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  2. [blurb]On November 10th at 8 PM GMT[/blurb]
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    Chronosphere initialising...
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    The sands tremble!
  6. Forgive me, I've never played the HD maps so I don't know this- Are they installed manually via a download and then copy/paste the map.mix files into the data folder, or are they delivered via TTFS upon connecting to a game server that hosts these maps? If the latter is the case, I would recommend clearing your TTFS cache. This will make you re-download everything, but it will probably fix the issue.
  7. Aren't these maps only supposed to be played on the RenHD client?
  8. Description The game runs normally until it doesn't - I do absolutely nothing and it crashes out of nowhere. No "specific" steps are made to achieve it, but it appears to happen only in the latest "HD" maps, which in the last saturday (26) I crashed 6 times while just playing C&C_Field_HD. It started happening that exact saturday, and before that, I haven't installed anything in the game over the last 3 or 4 weeks, other than a few different textures I've been creating. Reproduction Steps Join Online matches; Being in a "HD" map; Playing the game till it crashes.
  9. Hey stop being a stranger!!!11!1!
  10. Ah shoot. Posted this and then forgot about it again for a few months. Umm yeah, currently don't have APB or TSR installed because I needed the HD space for something else. But, thanks for the link, I'll give it a try the next time I try to install it
  11. Earlier
  12. Hello @ DarkScion808 and welcome to W3D-Hub! Would you mind listing the make/model, Windows version, CPU model, GPU model, and any other specs you can find for your machine? 640x480 mode is probably not supported at this point, I actually did not realize it could still be selected. Windows itself does not like to operate at less than 1024x768 these days, but it does kinda still support 800x600. If your computer is struggling at that resolution, lowering it likely will not help anyway. Based on the amount of memory you mentioned, and that resolution, I would recommend using the highest available resolution, but lowering all other graphics settings. Please be sure to post the specs I requested above though, as that will give me some more insight on this.
  13. Hey I’m having a problem running the game in 640x480 resolution full screen. The game won’t run at all. When I run it in borderless mode it will play but only as a small window/instance in the upper left hand corner of my monitor. It doesn’t run well with borderless gaming. My laptop only has 4GB of RAM and the game otherwise runs in 1366x768 recommended resolution however it is somewhat choppy with the Framerate thus I am trying to run it in 640x480. Also, when I fire an automatic weapon, it causes the weapon to recoil upward really bad and there is a white line going upwards along with it. It doesn’t do that when I run the game on my friends computer. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you for your time.
  14. Join in after the APB Round Table for some good fun and blasting! Stop the Reds from breaking through! Take to the battlefield!
  15. until
    How can we improve APB? What feedback do you have for the team? Join in for the Round Table before the Game Night and chat with the devs!
  16. Introduction W3D 5.1 supports Metallic Roughness Physically Based Rendering, or PBR for short. PBR means that the visual properties of a surface are physically plausible, as such that realistic results are possible under all lighting conditions. If this sounds alien to you, then check out this brief introduction to PBR on YouTube, by GarageFarm Academy: (Note: W3D 5.1 does not support Height maps, but future versions may.) For instructions on how to use any of the software mentioned in this guide, please use the documentation provided by these tools, or look up some basic tutorials on how to use them. It shouldn't take anyone long to get a basic understanding of these tools, and most seasoned artists already know how to use them. In order to make PBR look correct in W3D, you will need to configure your project for it and this includes implementing Image Based Lighting, or IBL for short. This guide will cover the basics of how to implement PBR correctly, how to export your texture maps, and how to apply them to your models. >>> Step 1: Configuring Your Project and Using IBL Go to your project INI file directory, and locate RendererFeatures.ini. If this file does not exist, then create it. Add the following parameters and set them as true: SpecularEnabled=true PbrIBLDiffuseEnabled=true PbrIBLSpecularEnabled=true Next, we need to create an IBL file to correctly light the environment. For this, you will need to obtain or create a HDRI skybox file. You may need to invest into licencing some, but I will attach an example for you to work with, here: HDRI-Sky-Example.7z You will need to generate the correct files out of this HDRI skybox texture. We do this using an open source application called IBL Baker. Grab it from their Github page, here (Note: Click the green Code button and select Download ZIP): https://github.com/derkreature/IBLBaker Open the application by running IBLBaker.exe in the bin64 directory. This will load an example scene. Next, click Load Environment and select your HDRI file. Configure the Specular Resolution to 1024, and the Diffuse Resolution to 512. Leave the rest as default. Select Save Environment to export the files we need. Note: There is a slight oddity with the application, it may not export anything unless you pre-select another file (could be anything) within the Export directory. If your Export folder remains empty after saving, try selecting a random file first before pressing Save in the Windows Explorer menu. Now, go into the Export directory, and you should see several files. Some for MDR, and some for HDR. Delete all the files containing MDR, as well as the Brdf file, as we do not use these. What you should be left with is the following 3 files (where xx is the name you gave it): xx DiffuseHDR size: 15 MB xx SpecularHDR size: 64 MB xx EnvHDR size: 256 MB Name these files as such: xx DiffuseHDR -> ibl_diffuse xx SpecularHDR -> ibl_specular xx EnvHDR -> env Additionally, download this ibl_brdf_lut.7z file and alongside the above files, place them inside your .dat file of preference. These files will act as your default IBL. You can also do an IBL environment per level, and to do this you repeat the process of making the above three files, but naming them with your level name as a prefix, for example: TS_TaintedLegacy_ibl_diffuse. Note: The ibl_brdf_lut file only needs to exist in your .dat structure. You can tune the IBL intensity by adjusting your level ambient lighting in Mammoth. Note: Mammoth doesn't understand IBL, so unfortunately you're working blind as of 5.1. That concludes the configuration phase. >>> Step 2: Implementing your PBR Assets You can create new PBR assets, or licence ones in various locations on the Internet. For this guide, lets say you licenced some PBR assets and you now wish to transport them to W3D. For this part I will assume you know how to handle geometry data. Locate the textures of the asset you wish to import. We need to figure out what texture packing format was used. Be on the look-out for these files: Albedo, also called Color Normal Occlusion Roughness Metallic Specularlevel Possible other maps you may encounter that we can use: opacity, emissive Other maps you may encounter, we do not support. Ideally, all these PBR textures are separate, but it is possible that some are pre-packaged, for example, this would often be the case when working with assets made for other game engines. Some packed textures may be named with ORM or ORT as a suffix, in these instanced you're looking at packed textures for Occlusion - Roughness - Metallic, or Occlusion - Roughness - Translucency, respectively. Naturally most of these pre-packed textures we cannot use, so you will need to use an image manipulation software such as Photoshop or GIMP to Decompose the RGB channels into separately exportable layers. Now that you have your individual texture files, it is time to package them. You can once again use image manipulation software such as Photoshop or GIMP to pack the textures, or you can use Adobe Substance Sampler to import them as a material, and then export them using Adobe Substance Painter. I would recommend the latter because it allows you to more easily iterate on the texture. Note: If you obtained assets using a Specular-Glossiness PBR workflow as opposed to the Metallic-Roughness one W3D uses, then I strongly recommend the Adobe Substance route as it will automatically convert texture maps to whatever the output requires. As an example, here is what your output template should look like in Adobe Substance Painter: (Note: If you wish to include alpha, then simply create an additional template with alpha in the A channel of the base color map.) Re-pack your textures as follows: Color map: YourTextureName - export as BC1 DDS. In case your texture contains alpha, use BC3 instead. Normal map: YourTextureName_nrm - export as BC5n. Please make sure you use a DirectX Normal map. PBR map: YourTextureName_spc - export as BC7. Ensure the following: Red channel: Metallic Green channel: Roughness Blue channel: Occlusion Alpha channel: Specular Level Emissive (if present): YourTextureName_emissive - export as BC1. Ensure you export using the highest DDS compression quality, or you will get very pixelated results. I also recommend exporting using Kaiser mipmaps for a bit better looking textures at distance. Note: Using GIMP? Please use the Nvidia Texture Tools instead, as GIMP exports with very poor DDS compression, and doesn't support some of the formats we use. Once the textures are ready in DDS format, open 3DS Max and create a new W3D material. Leave everything default except for: Shader -> Sec Gradient -> Enabled Textures -> Publish & Alpha Bitmap enabled. On the model itself, go to W3D Properties and: Enable Tangents Enable Always Dyn Light (note: If this is a dynamic object like a character or vehicle, you can skip this) Export your W3D file as you wish it, but make sure you enable Export MikkTSpace-compliant Tangents in the export menu. This is important, otherwise your assets will have various errors. Now simply load your asset into a level with the correct configurations, and... it just works. Good luck!
  17. This is a fantastic guide. Would love even more help, like... how do you Withdraw money you put in the bank? Do Perks last beyond the session you are playing (ie: "Account Unlocked" for good?) or do you have to re-do the perks each time you play? Thanks.
  18. Feature Overview The new updated weather system operates differently in two primary ways; by introducing more customization capabilities on a per-map basis, and by introducing the capability of rendering surface level weather VFX. The primary means of assigning a weather type to a level (rain, snow, ash) remains unchanged, via Mammoth. New Per-Map Options Your map-specific INI files (the same file containing skybox information and a couple of other things), now also contain new parameters for weather related settings, as well as a few additional skybox settings. All the new settings, including their default values, are seen here in this example: [SkyTextures] MoonTexture1=FullMoon.dds MoonTexture2=PartMoon.dds EarthTexture1=FullEarth.dds EarthTexture2=PartEarth.dds SunTexture=Sun.dds SunHaloTexture=SunHalo.dds MoonHaloTexture=MoonHalo.dds CloudTexture=CloudLayer.dds StarTexture=Star.dds LightningTexture=LightningBolt.tga LightningSource=LightningSource.dds [WeatherTextures] WeatherTexture=weatherparticles.dds ; Sounds look for presets by name, not audio files. [ThunderSounds] ThunderSound1=Thunder01 ThunderSound2=Thunder02 ThunderSound3=Thunder03 ThunderSound4=Thunder04 ThunderSound5=Thunder05 ThunderSound6=Thunder06 WarBlitzSound=SFX.Ambient_Explosion_01 [WeatherSounds] WindSound=Wind01 RainSound=Rainfall01 [WeatherEffects] ; When a weather particle hits the ground, it will generate a random ; number between 0 and 1000 and if that number is less than ; WeatherEffectChance, it will trigger the "weather effect". ; See surfaceeffects.ini for weather hitter type data. ; Value from 0 to 1000. WeatherEffectChance=750 ; Area size around the camera to render weather in. RainSize=20.0 SnowSize=40.0 AshSize=40.0 New Surface Effects In order to generate the new client-side localized weather VFX, you need to update your surfaceeffects.ini with additional hitter type entries for each weather type (rain, snow, ash). Once you have listed your weather hitter types, you can then assign VFX to them like you would any other hitter type. Below is an example for the Rain hitter type: ; Weather Effects ; RAIN [Light Metal_Rain] Emitter0=e_rainspla Emitter1=e_rainsplb [Heavy Metal_Rain] Emitter0=e_rainspla Emitter1=e_rainsplb You can do the same for the other weather hitter types. Bonus tip: If your project has an unused weather type (most likely Ash), you can remove the ash texture from weatherparticles.dds and then use that weather to, for example, create wind effects in a sandy map.
  19. Hello fellow sand enjoyers, and welcome to this special 2 year anniversary Infantry Release update! What Have We Been Up To?We've been busy working on the new Vehicle Release, currently we're getting the core gameplay loop done and all the bells and whistles around that, features, assets, maps, and the rest. We're also working on more Infantry Release maps before we stop actively working on this version, more updates on both of these in the near future! Guard Station Set of the home world of House Atreides, Caladan, Guard Station is an outpost set inside a fissure surrounded by forests and mountains. In this new Conquest map House Harkonnen has taken one of the Guard Stations in this area, at one of the fissure's ends trying to capture more territory, it's House Atreides' mission to stop this at all costs! Update With the new map, we've got a few more changes for the update we've pushed today! Here's the changelist for Audio: - New objective announcements for Conquest and Team Deathmatch modes for House Atreides - New objective announcements for Conquest and Team Deathmatch modes for House Harkonnen Levels: - New Conquest map set on House Atreides home world of Caladan, called Guard Station - Corrected Wall textures on Lonely Road - Corrected Wall textures on Clifftop Pass Props: - Fixed stuck spots on MK.1 Harvester model Weapon: - Fixed Bolt-Action firing and reloading issues What's Next?We're continuing on with the Vehicle Release, our main focus is getting a Vertical Slice together to lock down our image for how what we want the game to look and play! This means getting Vehicles setup properly, Infantry Classes and customisation options down, Environments looking and feeling like you're on Arrakis, Buildings having proper layouts and functions, and much more! That's it's for another Update!Join us today and tomorrow for Battle for Dune: War of Assassins game nights and a Round Table tomorrow (15/09/24)! We look forward to seeing you all there! [blurb]Welcome to Battle for Dune's 2 Year Anniversary Update! Come and see what we've been working on and what's included in this special occasion's game update![/blurb]
  20. Join us for an Apocalypse Rising Dev Stream this September 11 as we celebrate 29 years of Command & Conquer! Starts at 5 PM GMT on our W3D Hub Twitch! (https://twitch.tv/w3dhub)
  21. TSR has been released! We bring you a reworked points system, rebalanced EVA and CABAL voice lines, and adjusted performance! Major frame rate drops have been resolved, and your overall performance should be largely improved! In fact, anything to the contrary is GDI propaganda.[blurb][/blurb] TSR Release *** Important: There are three keys that have moved from the "extended options" to the controls menu, and if you already have the game installed they will be unbound by default. They may be assigned for you if you click "Defaults," or you may add them manually if you want to retain your configuration. "Toggle Flight Mode / Jetpack" under Movement (Default: Q) "Chat History" under Communications (Default: U) "Vehicle Menu" under Communications (Default: Comma or Slash) General - Miscellaneous bug fixes, including that immovable vehicles should no longer crush infantry when bumped. - Reworked the points system, including fixing bugs involved with granting the wrong team points for base building destruction. - Increased money earned from repairing Silos and Service Depots from 8% to 10%. - Removed credit trickle from Refineries (was 2 credits/second). - Added visible map boundaries on all maps. - Rebalanced EVA and CABAL voice lines. - EMP and web modifiers have been fixed to work as intended. - Adjusted some values for performance. Greatly lowered the decal limit. 8192 -> 128 Lowered the DistanceInView value for surface effects. 400 -> 100 - Decreased the BlendScale on the bloom. 0.33 -> 0.15 - Tiberium shrubs are now 2-sided. GDI War Factory - Fixed a stuck spot in the props. - Patched a hole in the floor at the front of the bay. Mammoth Mk II - Adjusted out of combat self repair speed to be more continuous than per second. Combat Healing is still per second. Healing thresholds changed from 25->33% and 50%->66%. - SAM Damage decreased 100 -> 50 - SAM Reload Time increased 1.5 -> 3.0 - SAM Magazine Size increased 2 -> 8 - SAM Rate of Fire decreased 4 -> 2.5 - SAM Burst Delay increased 0 -> 0.6 - SAM Burst Max increased 1 -> 2 - SAM Burst Count reduced 2 -> 1 - SAM Range increased 140 -> 160 - SAM Engage Range increased 120 -> 140 - SAM velocity increased 150 -> 200 - SAM now tracks Harpies. - Removed burst delay. - Chin gun projectile extension increased XYZ 0 -> 0.05 - Mobile EMP - Now affects infantry with disabling stealth. Harpy - Magazine size decreased 100 -> 50 - Total Extra Ammo increased 300 -> 450 - Range decreased 130 -> 120 - Projectile Extension decreased Z 0.1 -> 0.02 Orca Fighter - Missiles now track Mouse (Lockon overrides) - Secondary velocity increased 120 -> 180 Hover MLRS - Damage Reduced 30 -> 25 - Homogenized Explosion damage with other rocket explosions - Missiles now track mouse (Lockon overrides) - Primary Turn Rate reduced 120 -> 60 - Secondary Turn Rate increased 80 -> 120 Wolverine - Range increased 110 -> 120 - Projectile Extension XYZ Increased 0.1 -> 0.15 Attack Buggy - Assigned a weapon reload sound. Attack Bike - Damage Reduced 45 -> 40 - Primary Fire rate of fire increased 3.5 -> 35.0 - Primary Fire Burst Delay increased 0.0 -> 1.14 - Primary Burst Count increased 1 -> 2 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 1200 -> 300 - Secondary Turn Rate increased 90 -> 1200 - Secondary rate of fire decreased 35.0 -> 3.5 - Secondary Burst Count reduced 2 -> 1 - Secondary Burst Delay reduced 0.8 -> 0 - Secondary Tracking Randomization increased 0.03 -> 0.05 - Homogenized Explosion damage with other rocket explosions Reaper - Projectile warhead changed from Bullet AI to Rocket - Web Launcher now costs 0 ammunition - Now correctly affects infantry - Burst Delay reduced 0.75 -> 0.6 - Web Radius increased 8.5 -> 9 - Mouse steering enabled on rockets Stealth Tank - Damage Reduced 30 -> 25 - Adjusted transition zones - Missiles now track mouse (Lockon overrides) - Removed burst fire from alt fire Missile Trooper - Missiles now track Mouse (Lockon overrides) - Primary Velocity reduced 150 -> 90 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 250 -> 100 - Secondary Velocity increased 150 -> 200 Attack Cycle - Secondary Burst Delay reduced 0.9 -> 0.8 - Secondary Turn Rate reduced 95 -> 90 Medic - Range increased 5 -> 10 Enforcer - Alt Fire Damage reduced 55 -> 40 - Alt Fire Rate of Fire reduced 1.1 -> 1.0 - Alt Fire Range Reduced 40m -> 25m Rocket Infantry - Rocket velocity increased 250 -> 300 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 90 -> 60 - Secondary velocity increased 300 -> 500 TS_Anchorage - Re-enabled vehicle blockers. TS_Dam - The infantry tunnels outside the GDI base are now lit yellow instead of red. - Fixed some texture blending at the center infantry tunnel entrances. TS_Field and Field_Flying - Bright grass is no longer emissive. - Fixed reinforcement harvester not moving on Flying. - Removed harvesters from purchase lists on Field. TS_GrandCanyon - Double wide gates in the bases. - It should be easier to get on the road ramp in the map center. - Blended some textures better. - Edited the hard map boundary slightly. - Fixed a hole in the terrain by the tunnel directly north of the GDI base. TS_Isles - Added Tiberium Silos. - Removed back gates and overhang. - Cleaned up water mesh and edges. - Added hedgehogs along coast. TS_Snow - Double wide gates in the bases. TS_TaintedLegacy - Removed the broken tiberium bits next to the large hill crystals. TS_Tiber - Raised civ truck spawns. - Fixed floating objects. - Added ambient sounds. - Removed the broken tiberium bits next to the large hill crystals.
  22. View File Alternate EVA/CABAL Voices With the newest patch of TSR comes an optional bonus- new voices for EVA and CABAL! Featuring SomberTwilight as the voice of EVA and Flamewheel as the voice of CABAL, this pack aims to enhance the atmosphere and gameplay experience by providing fresh, smooth voice lines tailor made to the TSR experience. Instead of awkwardly spliced lines present in the base game, with this pack you'll hear every structure and vehicle called out by name in high definition! Submitter Killing_You Submitted 08/29/2024 Category Custom Audio  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    With the newest patch of TSR comes an optional bonus- new voices for EVA and CABAL! Featuring SomberTwilight as the voice of EVA and Flamewheel as the voice of CABAL, this pack aims to enhance the atmosphere and gameplay experience by providing fresh, smooth voice lines tailor made to the TSR experience. Instead of awkwardly spliced lines present in the base game, with this pack you'll hear every structure and vehicle called out by name in high definition!
  24. until
    Coming soon.
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