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Showing most liked content on 05/09/2017 in all areas

  1. While digging through some old DVDs I found a bunch of fan maps from back in Beta. These seem to be from 1.2.0. up until 1.4.0. If anyone wants these maps, I can upload them somewhere and put a download link here. This is the list of maps I found:
  2. Let me ask you this instead. Would you want to have a cake that's been under cooked or one that's cooked all the way? Because it's the same thing with AR. While it is enjoyable now, there are still many things that need to be tested, patched, textured, etc.
  3. Kotaku UK have featured W3D Hub in a fairly lengthy article that sheds a nice light on what Command & Conquer-related projects we are working on. A while back I met a freelance journalist who was really interested in covering the work that we do here. Over the course of a few months, I gave them some info about the community and the result was this article! A link to the article can be found right here: http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2017/05/02/the-renegades-remaking-command-conquer-as-firstperson-shooters Although it's great to get acknowledged by a major gaming publication, there are unfortunately a few inaccuracies that are mentioned in the article. I've listed the facts below to set the record straight: Renegade was a 2002 game, not a 2005 game @OWA is currently moonlighting as a Seconded Game Designer at creative Assembly, so no longer a Tester (for now) Renegade X was in development as far back as 2007, so the devs didn't all leave to make Reborn in 2011 as the article suggests @OWA didn't have much of a hand in the handing over of Reborn at all. That task was masterminded by @Wallywood, who made sure that the game was in good hands before moving it back over to what was then Bluehell Productions It's Nod, not NOD (old joke is old) MCT terminals, i.e. Master Control Terminal Terminals Reborn doesn't feature Thieves The section about 2009 graphics upgrades is uninformed. Here's the scoop straight from @saberhawk: "We slowly took over the rendering engine and rebuilt most of it a few times; the original game was D3D8 (DirectX 8), all the latest things are D3D11 (DirectX 11)" Even with these inacurracies, it's really great to see this level of attention from a major game news site (even if it's only from the UK branch of Kotaku) and get our message out there that C&C isn't quite dead yet. This shows that even though we're creating games on an older engine, it still continues to spark interest, which I think is amazing. I'm really proud of what we achieve every day here and I think we should all enjoy being in the limelight as one of the few teams still standing that is continuing to carry the banner for the Command & Conquer franchise and fans everywhere! With improvements and new site features on the way, W3D Hub is going to be a community that will be around for years to come! Stay tuned for more good stuff right here! [blurb]Kotaku UK have covered W3D Hub in an exciting news article, featuring our very own OWA![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_tsr.j.png[/thumb]
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  4. For normal users, there is no benefit to signing in (yet). In the future this will change, but for now don't worry about it. Also, it just uses the same credentials that you use to sign in to the forum, though it may not work right now.
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  5. They both used the exact same warhead in RA (arty had better DPS but zero opportunity to use it since WW logic dictates that an "artillery" has about the same operational range as MBTs and that a prone half-naked commando can survive more bullets than a self-propelled howitzer), so any difference in how good they were at killing things was purely based on enemies' dodging ability - which, granted, V2s dealt with better due to their projectiles being twice as fast. However we can't just magically make the arty's accuracy change depending on what it's targeting, and reducing its projectile speed ala RA means that its arc changes - which is a sacred cow that I will not touch, as the arty/V2 arcs are probably the most important arcs in the game and I don't want to make everyone relearn how to aim them. They're still using Gamma values for a reason
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  6. I loved that mass Grenadier rush; and I loved how it failed too. Same with the Hind one, wasn't expecting it to work but it worked our rather beautifully.
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  7. Teamwork? In an online multiplayer game? Unbelievable!
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