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Showing most liked content on 06/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I wonder what would happen if the middle were to be made impassable but keep the ability to shoot people that come to the other side? Just a thought...
  2. This is no small deal. I'm surprised the company still denies any fault of its own, and instead continues to point the finger at its users and "bad passwords." As a user of TeamViewer at work and home, I'm sad to have to uninstall it and find something else, but I'd rather use secure computers that run software by companies that care.
  3. Very different, and I don't want to hear another word of bases lacking elevation differences after this one is completed. Just finished the "transitional" cave system, these are the caves leading up to the ore mines. Unfortunately since I had to proxy these as well, I cannot provide a decent image to show them, so you'll have to hold on until the map is finished. Edit: This is what that looks like, keep in mind there are a few texture seam issues to correct, a side effect from having to work with several different 3DS files for one level. Also note I made a mistake and the support beams are a bit too low, the Ore Truck bumps into them (oops): Next update will be regarding the Soviet base... After that, I'll keep the rest under wraps until release.
  4. Let's add destructible rocks that fall down and crack open a passage way into an extra-dimensional Missile Silo which gives FREE FLARES FOR EVERYBODY and the resulting explosions obliterate Fissure from this plane of existence, literally deleting RA_Fissure.mix from your hard drive?
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  5. Something like Under maybe?
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  6. Yes or fallen rocks or debris, thats the idea
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  7. Thanks for your comments on KOTG. The idea behind the side tunnels on Fissure is the ore silos, but you're right. If those are prioritized too much, a bull rush down the middle can take the barracks.
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  8. You are right. A common problem when designing maps and buildings, there must always be a purpose of everything if you can walk there, otherwise it has to be eye candy.
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  9. Well, my favorites are Camos Canyon because the whole map is equally accessible and has a lot of strategic potential (and is a lot off fun especially when you fight in the middle because there are craters or the remains of the houses or the bunkers on the sides where when you run out of friends you can make a good Fury-esque last stand ) you can do all sorts of stuff on that map which is awesome and because it isn't clustered, it is spread really nicely so you can resupply or let a mechanic or a medic to heal you which is always nice. Another one would be KeepofTheGrass because (well, this might not be relevant at all) it is pretty good for sneaky attacks, it has a lot of paths underground and places on the mountains where you can over watch and over shoot the enemy and I LOVE that cottage on south to the Soviet base,if you would ask me that place would make perfect material for a second objective like hold the cottage for "x" amounts of time or obtain the intel inside (since there is a secret room with computers at the basement behind the bedrooms, or well, not so secret cause there's no door or anything but you get my point)(also found the easter egg with Kane's pic in the said bedrooms, I love it ) What I'm trying to say is that that map has a lot of potential For least favorite I think Fissure was always kind of meh,I mean, All I saw in Gamma and now (I haven't played on the gamma version that much either so don't bash on me..) was rushes of Captains and Starshinas always through the middle, rarely exploring the tunnels or other parts and the match ending in about 5-6 min :/ I don't know if my opinion would count that much, but if I would to be asked, I would suggest that there should be a way to block the middle temporarily or completely so the players would have to figure out something a bit more differently than the dull rushes that I kinda saw happening a lot on this map :/ Don't get me wrong, I explored the map on practice and the new version looks pretty good but people won't explore it if they won't have too, am I right?
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  10. I think the first C&C i have ever played when i was 4 year old was Red Alert 1. From time to time i had to sit with parents at work, and was observing dad playing it. When he was out of office, i took his place and played on my own. Got hooked to it pretty quickly. However when dad brought home PC with Red Alert 2, this is where it started. I still didnt knew english, so playing campaign was 100% of guess what i am supposed to do but after some time i got a hang on it and even managed to play against my dad from time to time. Then i followed every other C&C, replayed older ones. Later on i returned to RA2(YR) which got me hooked to mods. I played modded RA2YR for YEARS, because i didnt felt bored at all. Severals of them downloaded, several of them played, it felt refreshing playing the game which was constantly changed because of community. Later on when i got myself TFD i got hooked to Renegade, then APB. Im still following modding communities, mostly RA2YR ones. Started from very bottom, now i am here. [Obligatory bragging] Tester for Mentalmeisters [/Obligatory bragging] C&C is a big part of my life, im thankful for my dad for showing me it. PS. I consider Generals not as good as people think and SWR productions = band of closedminded bastards. The end!
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  12. Maybe it can be changed so Camos Canyon Bots is the default map when you click Multiplayer Practice?
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  13. Here is a second pass on the Allied base, minus detail objects. As you can see, the base is a lot more compact, and there are elevation differences between buildings in order to eliminate the flat surfaces (The CY and WF are on a hill, the Barracks is in a lower ditch). The ore mine will be under the castle, meaning the Ore Truck(s) have to actually drive towards the action, rather than away from it.
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  14. Here is the current situation: Current progress based on rough estimates (updated May 27th): - Main terrain (grass, hills, mountains, water): 90% completed. - Main foliage (trees, bushes, grass, seaweed): 40% completed. [Further progress pending 3DS plugin] - Castle (balcony, ramparts, courtyard, interior): 70% completed. - Shorelines (waves, underwater, rocks): 80% completed. - Ore mines (developed as re-usable map asset): 100% completed. - Base detail (crates, barrels, containers): 20% completed. [Further progress partially pending 3DS plugin] - Core game mechanics (buildings, C&C Mode): 100% completed. - Siege mechanics (Cannons, alternate objective): 50% completed. - Miscellaneous LE tasks (music, map script zones): 50% completed. - Environmental audio pass (water, wind): 100% completed. - VIS (aids): 0.00000% The ore mine is done, and designed for optional re-use in maps via proxy placement (it's basically a building). Once Siege is completed, people can use it if they wish. It took more time to finish the mine than I anticipated since I had to make sure there were no light solve oddities. Edit: Erf, since I got nothing better to show, here is said mine: Some of the smaller details are hard to spot from these camera angles, such as electrical wiring.
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