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[GAME OVER] PokeMafia Generation I


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5 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I'm confused on how I'm still a suspect >.> Literally any explanation on how I could be Rocket can be said about Orange as well. I just found something that no one else ever noticed and I'm the one that needs to be tested? Wow, good job.

Not really, but it's interesting that Orange is concerned that I get weakened. And what do you mean by their commitment? The only person's commitment you'd be testing is mine.

So? I would've done whatever it took, even to the detriment of my other goal to complete this one. I'm just following in Orange, Retaliation, and Shade's footsteps from last game. What do I care about your favor, Orange? Didn't help me any before when I was practically guaranteed Town.


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I'd have good luck against you, I'd imagine. If you still have lapras, you could only deal 9 dmg to me with Ice Beam while I could hit you with ~20. As for my teammate, I'd prefer Sunflower or Cat5. Although you might've swapped to your T3 Pokemon in which case you might have a chance.

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

I'd have good luck against you, I'd imagine. If you still have lapras, you could only deal 9 dmg to me with Ice Beam while I could hit you with ~20. As for my teammate, I'd prefer Sunflower or Cat5. Although you might've swapped to your T3 Pokemon in which case you might have a chance.

Lapras has more tricks than just Ice Beam, and I have some items that will be very helpful.

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Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination
OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan
Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939
Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47
TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Shade939
Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939


Trainers: Category 5 & TheIrishMan

Rockets: Shade939 & OrangeP47


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Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination
OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan
Killing_You Sunflower  
Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939
Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47
TheIrishMan Sunflower Shade939
Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
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Well, my shift is potentially going to be shorter today, though I'm anticipating volunteering to stay late because the schedule is a fucking mess. That said, I'm not particularly eager to fight, I just think I probably should be fighting, due to my suspicious status. My best Pokemon to deal with a Lapras is down, though.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Eh, I'd just be reliant on my partner taking down Lapras if that is what it comes to.

Considering that Lapras would most likely have healing items, I wouldn't be too reliant on that. The main concern is if Lapras's Ice Beam freezes mine or my partner's pokemon. It took until Gen 2 for there to be a 20% chance for a Pokemon to unthaw each turn so I don't know if that's been implemented in this game, otherwise there is pretty much no way out except for Ice Heal and being hit by fire attack. Granted if my partner's pokemon is ice, they're immune.

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

@Jeod are we using the broken Gen 1 Frozen Status?


Frozen Pokémon can't move; can only be thawed by a Fire-type move that can inflict Burn, the move Haze, or an Ice Heal
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45 mins to hammer.

Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination
OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan
Killing_You Sunflower  
Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939
Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47
TheIrishMan Sunflower Shade939
Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939


Trainers: Category 5 & Sunflower

Rockets: Shade939 & 50/50


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