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Showing most liked content on 06/17/2016 in all areas

  1. This is a concept drawing (more and better pictures to come) This is a map I'd like to create each base has two exits wide enough for tanks. One narrow exit is blocked by hedgehog and leads to capturable oil pumps. The wide exit leads to a town. Forest is in the middle (might add lake or trenches or something later... not sure, but forest for now) Also main road out of town has a turnout for Ore Field (maybe mixed field) (Warning: I am a total novice at map making... but I will give it my best shot! And I will try to update frequently) Bases: A few pillboxes/FlameTowers War Factory and Barracks Refinery and service depot Tech level: 5 Let me know if you have any idea(s)/input I will begin to model in 3ds max soon
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  2. That's why I haven't really posted anything. I started out wanting to make animations but I'm pretty lame at that so I switched to 'scenebuilding' - where you produce a nicely composed scene from various models and render that with lights and particles. I'm happy to take requests if you have anything you'd like me to have a crack at. This has been my most popular one so far: In a scene like this the actual map is an empty void. Here's a series of pictures showing how I made this: I like working with varied time periods to keep it fresh. The muskets and swords in this are from Assassin's Creed This type is my favourite, the mech here was built from generators, radiators, gibs, and pipes from Half Life 2 and Day of Defeat This is the only C&C render I've done so far. I was going to do a triptych from Dawn, Sun, and Twilight, with this as the leftmost 'Dawn' panel but I mucked up the formatting. And the rest!
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  3. Hello! Regarding the Soviet War Factory, would it be possible to attach a red star (see second picture) right here (see below picture). About the Soviet Barracks, how about we change the flag from the existing flag to the actual Soviet flag? If not then I understand, I'll just edit the current flag to the Soviet one. This one regards vehicle camouflage. I was wondering what other players thought about removing the option to change the camouflage and just making them map specific, snow for snow maps, green for green maps, etc.? Maybe do this and then allow to change to the black camouflage as the two options? Is this even possible? While we're on camouflage, will soldiers ever get a camouflage option? I noticed that Tanya now has the option. None of this is really important for the game but it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I just wanted to get this topic over and done with. Thanks for reading!
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  4. Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane. Ah you must have missed that time when like 3 days ago there were 22 players on IA official server. 4-5 match straight 18-22 players were playing it, but I drop out as I need to go out do something.
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  5. Just make the Mobile Gap Generator explode like a demo truck. I'm sure that will solve the problem. ...wait what were we talking about, again?
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  6. How about we just remove Soviets, so the allies will never lose to them?
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  7. This is no small deal. I'm surprised the company still denies any fault of its own, and instead continues to point the finger at its users and "bad passwords." As a user of TeamViewer at work and home, I'm sad to have to uninstall it and find something else, but I'd rather use secure computers that run software by companies that care.
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