall on this issue... I'm surprised nobody else has this problem, or did none of you upgrade to windows 10 out of fear for problems like this one? ;P


Edit: I 'fixed' the units issue by... repeatedly changing it until it finally saved it.

Edited by Raap
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That's not easy or possible to even do in windows 10 (at least not dwm.exe, which is basically the shiny part of explorer).


Crap, I was unaware that they took its service out of the list in win10 :? In 7 and 8/8.1 when i had an issue like this, I could usually work around it by using a batch file to kill those processes and then launch whatever program is having graphical issues (Hasbro Risk 1996 is a prime example). Works for some things, doesn't for others, and it depends on the PC too...Just thought I would throw that out there, but since M$ kinda broke that method I guess its back to my drawing board :( Sorry lol

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I'm going to have to live with it until someone manages to create a W3D plugin for a modern version of 3DS.


In the meantime I'll just use layers to hide things instead of standard hiding/un-hiding, at least that will reduce the amount of restarts I need to do. :)


The good news is, despite the annoyances, I was able to Delta-fy the 3DS mesh files for two of the APB maps I plan to work on (aswell as correct all the materials to point at the right folder... one of my maps requires three 3DS map files just to store all the materials, so that took a while), now its just down to updating the art and LE stuff.

Edited by Raap
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I've been having a similar issue with max 8, It doesn't happen when I right click menus or anything instead it just leaves images baked in randomly when editing geometry, both in windows 8 and 10 Does not matter what renderer I use or whether there are windows open behind max or not. I gave up and got a newer version of max.

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Aero doesn't "exist" in windows 8 and 10, What would be aero is built into the OS you can't disable it and I imagine that is the problem. So unless you could run max in some sort of emulated window or virtual environment I'm not sure what else you can do to run it properly on windows 8/10.

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Its in there, just not the same as before. I wonder if you could run a looping kill script for it?


Something like....

taskkill /f /im dwm.exe
goto top



I wouldn't do such a thing personally given how unknown the results would be on Windows10.


That W3D plugin for a new 3DS version sounds more interesting now though, seeing as the problem isn't on my end alone. Maybe one of you really amazing, handsome, smart and intelligent programmer dudes can look into that challenge once more. :3

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I've heard that some people were able to refresh the screen by minimizing max with windows key + D then pulling max back up from the task bar.


This didn't work for me but their version of the problem is closer to yours then mine.


Not working for me.


I am getting used to working around it, however...

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