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Showing most liked content on 03/17/2015 in all areas

  1. I do hope that they stick to their art style. It really sticks out from the rest on the games in a good way.
  2. There's more. You need to reset your game and get heavenly chips. The more you have, the more cookie production multipliers you can get. After you have enough heavenly chips you will be able to switch seasonal events and get all the upgrades and achievements without waiting until Xmas/Easter/Halloween and get all upgrades an achievements in just a week or a few days if you play a lot. With enough heavenly chips you can get prisms in the first 5 minutes of the game and that means you can in the end build not 50 but 250 in the same amount of time before resetting again. Have fun
  3. Nintendo's games actually look like games to be honest.
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  4. If killwhoring is happening because a war factory is lost, then can it not be solved by making the wolverine/buggy available if the barracks/HoN is still alive via air drop? Possibly make it even more expensive because of the added air ride? It would still give the losing team a chance to fight back if the map is somewhat vehicle dependent. (and if they still have a cash inflow) If you manage to lose both the war factory and the barracks, and you have 5 technicians repairing the power plant... then the technicians should realize a lost cause and move on to a new start on a fresh map, because otherwise they would just be soliciting kill whoring (pun intended).
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  5. See these AAPC rushes are very unbalanced vs. Nod SAPCs rushes since AAPCs are way faster and more effective, while SAPCs are super slow and if there is pavement everywhere in the GDI base it's almost impossible to bypass the defenses. Although this issue could get fixed by a good map design that would take into account SAPCs (creating shortcuts only passable underground), right now Nod would do much better with the KW's Nod fast & deployable APC. ATM the only way to stop the GDI rushes there has to be one or two reapers guarding the base/building entrances.
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  6. Arties still break bases for Nod. They melt structures insanely fast. With Crossroads meta I could have told you PP was the AAPCs target and we are on the forums . It is the shortest distance to travel, has the least resistance that a AAPC can drive past, and does the most long term damage. Yes I agree that an engineer is OP as fuck on buildings. Nod Meta on that map would have been tech to Arties and bomb the WF from across the map. Yes the Arty isn't always available because of how good it is at killing structures and how great it was at killing titans. Perhaps now that the Juggernaut is making it to the game we can nerf the health of the titan back to what it was and bring the Arty to the maps it was taken away from. It has insane range to the point where it can literally sit over half if not the entire map distance away and do crazy amounts of damage to structures.
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  7. Hey everyone! On the old forum system, people could upvote and downvote posts, which could lead to potential trolling, especially since it also went to people's profiles, which in turn could go to their heads. Only moderators/admins could see who upvoted and downvoted posts. On this new W3D Hub forum, downvoting has been removed, and only upvoting is allowed in a Facebook-like system of positivity and general goodness! So, my question is, can regular users now be allowed to see who's upvoted posts, in a fashion that's also similar to Facebook? I can't see the harm in it, and it also seems kinda pointless to allow people to upvote if nobody below moderator status can see who likes their posts! I've always personally found it intriguing to discover who likes what. Anybody with me?
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  9. hey madrox....im up to 146 billion now....i forgot i left this thing in an open tab for a while lol. Upgraded a bunch of stuff But really, this game is so stupid Ha , puny mortal , you hardly compare ... 120 septillion cookies per second :downs: In the Beta 276 Hours , no cheats . 635 Hours in total . If you need help with strategy or tips just ask .
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  10. Hahaha Wally, exactly what I was thinking. Well, almost exactly. More along the lines of "One door closes, I'll bash another open if I have to" Not sure exactly why I got laid off but it might have to do with the fact that when they started working us 7 days a week, my health just wouldn't let me keep going at that rate, and I missed a couple days. Of course now I'm in pretty dire financial straits till I can find a new job. :/
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  11. Vulcano cannons - the latest in Magma based weaponry. Be Afraid.
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  12. I sensing dog verses cats or bears verses dogs. (Add rockets and you're in business). Or a new unit that can summon ai dogs or bears (like a bear gun). (That would make a new meaning to the right to bear arms)
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  13. So yeah, that's one hell of a vehicle! And you can view it before and after as always. I even managed to get a decent looking screen-got-flamed effect without resorting to any kind of additional flame brushes or picture inserts, the game did most of the work.
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