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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I don't have anything important on the agenda anymore, and talking with KY is productive, so I'm happy to stay where I am, but am open to meeting others if they feel the need. (This is all assuming I don't get axed)

Also, on a different subject with that Jeod-ninja, has anyone noticed the Mojo-Jeod buddy-buddy has been going on longer than just today, such as that post last night before the kill? I mean, Jeod being so obvious... it has to be some kind of ploy, but why would Mojo *play along* with it...

I don't want to belabor my point, but I think we should talk about this more.

You'd be gloating too if you knew that you were guaranteed majority trust tonight.

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I'm not quite sure what Jeod is on about. We know not to trust him, but he knows we don't trust him, and so and and so forth. However, if I'm voted in at hammer, at least please not let it be because Jeod's messing with our suspicion. We need activism, not passive acceptance.

##propose suspicion Mojoman 10

(Also I like to make Verti work hard and make more CVCs ;) )

I have about 2 hours before I'll be checking out for a bit until after hammer, so please don't let Jeod just give me 11 back right after I take my leave :p

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5 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I'm not quite sure what Jeod is on about. We know not to trust him, but he knows we don't trust him, and so and and so forth. However, if I'm voted in at hammer, at least please not let it be because Jeod's messing with our suspicion. We need activism, not passive acceptance.

##propose suspicion Mojoman 10

(Also I like to make Verti work hard and make more CVCs ;) )

I have about 2 hours before I'll be checking out for a bit until after hammer, so please don't let Jeod just give me 11 back right after I take my leave :p

Thanks for the info.

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3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I could dump all my proposal as suspicion onto him right now and you don't have enough to counter, but I'd prefer to let the others weigh in :p

I'll call that.

##propose suspicion OrangeP47 100

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I'm taking my absence now. After looking at the CVC if certain concerned parties want to flip it back to me, they all have the ability to do so, one way or another, so I do not feel bad about this.

##propose suspicion Mojoman 1490 (I believe that's all I have left)

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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Holy inflation.

##propose suspicion Jeod 2000
##propose suspicion Cat5 2000

To sedate our possibly harmful friends.

Suspicion doesn't negate a trust ability, IIRC. So, I could have 5000 suspicion and 4000 (majority) trust and still have a new night action. I think.

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1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

##propose suspicion Mojoman 10

OrangeP47 proposed 10 Suspicion Points to Mojoman!


1 hour ago, Jeod said:

##propose suspicion OrangeP47 100

Jeod proposed 100 Suspicion Points to OrangeP47!


11 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

##propose suspicion Mojoman 1490 (I believe that's all I have left)


OrangeP47 proposed 1490 Suspicion Points to Mojoman!


1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

##propose suspicion Jeod 2000
##propose suspicion Cat5 2000

Chaos_Knight proposed 2000 Suspicion Points to Jeod!
Chaos_Knight proposed 2000 Suspicion Points to Category 5 Hurricane!


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39 minutes ago, Jeod said:

##propose trust Mojoman 500

Jeod proposed 500 Trust Points to Mojoman!


36 minutes ago, Jeod said:

##vote OrangeP47

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted OrangeP47 to be investigated!


34 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

##vote Mojoman

[Vote Counted] Chaos_Knight voted Mojoman to be investigated!




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Well then Jeod, you obviously have an end game in mind, that's for sure. Now, let's see if we can get these shits to work.

So, three little options combined with theories here:

  • We vote Mojoman to find out what the glacier flaying fuck is actually going on and if he's lying about the gimmick or not.
  • We vote for Cat5 as he's a culprit by lore and could have the debtnote from the Chris investigation, killing Voe while playing ''we hate one another'' with Jeod. Should he have the notebook and be the one that killed Voe, we'll arrest the buggar and achieve at least one objective. Also, he keeps talking about wanting to stay in prison, is he still there? I don't know if that's how the mechanics work. =/  This is assuming Jeod himself can't kill and is pulling the attention towards himself. 
  • We vote Jeod. I opened a booklet, which should mean that I'm able to see the Wanker-in-Chief himself. And considering that the D1 investigation told us that we couldn't investigate him and should try again later, then maybe this is the indication we need.

All options have the potential to backfire or lead us to where we want to go.



##Propose Trust Orange 16 It's current year you bastard! :v

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

I'm back early. Had a great dinner, will get caught up on thread before hammer hopefully.

You have 19 minutes, make them count xD

Just now, Nodlied said:

Just a small thing here, Chaos_Knight, are you having trouble with Google docs? (Or google in general?) Same for Verti btw.

Seems fine on my end.

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