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Showing most liked content on 03/19/2020 in all areas

  1. Remember this? "Save me!" was one of the first forum games that we played here once W3D Hub was formed around 5 years ago. My, my, how the time flies! Well lets get right into it then. Its really simple, fun, and it goes like this: The OP (so me in this case) posts a description of a situation in which they are in peril, and will most certainly lose their life if there is no intervention. The next poster (which we will call P2 in this example) must then engineer a creative way (McGyver, Superheroes, The A-Team, Avengers, Donald Trump, etc) in which the previous poster will be saved from their peril. However, P2 is then also put in peril, either by the events which led to the saving of the previous poster, or by a non-related event. Return to step 2, P3 saves P2 but also falls into danger, etc, etc. The rules are these: Remain civil and follow all forum rules at all times. Some discussion is allowed, but do not derail this thread. All events must occur linearly in the same timeline/universe, and must not break the "relationship chain", otherwise the game is not as much fun. Do not attempt to break the game. Not specifically a rule, but do try to not post at the exact time as someone else. An accidental ninja-post would split the time line!! Have fun. While working in my lab to get all the wonderful APB Beta players their much needed 1080p resolution (so they don't have to use 800x600 anymore), my lab assistant @delta hears a noise outside. CRASH! A truck loaded with Coronavirus haz-mat suits crashes into the lab, killing the driver and pinning me to the wall! Save me!
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  2. This is a real "virgin hoarder vs the chad raider" deal. Thanks for everyone who said they had TP. But seriously though if things go super sideways, don't let people know what provisions you have willy nilly.
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  3. Twin FIM-92 Mortar City
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  4. No idea why people need so much TP... cause if all else fails - showers are a thing. Heck washing up in general is just good hygiene.
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  5. Idk, hes kicked and banned me for 24 hours for no reason and someone unbanned me but 1 reason was credible but the others he just kicked me and said oh you're afk, oh you're setjoin name is racist when i had it for like a year and a half so i changed it and he didn't even give me time to change it. Like wtf, if you're going to kick someone it has to be like hacking or some shit don't just kick people because they fuckin take you're shit i mean, don't mods have like a !vkick command for people even if the vehicle is asigned to that specific person. why cant we have an unbiased and fair moderation like i understand that life isnt fair but come on guys cant we just get along.
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  6. Yeah, you should)) Trust me, i was testing it last two game days XD And that's not end of close combat. It's nice to use rifle knifes, machete, swords, etc... And obviously Russian machete! It's right click simply one stabbing almost any infantry in any body part.
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