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Your download button


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Well, hello people! :)



Good to be back here. It's been a looooong time since I last played A Path Beyond...Back then, the studio was Bluehell Productions.



There was a detail I wanted to talk about first hand, since it seemed kind of important.

When me and my friends from CnCSaga arrived on the W3D Hud website to download the new version of APB, we all struggled to find the download button, until...





We realized that it was right in our faces, but in a spot we typically learned to ignore over time. Mostly because, this is where publicity usually appear, on all other website.



So yeah... I'd recommend moving this button somewhere else. It may seem trivial, but on website, ergonomics is very important and most users will simply get the heck out if they don't find the download link where they expect to.




Thank you for reading and looking forward to see you guys in-game!

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Hey Martin, I completely agree with you. Fortunately, we're due for an forum upgrade. IPB 4.0 would allow us for better layout and ergonomic design, as well as allowing us the Downloads Section as Einstein mentions.


In the meantime, stick this one onto CNCSaga for us :)



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While we're on the subject, have the textures in AR been updated enough to warrant a new screenshot for this page?


I can think of two places where people would often look for a download link:


1. The navigation bar, as moonsense asked about

2. At the bottom of the game description pages

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