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Showing most liked content on 06/22/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello-hello! @Nodlied and I are pleased to announce a special event. One with a prize so good you cannot miss out! So! Let's go to it! Hi everyone! I'm sure that everybody has been playing the recently released Remasters. Well, so have we! So what better way to celebrate the release than to hold a mapping competition? We want your maps, and we want them to represent W3D! So what does this mapping competition entail? The Command and Conquer Remastered Collection comes with its own mapping editors for Tiberian Dawn Remastered and Red Alert Remastered. Your objective is to pick one of the maps represented in one of our projects (APB, IA, etc) and to recreate it as faithfully as possible in the remastered map editors. We know that some of our maps are based on maps in the original Red Alert, but you're going to recreate the maps based on the W3D iterations. Keep in mind that the maps need to be playable. How will we judge your maps? There are few different boxes that your map will have to tick. Easy stuff, I assure you! A - for Effort ☑ You'll get points for the amount of effort put into the map. An example for bonus points would be that you don't just deliver a skirmish-ready map, but one that comes with its own scripts so that players will start with bases as represented in the W3D variants of the maps. B - Beauty ☑ The more beautiful your map is, the more points you can gain. Quite simple. Keep in mind that the map still needs to represent your chosen W3D map as closely as possible! So a map such as classic ShallowsGrave won't be beautiful if you want to get points for remaining faithful to the W3D map. But if you want points for beauty, you might lose points on the copycat factor. C - Copy ☑ The map needs to be as close to the W3D map as possible. This can be difficult, as something like APB_Metro can be really hard to make. But something like APB_CoastalInfluence shouldn't be too difficult. Do what you have to do to translate the W3D maps into a functional 2D map with the Remastered map editor. D - Gameplay ☑ A map needs to be playable. Keep in mind that even if it is technically playable, it should also be fun to play. Bonus points for triggers and/or other things that make the gameplay closer to that of our projects. Each factor is worth 5 points up to a total of 20 points. If we cannot decide if something is, for example, worth a 3 or a 4, we'll decide on a 3.5. What's at stake? The winners - 3 of them - will receive a W3DHub shirt and sticker for free, sent to you by the W3D Hub team. If you win, we will contact you and arrange delivery and the details. Let me tell you, @Threve has one of these shirts already and can attest to its quality and feel. You will want to get your hands on this iconic piece of W3D merch. How to partake? We will be accepting submissions in this thread announcement here. Provide us a link to your map so we may download it and play, and we will then score you accordingly. Still with us? Good! Now, go out there and get creative! You have three weeks/until 12th July/we receive a considerable amount of submissions and for the sake of the judging team must close (in all honestly, the time and dates are subject to change. I will keep you updated in every case.) Remember, submissions are to be posted here. However, this thread is also open to discussion, feedback, and general brainstorming if you would like to! Now go! [blurb]Hi everyone! I'm sure that everybody has been playing the recently released Remasters. Well, so have we! So what better way to celebrate the release than to hold a mapping competition? We want your maps, and we want them to represent W3D![/blurb]
  2. Alright no worries. Also, for everyone who's also a daddy:
  3. Thank you guys for these memes
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  4. Been working on some D2k stuff recently and randomly made this:
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  5. "Your goal is so secret, even Kane knows nothing of it yet."
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