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  1. [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb] [blurb]Version 0.7.2 of the W3D launcher is now live.[/blurb]Version 0.7.2 of the W3D launcher is now live. This version adds under the hood improvements to the server listings to make them more reliable.
  2. Simple. 1. He was always radar-visible. 2. He could be removed with 1 click of a hitscan sniper. 3. Maps were way more open with far less props. 4. You are comparing 1500/1800 commando unit which purchase is announced server-wide to a 400 common mook. 5. Kov camp spots were well-known and easy to check. 6. Kov shots were still easier to track due to them being tri-shots which allowed a degree of tracing. 7. 3D radar. 8. Kov shots had next to 0 splash so one could easily repair whatever they attacked. That's just from the top of my head. And 2 more after a bit of thinking: 9. Kov shots weren't silent 10. Kov shots produced extremely highly visible explosions with lots of particles and other stuff.
  3. @Raap We actually discussed something related to this last weekend when @OWA, @TeamWolf, @CCHyper and myself met up in London. When we all started out with W3D modding the bar to entry was low because we were all finding our feet and had a wider community to lean on for feedback and help improving our skills. The required quality of assets was also considerably lower. Now the barrier to entry for creating assets for the games is incredibly high and there is no realistic "entry point" for newcomers to go into. People aren't going to practice their skills creating things that are never going to have a hope in hell of being used, and they aren't content to practice on low impact stuff like terrain details, props etc but instead want to gun straight for the big, visible things, like every day driver tanks, infantry, etc. This creates a negative feedback cycle where anything they create is passed over due to inferior quality and deters them from continuing to improve their abilities. We really need to figure out what the entry point looks like these days for up and coming modellers, texture artists, level creators, etc. We can't realistically expect Delta level quality assets out the gate, but equally we need to encourage people to create art assets and continue to hone their skills. Thoughts?
  4. So I was waiting for @SilverShark's ranger around the corner... And he decided to fly...
  5. Alright guys, I had planned to keep this little project under wraps a little longer, but in light of the current launcher issues, I have decided to let this thing out into the wild a little early. Disclaimer: This tool is in no way affiliated with W3D-Hub or its developers or staff (except for me because its mine). This tool is not intended to be a W3D-Hub launcher replacement, and by nature can not fulfill the role of a launcher because it is by design different. It is a connect tool. There is a difference. This tool is provided as-is with no warranty, express or implied. This tool is a work in progress, and is considered to be in a 'beta' state currently. In May of last year, I began working on a simple direct connect tool that would be compatible with Renegade and any other mod running on the W3D engine. It was a simple idea, and it didn't take me long to produce something tangible. This is the first version that worked (I think) and I completed it on May 30 (notice the version number). It fulfills the basic function of directly connecting to a server and thats it! Then someone said, "hey, why don't you add (X feature)..? That would be cool..". So I added (X feature). Then someone else said "hey, why don't you add (Y feature)..? That would be cool..". So with a little bit of feedback from a handful of people, I made some changes and reiterations, and had a few new ideas of my own along the way. Eventually, it actually started to look alright. The first few versions were pretty hideous, as you can see from that screenshot. I realized that I might actually want to make it look nice, so I enlisted the services of Isaac The Madd to design me a logo! Skipping forward several iterations, a few hundred lines of code, and hours of headbanging because I suck at coding, I finally had something that I was (almost) pleased with. Citizens of W3D-Hub and the rest of the Renegade modding world, I give you the W3D-Asterisk Connect tool beta version 0.31! I have done everything I can to make this tool flow with an easy-to-use design. Here is a short list of features: The tool will retain the last set of data that was used to connect to a server. It supports saving/editing/deleting multiplayer profiles, so you can keep an entry for every server you play on, and easily edit the info if it changes. It has an option to close the tool upon connection, or leave it open. It supports additional launch commands. (useful for developers) It has themes. (this is not really useful, but I thought why not make it look nice) Its better than a batch file Bugs.... As mentioned above, this version is being released because I feel like the community needs it, even though I'm not quite finished with it. There are a few things that aren't yet "right" about it, but instead of telling you, I'm going to let you tell me. PM me here with any bugs you find, or find my email in the help menu of the program (where it falsely says "version 1.0" because I had not intended on releasing this while still in beta). I hope some of you will find this useful, and I hope that the ones of you that do not find it useful will tell me what I can do to improve it! Here's the download already!
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  6. COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST A PATH BEYOND RELEASE! Texture pack last updated 2016/06/22 for Delta's 3.0.6.X release. See changes/additions below. All content featured in this texture pack should be compatible with the most current/recent patch of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. Enjoyed playing Red Alert? Ever wanted to play Red Alert: A Path Beyond with faction colors? Then this texture pack is for you! The textures contained in this pack will colorize the characters and vehicles of APB to represent their house colors from the Red Alert RTS. Allies will have the following house colors: Blue, teal, green, desert/sand Soviets will have the following house colors: Red, orange, yellow, brown When choosing a unit that has multiple camos, the symbol on the upper left of the purchase icon will tell you which color you will be buying: UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0: SEE UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0.6 IN THE NEXT SPOILER! UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0.6 DOWNLOAD HERE INSTALLATION Unpack the contents of the RAR file into the game's "data" folder. For reference, the installation path should be the following: Once unpacked, load up APB and play like it's 1996 all over again! Special thanks to V0LK0V and Kicken for the original idea of the classic colors pack. Without them, this texture pack would not have existed for this long.
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  7. Oh no, looks like I've run out of gameplay footage for more episodes... no wait, not quite yet....
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  8. Just a question, if I go with merging the two units - should the "RPGrenadier" keep the RPG Trooper's faded brown livery, or the Grenadier's classic yellow one? I feel the RPG trooper's colours fit better with the tone of the game, plus they're closer to what you see in the RA sidebar cameo, but I don't know how much Yellowdier nostalgia rates among you guys
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  9. You got a very fair point with "if done right". If there is a will, there is a way. And if someone was completely serious about adding a grenade launcher, then with some effort on the design, a suitable concept could be created, sort of like a rough and bulky "prototype" kind of design. But yeah, going slightly off-topic with that one. I'm all for iterative unit design with live server testing. Pushwaffles can come up with a few variations and give each a spin for a patch cycle, then stick with the most favorable.
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  10. Okay, so awhile back I was talking about how I was crashing a lot. I did a complete reinstall and that got fixed, so this isn't the same problem. From as far as I can tell, that was caused by one file failing to download correctly during an update and then the repair function failing to catch it. This is different. On Ridge War, about 3/4 of the time I enter one specific area my computer freezes so completely that I have to power cycle it. The sound even stutters to a stop before the game is frozen on the screen, no keys not even ctrl+alt+del respond. This happens in the area slightly forward of the Allied repair depot that's at the bottom of their ridge. Now, while this is perhaps something on my end, even if so, it'd be really help to know if there's anything unique about this one spot in that one map that could be triggering some function of my computer that's broken. This type of crash has only ever happened right there, and that combined with the fact that it's repeatable in that spot has me raising some serious eyebrows, and the fact that I'm not getting any problems doing anything else with my computer. My video card is NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti, and the processor is an i7-3770 if there are any known issues with particular hardware. I can provide any other info, and do tests, though with such a spectacular form of crash I'm obviously not eager to do that too many times. I'd say I've crashed this way 4, maybe 5 times. It hasn't happened when I run the map solo.
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  11. After some testing, we've determined that there is an issue that seems to be tied to one specific area of ridgewar. Too bad it isn't the issue i've been having, but hey its still progress! Thanks for working with me on that OrangeP47.
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  12. I've gone to start a map or two for APB in the past and wanted to remake one or two old fan maps fairly recently. I just never had the incentive to either get them to a good place or actually start work on an older map, mainly due to how much work goes into it when I have a game to finish myself.
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  13. My personal main issue is that I've never learned how W3D tools operate, since I was never part of the old glory days of W3D and Renegade modding. But after getting set up and provided the updated tools by W3D Hub devs like ChopBam along with helpful advice, information and tutorials from experienced mappers and Moonsense's tutorial section, things are moving along. But I'm W3D Hub staff/dev, and have access to getting up-to-date software and information that is needed for our latest releases, and am not sure how available these things are to the public. Having easy to download packs and how-to's would be a big plus. And as far as I know we have people working on getting things just like that out there to kick things off. A big hurdle is going back to old 3DS Max (which people might not have) and tackling both the map model and the level edit thingies, but proxy elements really help out with that, and from what I've seen the projects are only now getting really organized and sorted so systems like that can be easily streamlined through an effective workflow that newcomers can more easily use. I'm kinda testing that out as I'm learning along parallel to the mapping workflow getting some upgrades and documentation. Not sure to what degree it'll all advance, but it's something that's helping me out greatly. If I didn't have any help and just had to rely on tutorials posted around, it would look way too daunting and complicated for me to give it a chance.
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  14. A quick one of last night's games
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