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Showing most liked content on 11/11/2016 in all areas

  1. I digged some good old german forklift instruction parody vid from 2001. I wanted to share it since it might help our local polish workforce voe (even though he might know about it already, but good reminder) Warning: Contains blood and gore
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  3. Hey folks, by now I'm growing pretty tired of this damn Muslim/Koran/refugee discussion that's going on here in Germany. Well and since I consider myself a rational person who likes to make informed decisions, I thought to myself "let's read the Koran" ... "and THEN judge those refugees, muahahaaa" ... No, honestly, I'm an atheist. I believe in science and facts, in freedom, harmony, I am pro tolerance and against violence. Let's say I try to be a decent human being. Anyway, one point on my to do list was also always to read the Bible. And now might be a pretty handy time to read both and compare what they say. So to put this short: Are there any different versions of those two books, the Bible and the Koran, I should care about? I mean I have literally no idea about that, I just heard that there are different versions for example of the bible because they were translated by different people at different points in time or something. Let's say I don't want to order "Bible version 1.2" on Amazon when there's already "version 1.55 extended edition + hotfix" on the market. You know what I mean? So if there's something like a standard or go-to editon of both books, please tell me more about it cheers, Kalle PS: Please, PLEASE don't start any religious discussion down here ^^ everybody is free to believe what they want to believe. And I know many people take these things pretty seriously, so I don't want any bad blood between you guys ^^
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  4. Well, as you know, I've implemented a mini side-feature to Siege which hasn't really been done before. If it proves to be a fun addition to the general gameplay of APB, it'll open the door for more of these mini-additions to various maps. Once that happens, anything becomes possible.
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  5. I'm an atheist myself as well, but I purchased a Koran at one point to learn about Islam and was told that the Koran available today is the same as the original (never confirmed that personally). So if that's true then you should have nothing to worry about there. Regarding the Bible, yeah, there are a lot of versions of this. I never got around to finding and acquiring the "correct" one so good luck there. And yes, hopefully this doesn't turn into a religious war. Me thinks we don't need that happening here.
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