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[Game Over] Game of Thrones Conquest Mafia RPG


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qs5GiTD.png?1 The Council Meeting - Day Five: Rebel Voting


During the Night, the Rebels eliminated Sunflower!


Daenerys I Targaryen

Character: Daenerys Targaryen, the Hand of the King

House Targaryen
Faction: Loyal

"Fire and Blood." Rulers of Dragonstone are an exiled Great House of Westeros and the former royal house of the Seven Kingdoms. House Targaryen conquered and unified the realm before it was deposed during Robert's Rebellion. House Targaryen has defense modifier against Dragon attacks as well as damage boost when their Dragon is in play supporting their army. Hence it is recommended to use a foreign Valyrian religion which grants access to Dragons (Dragons are last tier action of the Valyrian religion so more or less for the endgame).




Sunflower was Hand of the King, and can still continue to advise the King until she is replaced by another Hand or the current Ruler overthrown, but for now she can no longer participate in game as Lord.



The Rebel houses continue to raise arms against our King and are marching for conquest to overthrow our Kingdom. It's time again for all the houses to gather in this Council meeting to decide which House will be renounced from the Realm of the Seven Kingdoms and accused of collaborating to overthrow the Crown.

Use ##vote [playername] to select one player for elimination.

By the end of the day, the player with most votes will be put on trial. Ties are always decided by the King's vote (king's vote value = vote +1.1).

The most voted Lord will have his House and Faction revealed to public first. Then, during the Night, the King and the Hand will decide whether his Capital will be invaded by the combined Royal Army and eliminated, or sent to the Wall while their lands will be given to one of the Royal Houses. If there are any other Holdings in question, they will become independent. The army of the eliminated player will be split, one part will join the Wall and the other will either join Rebellion or Royal army (depending on faction of the flipped player).

Players who join the Wall will become part of the Night's Watch, with the Lord Commander as their Leader (Lord Commander is voted when more Night's Watch members are present). They will have their own Google Doc for communication and managing their own Night's Watch resources to fight and defend forces beyond the wall (once they come). The number of defending forces at the Wall will decrease the Winter Indicator Number (WIN), however, all the players guarding the wall are still in game and can still influence it or even abandon their posts and join independent army. They are not allowed though to own any lands or private armies, nor use their house night actions or perks anymore. They cannot own, receive or give resources away either. They can participate in day discussion and use ##vote king in case there is a vote for the new king.

Eliminating the player from the current game requires the King to use his royal army. The royal army will have a special army booster set for this type of attack and boosted by other Loyal House available armies equally only so that the royal army won't get depleted easily for eliminating players. More information regarding army management will be available next Night session as it's a little more information for now. Eliminating Houses will automatically set their faction to Independent.

A player who's House has bigger army than combined Loyal and Royal armies cannot be eliminated or sent to the Wall.



qs5GiTD.png?1 King's Landing Project Completion


A new project was completed today.



Maegor's Holdfast

"Surely my sister has asked you to join the other highborn ladies in Maegor's Holdfast?"

―Tyrion Lannister to Sansa Stark

Maegor's Holdfast is a location in King's Landing. It is a stout tower in the center of the Red Keep. It was named after King Maegor Targaryen.

Maegor's Holdfast provides extra information about forces in daily State of the Kingdom reports.


qs5GiTD.png?1 State of the Kingdom

Each day you will see the current state of the Kingdom as well as current Winter Indicator Number here.


Holdings (HDM):

Kings Landing (Def: 2) 

The Eyrie (Def: 1)

Royal Army Total Units: 20000 Morale: 100%

Army Boosters: Player Elimination Booster (PEB) [x3]


Resources (Income):

Provisions: 439 (+ 50)

Gold: 3100 (+ 500)

Faith Points (FP): 400 (+ 230)


Religion: Old Gods of Forest

Religion Tier: 1

Kingdom's Religion was updated to Tier 1. Every House has 10% more income on FP. You can now access special new global Religion action: Septon's Blessing, allowing Houses to purchase FP for Gold. More info will be available during the next Night.


Current Capital Project: Great Sept of Baelor, Heart Tree, Maegor's Holdfast


Factions & WIN:


Loyal 55000 65.40%
Rebel 9093 10.81%
Independent 20000 23.78%



qs5GiTD.png?1 Current Vote Count (CVC):




Note: Standard Hammer time was moved by 2 hours.

Day 5 will end on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 (UTC time). Click here for countdown.

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Also, Sunflower's holding had 15,000 units. The rebels took a big hit for that, and they will regret it. Our suspects are Louis, TheIrishMan, and Voe. OrangeP47 is exempt for the time being unless new information arises, and Category 5 is exempt because I have information on him that proves he didn't attack Sunflower.

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Note two things, Maegor's Holdfast now provides extra numbers of all factions (was edited in the D5 Post).

You can now purchase FP by Gold since the Kigndom's Religious Tier was upgraded by the King. Every House also gets 10% more income.

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I figured the idea Orange proposed in private was to build the Holdfast and then play around with new data provided as to who received the forces from Shade's walling.

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Remind me, isn't there a minimum garrison you have to keep at your capital at all times? I thought i read it somewhere.

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Just now, Voe said:

Remind me, isn't there a minimum garrison you have to keep at your capital at all times? I thought i read it somewhere.

I believe our PMs say 25% is recommended for our holdings.

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3 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I believe our PMs say 25% is recommended for our holdings.

Im thinking how the rebels have 9k troops remaining, right? If both of them kept 2,5k while they attacked, they should have sat at -1k after the battle, unless Shade's forces have been added to their pool before the attack was resolved.

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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

Yeah, she was pretty clearly going to be a target.

Oh I guess so... But that would be dumb tho wouldnt it because she would be defending herself and the alliance between you two would protect here, but it looks like the rebels took a hard hit.

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It's important because if you indeed only have 20k, the 55k of loyal forces would indicate your 20k + 3x10k of loyals + 5k from Orange. That means there is only 1 rebel remaining, not 2.

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1 minute ago, Louis said:

Oh I guess so... But that would be dumb tho wouldnt it because she would be defending herself and the alliance between you two would protect here, but it looks like the rebels took a hard hit.


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6 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:


I'm saying that rebels shouldn't have attacked Sunflower because (the Hand) would be protected by Orange and Jeod since they both have alliances with her.

And because the rebels attacked they lost major numbers because of it

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