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Showing most liked content on 08/20/2019 in all areas

  1. Roughly 5 years ago Bear Island was first released (roughly because I didn’t use an SVN back then so all I have to go on is the first commit to the scripts .git), since then many have claimed it was their favorite map; so, for its 5-year anniversary I’ve decided to do a massive number of bug fixes and major improvements! New/Improved Features: • The Armored car has been reworked into a supply vehicle (more details below). • Major improvements to the boss fight system (more details below). • Added a new objective, this is available before the midpoint of the game. • Added 96 voice files to the game! • Cougars now make an appearance in the fight! • Purchasing vehicles now marks their drop location with a signal flare. • Score system now tracks the last played time of players, this is used on the Stats Website (http://jeradsnetwork.midcoip.net:10025/StatsWebsite/BearHunter) for Bear Island. • AI Engineers will no longer repair vehicles that are empty, this will keep them from wasting time with vehicles that have been forgotten when turrets and occupied player vehicles are taking heavy damage. • The bonus objectives have been reordered to go closest to the base to furthest, in addition objectives that are hidden are now numbered as they’re discovered instead of being hard coded. • Wild deer now travel in herds and flee in herds to more accurately reflect reality. • Wild deer now have two 3d models, bucks and does. • Tiny Deer now have two death animations, so they don’t always fall over the same way. • Water now fades to black to more accurately follow the shoreline so players can easier tell where not to walk. • Made some major improvements to the vis system especially when inside the main base. Bug Fixes: • Fixed a single clump of grass near the main North East gate that had projectile collisions. • Fixed several objectives that were named wrong or referenced beta concepts. • Entering the water now correctly kills the player, not sure when this broke but its been broken a while, the score system also now correctly records water deaths. • Fixed a bug with the objectives system that caused players to be unable to see objective updates once they are out of lives. • Fixed two high scores that were updating for all players even if they didn’t play in a round of Bear Hunter. • Revised how the game determines of all players are dead during the final boss, this change was made because if the last player suicided while all the other players were dead the boss would derp and just sit there, making the game take forever to end. • Player now faces the direction the spawn points on the map were placed, don’t know how I missed that issue all these years. • One of the objectives had an “…” (Thanks MS Word) instead of “...” which caused it not to display. • Renamed a high score that was calling AI “ai” instead of “AI” • Fixed a bug that allowed players to leave the base and not die during the final boss fight. • Mutant aiming now ignores damage animations. • Reduced payout of the painkillers objective to 100 per player. • AI now properly targets black bears instead of aiming at the feet. Armored Supply Truck Rework: • What was once a boring armored vehicle now takes the role of a resupply truck for infantry and vehicles. • The vehicle now supports vehicles and infantry within 75 meters of it while its lights are on, the driver can see the range of this effect. • Having the lights on does attract attention of the mutants (this is old functionality, but it now serves a point to have the lights on). • Units must wait 15 seconds after taking damage to receive HP, it takes 1 minute to refill the health and armor bar with one truck. • Infantry must wait 7.5 seconds to regen ammo, it takes 15 seconds to refill the gun the infantry is holding if it has 0 ammo. This effect also refills the weapon crate weapons. Boss Fight Improvements: • Improved the AI of the final boss, it will now remove C4 if it sees it as a bigger threat than its currently target, so players, make sure to hide the C4 now. • Boss AI now thinks 10 times a second instead of just 4 to better improve its target selection. • Fixed a bug in the boss AI that allowed it to attack the President of Corporate America before all players were dead. • Boss no longer plays damage animations; this reduces the chances of its shots going wild. • Spawn system now only spawns players near PTs during the boss fight. • Spawn points are only used if no enemies can see the point (although if it plays out that enemies can see all the spawn points it will choose the one furthest from all enemies, boss takes priority in weighting here). 2.0.0 is now live on the Crazy Coop Server. Note: This requires Scripts 4.6 Update 9 (released today) http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=msg&th=41266&start=0&. MA_Bear_Island.zip [blurb]Check out the latest update to Bear Island! A co-op map for Renegade.[/blurb]
  2. I like the fact that you still have the chance to change a game when the winning team decides to whore kill and fool around instead of winning. I wasn't in the game but if it happened how you can see in the thread, thats exactly what GDI deserves lol
  3. I'm not taking sides in this thread as to keep / remove the restore. I will say to keep in mind that this thread only represents a small number of folks. I don't want to see changes made because a small number of people complain. Kneejerk reactions have brought about very few positive changes IMO.
  4. Woot! Thank you Jerad. I told you a long time ago this was by far my fav coop map, and it still is. But now A new and improved version I need to play this..
  5. I'm sure Kaskins can speak in more detail, but the short answer is this will require a lot of additional work for each map. I would rather see him spend time making new maps, updating the more popular maps with Conyards and Comm Centers.
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  6. Ah so skill less players :P Gotcha.
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  7. Is because in IA the AGT and Obelisk are base defenses using Vehicle logic instead of a building logic like Renegade. There are pro's and con's for this setup and I already considered using Vehicle logic. Pro's 1st is because you can easily relocate without redoing vis. 2nd you do not need to cut holes and weld it later. 3rd you can have multiple obelisk and agt's 4th no MCT which prevent camping afk-repair ( not really but his less protected than in building ) Con's No interior thus no spawn point + PT It ties to 1 Power Plant only, so if you have more than 1 AGT/Obelisk require multiple power plants? There were work around I think but is Research & Development again to find out. However is still quite possible to restore Obelisk/Agt one way or another but I am afraid this will make the match lean more to camping and defending. I might be wrong.
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  8. Please tell me you're not going to play Whack-A-Shade.
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  9. I'm perfectly fine with it since it encourages field control regardless you are winning or losing. I was against it at first, until I read this thread and saw how teamplay deserved to win more than kill whore.
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  10. I'm pretty hyped to play this new version later. I think I played it 100 times and I still like it We should make a Bear Islands release party
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  11. Maybe someday after I finish porting Renhalo to 4.x, although by then it might be time to move to a whole new engine, hard to say how many players would be left lol.
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  12. Jerad. While I have you here. Any plans for Bear Island Part 2? Return of the Viceroid?
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  13. It's still a Renegade Mod as a heads up.
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  14. I think he’ll review the facts/opinions of ALL players here on this forum before coming to his conclusion as to what should be done. Maybe a poll would be a good idea to gauge people who did and also did not comment in the IA community.
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  15. This feature is a grey-area zone for me imo. Just my five pence
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  16. I see this thread has been completely derailed from what i believe is an ongoing and significant problem. I took the liberty to hide some of the unneccesary personal attacks at the end, but I'll have it stay open in case anyone else would like to drop their five cents on the topic of building restores.
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  17. Hi gammelon, welcome! Great question. MechanicalThighs has it right. If we were to use those creative juices, we would rather put them toward special multiplayer objective maps like Seamist in A Path Beyond. That way, everyone can experience the "missions" together! Hope this is helpful.
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