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  1. !Squads was basically you type !invite to someone you think is cool and if they type !accept then they will start the next match on the same team as you. Furthermore you can see them on radar as a green star and you know what they purchase through BRenBot at all times. You can do this with up to 8 (or I think 5) players. @Cjx0r I'm unsure of the exact reason that Squads were taken off although we ended up getting alot of complaints about team stacking through PM and Discord. Matches would turn into 3 unstoppable people against 1 and while not such a problem in 40 to 50 player games it became a problem here because we don't have 40 to 50 player games unless it's on weekends. Furthermore when you added someone on squad you can immediately see them and also see if they are invisible.. so if I added someone on Nod then I (Being a GDI player) can see him on the radar regardless if he's stealthed or not which presents an unfair advantage. Currently squads was tried out and due to feedback didn't work, however just because they have been taken off doesn't mean we aren't still working on it in the background to reimplement it in a better way. That's !support now but good guess.
  2. Apologies for missing a Thursday. Rest assured that development is making strides. Today I want to give you an idea of what the scripts team has been up to. Development is more than mapping and textures. One must remember the intensive coding that goes into it! Below are some examples. Exhibit A: void Handle_Node_Rotation_Non_Aligned(NodeClass *n, Matrix3D &m1, Matrix3D &m2) { if (!n->Is_Locked()) { Matrix3D tm = n->Get_Transform(); Matrix3D tm2; m2.Get_Orthogonal_Inverse(tm2); Matrix3D tm3; Matrix3D::Multiply(tm2, tm, &tm3); Matrix3D::Multiply(m2, m1, &tm); Matrix3D::Multiply(tm, tm3, &tm); if (!tm.Is_Orthogonal()) { tm.Re_Orthogonalize(); } n->Set_Transform(tm); } } and Exhibit B: void TerrainNode::Create_Proxy_Objects(DynamicVectorClass<ProxyClass> &vector) { for (int i = 0; i < vector.Count(); i++) { Matrix3D transform = vector[i].Get_Transform(); StringClass str = vector[i].Get_Name(); PresetClass *p = PresetMgrClass::Find_Named_Preset(str); if (!p) { StringClass strx; strx.Format("Unable to find preset for placeholder %s.\r\n",str.Peek_Buffer()); OutputDebugStringA(strx); continue; } NodeClass *n = Create_Node(p, &transform, 0, false); if (n) { n->Set_Align_Rotation_Z(false); n->Set_Node_Embedded(true); if (n->Get_Phys() || n->Class_ID() == NODE_CLASSID_TERRAIN) { Matrix3D m1(true); Matrix3D m2x(true); Handle_Rotation(n, m1, m2x); n->Set_Is_Locked(true); Our scripts team looks at this kind of stuff on a daily basis. Without their assistance and expertise, who knows where our games would be. We can't thank them enough for all they do. We'll have more to show you next update! You should know the above scripts is related to this image here. The keyword is scaling. See you next Thursday! [blurb]Apologies for missing a Thursday. Rest assured that development is making strides. Today I want to give you an idea of what the scripts team has been up to.[/blurb]
  3. 2 likes
  4. Your taste in women is literally comparable to excrement.
  5. At least I got to kill Orange, that's was definitely a win no matter what happens this game.
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  6. Ok one more because you gave me an opener.
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  8. Sorry for not being much help yesterday (and this night phase). I had a test 3 hours before hammer and had work for most of today, which was topped by my graduation (although the fuckers didn't hand me my degree yet...). But I should be around more starting next phase.
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  10. Everyone who voted for Mojoman thought he was scummy because he was acting scummy. If you think me saying I'm suspicious of somebody but not sure enough to lynch them, voting for a nolynch, and then surviving a kill attempt from said person is scummy... Then I can definitely see why you would just take Shade's word that I've never voted NoLynch as town (which isn't true...). You would totally have a point if I said "I'm very confident that Mojo is scum, he has to be. By the way, I vote nolynch." But that's not what happened, is it? Also... Nice.
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  12. I'd assume squads were those paratrooper support powers that you could call in if you were either a veteran or elite ranking.
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  13. What are (were) squads?
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  14. Mod interference in the play field. Penalty is one lynch. ##vote Jeod.
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