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  1. >Me being quoted constantly when I'm dead
  2. That is true, I walked so that the enemy could not hear my footsteps. There were people directly below me at one point and I was concerned that they could hear my footsteps if I just ran around on the roof. In the event that they pushed past the Proximity mines and tried to engage me, I was prepared to fight them, hoping they didn't know my direct position. It doesn't matter if he can see me before he can hear my footsteps because he wasn't on the same level as me. He was directly below the floor I was on at one point. Visibility isn't the point, but audibility. I could hear him clearly even with the titan engaging Nod troops. I have music turned off. The Titan has lulls in it's firing pattern, so I try to listen in as closely as possible when it has ceased firing. For me, the titan firing isn't even really that loud. The Titan's position relative to me, is farther away than the Nod troops that were previously in the building. I wasn't scoped though. I was only walking. If this were true, then why wasn't I snapping to people while holding shift? It doesn't help that to another player, someone else's aim looks jittery or snappy. The video being in 20 frames per second doesn't help either. I wasn't scoping in. Even if I was scoped in, the mouse sensitivity would be way lower than what is shown on the video. I'm turning my character rather sharply because I'm not scoped in. I wouldn't be able to do that if I was. I did calculate a stealth unit to move to that area. I managed to hit him directly but that wasn't my goal. I've been to that area before and know how fast an SBH moves. Eyeballing it and doing the calculations in my head, I could determine that. The reason why I didn't shoot him when he picked up the M4 was because I wasn't aiming at that point specifically. By the time I moved my crosshair over I thought he probably moved away behind the tree, which is what happened. I did not feel confident that I was going to hit him and I didn't want to reveal the fact that I was tracking his movement. If I hit him with splash damage, he could hide behind the tree, restealth, and safely relocate away. If I was going to take a shot, I want to be confident that I can do it. During the 13 seconds of movement, I didn't hit him previously when moving in between the chinook and tank wreck because I wanted him out in the open with little chance to run to cover. I had different places in mind of where he could've been and I picked the correct one. I knew for a fact that he had an interest in getting near and engaging that Titan. Unfortunately for me, my follow up shots were poorly placed, but fortunately the Titan was quick to react. I calculated his location and did not use the MSA. There wasn't one in range at the time if I recall correctly. I brought up the MSA because if I did track him using the MSA (which I didn't) the radar is not a reliable way to determine if you are spotted by one on that map. If the MSA had spotted him and the Titan didn't shoot at him first, it could be because the Titan was too preoccupied looking in a different direction or wasn't paying attention properly. There are a lot of different variables and reasons why that could happen. As mentioned previously, I stated that I don't know if one was present or not at the time of the event. I pointed out that it was likely towards the later part of the match. Looking at the footage it appears to not be present but it definitely showed up later on in the match. The shot I made was not consistent. This was a unique and rare opportunity for me and because I was aware of his previous whereabouts and the direction he was moving in. Thus, I was able to make the shot. On any other day I would not have been able to calculate where he could possibly be if he didn't leave a trail of clues. Him showing his tendencies to engage enemy armor, leaving clues, and me predicting his movement made me actually land the shot. A lot of it is guess work when dealing with a stealthed unit. I just happen to have correctly predicted where he would be. The video posted above is how the map looks to me and what things look like from my perspective. At 1:20, looking at the general area, the fog doesn't affect visibility at all from the rooftop to the buildings across the way. If there are any questions or any testing that wants to be done, I'm more than willing to help.
  3. I remember old discussions years back about when RA1 took place and recently I found a transcript archive of a Q&A that took place in 06 Feb 1996 which was really early in RA1's development and had some interesting information. Well It may not be much but I always wanted a specified date of the war unless I missed some information somewhere. XD VENOM: what's the story behind RA and in what time and technology level will it be on ? WSAdam: Okay -- Here's the scoop: World War II never happened the way that we think of it. Hitler never came to power, and there was no WWII... for a while. We're spinning European history in a new direction, with Joseph Stalin and the USSR coming to power as the big heavy in the game. The player can play the Allies or the USSR as they strive for conquest of Europe. The technology ranges from 1940's to 1980's, but that doesn't mean that you're going to be commanding Pintos! We've also spun the technology up a bit, so there's plenty of cool stuff for you to use.. like attack dogs! Rambo: what will RA's story line be about? WSAdam: RA is an alternate time line that takes place in the 70's. WWII in Europe happened in another way, where Stalin and the USSR became the big heavy that threatened Europe. Also some neat early ideas at the time kane: how will you earn your money to make units? Tiberium? WSAdam: Ahh- this is somethingwe changed. Since Tiberium isn't around yet, the player has ore to mine (on the board, not in mines) to get money -- there are three types of ore, so which one you go after will determine how much money you get per load. Sure, you can go after the copper, but that Iron deposit is worth more, but closer to the opponent - - it adds a strategic advantage to what you collect. WSAdam: there are three ores, Copper, Nickel, and Iron. Each is worth a different amount of $$ per scoop for your ore collector. We've kept the metaphor of harvesting, but now you've got a dump-truck like unit with a scooper, and an Ore Processor. WSAdam: Side note -- we considered power lines, but they were problematic for the computer and made the game a lot more of a sim than we want it to be. They were found here: http://www.tibcom.com/wchat/transcripts/
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  4. Good afternoon @Threve I thank you for the kind gesture and even going as far as to modify the deal to make it easier and more manageable along with notifying other staff to review. I went to sleep last night and thought some more about this. I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the 54 second long video called 'Title 1'. The claim being made here is that I'm scoping in and still remaining stealthed. My counter to that is that I'm walking. Looking back on the video, you can actually see my character go from an aiming animation to a walking animation. The only way to return to the aiming animation is by shooting, hitting 'C' to crouch or by scoping. You wouldn't return to the walking animation if you were still presently scoping with the ramjet rifle or any weapon with a scope. You can see that at 7 seconds, I crouch not scope in. If the claim is that I was walking and then scoping and then un-scoped, you wouldn't immediately return to the walking animation then. The aiming animation would still linger for quite a long time. I never made the claim that I wanted to be silent, but to reduce my audibility and sound. Regardless of the volume in this case, walking footsteps will still be harder to detect than running. The reason why I walk and not stand still, is because if someone is aware of my presence I don't want to take the risk of standing still and letting them get a clean headshot on me or even a lucky headshot. I had been sniping in that spot for a good deal of the match and I have no doubt in my mind that Nod was aware of where I was. Even If I am stealthed, someone could try to prefire or shoot the locations that I was previously standing in. A good player would prefire or even suppress the area I've been firing from. Another reason brought up before, is that I don't know if the other SBH and Nod troops are still directly beneath me or not and I'm trying to limit my audibility. One reason I haven't brought up yet, is that I'm stealthed and scoping in would bring me out of stealth. To remedy my inability to scope and my desire to be accurate, I walk. Running at full speed would affect my aim if I'm trying to shoot without the scope. Lag is also a factor that would impact me if I were running rather than walking. Shift walking doesn't de-stealth you. Also, If I were using an RGH/ESP as is claimed, then what am I locking on to? Who am I locking on to? The video doesn't demonstrate this. There are times when It appears I'm looking straight at the GDI base, when I'm really looking at the part of the roof near the stairwell. The snap movement is me checking my surroundings and seeing if there are any enemies incoming from the Nod base and if anybody is on or near the adjacent buildings. Judging someone's aim from another perspective isn't reliable in this case, simply because my aim is being processed serverside as opposed to clientside. My aim looks choppy when viewed by another person, whereas it looks smooth on my screen. If the claim still stands about me being scoped in while still being stealthed, I wouldn't be able to move my aim that fast due to the sensitivity level from being scoped in. If the claim is that I'm using a soft aimbot, going back to my previous point who am I locking onto? If the claim is players, how is that determined? The video doesn't show that. Going back to the video that Darius provided, it doesn't demonstrate or show me snapping to him. It cannot be determined conclusively that I made the shot using RGH. At that point, it becomes conjecture. Please note, this post is not a rejection of your offer but I'm merely trying to lay down all the cards on the table and look at the facts. To accept the offer would be an admission of guilt. If I continued playing on the server with the equivalent of parole, people will look and treat me differently. They would believe I'm a filthy hacker, a criminal. I am not guilty, I am very much innocent in this. I'm not convinced that there's enough evidence to warrant a perma-ban. The only thing we have at this moment, is conjecture.
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  5. I like the idea of RA taking place in the '70s but it doesn't make sense when it comes to Stalin. He would've been almost 100 years old by that time but he definitely doesn't look like it in the game.
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  6. And Red Alert 2 again! Two-three days of work, but I have to say that wasn't too hard to remake this. Unfortunately, original vibe is gone, but kind of good experiment with guitar. http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/solomusic/Grinder.mp3
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  7. Sure thing! I'll keep you informed.
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  8. I appreciate the kind gesture and words. If it's not overstepping in any way, do you think it would be possible if a higher up can review the plan? I am quite limited as to how many videos I can record. Just a 10 minute clip will eat up 3 gigabytes. Imagine a full size 1 hour and 45 minute video of a single match. That would be beyond my capacity and would reduce the amount of time I can play on the server. Playing everyday will be impossible unless I upload every single match on Youtube as soon as it ends. Knowing Youtube, an hour and 45 minute video will take twice as long. I understand the need for evidence and to show that I'm not hacking but this will only actively discourage me from playing. To record every single match for 5 months would put a serious strain on the already limited hard drive space I have. I understand that I can delete a video after 5 days but if I play multiple matches in a row, I don't know what to do. I'm not declining the offer, but I'm just wondering if it were possible to iron out the details. I'm more than willing to come to some sort of an agreement.
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  9. @Guard55 The images below on my end are on the server. (Fog is only activated on the server due to scripting). I'm going to honest. I don't believe what you're telling me and the claims you're saying do not add up for me. Between measuring 13 seconds and "predicting" the exact location of Darius101 to the holding shift down to use RGH but claiming it's to be silent (You make the same amount/volume of noise walking just not as quickly. You were also walking back and forth.. if you really wanted to be silent then stay still.) I don't buy it. However.. You have been very courteous, responsive and kind in your responses and i really do appreciate that alot. As such I think me and you can meet in the middle. What i'm offering here is instead of being permanently banned - You record every moment you play for 5 months on the IA server. If I request footage from a time that you played in this time frame you'll give it to me no questions asked. - You must keep the footage from your gameplay for 5 days. (This means if it's November 13th and I ask for a clip from November 10th. You should have it. If it's Nov 13th and I ask for a clip from November 1st, it's my fault and you don't need to have it/you can delete it if you want so your computer doesn't get massively full.) - No weird tomfuckery if i ask for a video or a specific moment from a match. This means no "editing" or "cutting" of clips to mask up a time period. No editing to skip a match you were in or anything of the sort. - After 5 Months are up (April 5th, 2020). You have a clean slate and are no longer required to fulfill any of this anymore. However if I ask for a video of you playing on April 1st, 2020 and you don't have it. You realize this fails to complete your end of the deal. - If I ask for a video you have 5 days to produce the video/match requested. The time begins from when I ask you and you acknowledge. The requests from me will be sent from W3DHub.com if I send anything. I will also notify you in-game if I see you. - Failure to fulfill any of these requirements/ you cannot produce the asked video (unless special circumstances arise like Server Crash, Corrupted Video) will result in the return of a Ban with full understanding. The idea here is that it'll be impossible to use RGH as you do not know if there will be a moment i'm asking to see you play. It will furthermore give you an ability to play on our server without me constantly spectating you or assuming something. It also offers a fair chance for a 5 month probationary period where after which you have a clean slate. Assuming you accept and play, I may ask for a video twice, everyday or maybe not even ask at all for a whole entire 3 months. If "Corrupted Video" excuses seem to happen frequently then that's going to be an issue. I can see you have a video recording program and get pretty good FPS as it is so I don't imagine this will be to harsh on your side. I think that this is the fairest agreement for both of us and I do believe in second chances. If you accept my terms and believe it to be fair please type "I agree" somewhere in your response (separately) and i'll be happy to have you unbanned. Do be aware that means from here on out you'll need to record your gameplay or I have the right to ban you.
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  10. It does! We are currently working on a wiki/guide of sorts in what we call Tacitus, which will serve as an excellent resource for players new and old. @Threve has written up a good amount for the Interim Apex section, so he will be your best point of contact for advice and tips in-game while we continue to work on completing the guide for public view.
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