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Showing most liked content on 01/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Die of laughter IRL, then die of lynching in game.
  2. If you guys start voting me, you best be prepared to get shot.
  3. 3 likes
  4. The description is enough for you. The rest is up to speculation.
  5. I am not allowed to give you info.
  6. Your avatar keeps making me think that you're Killing_You.
  7. 2 likes
  8. Unfortunately, I bought Galactic Civilizations 3 right before the game started and I have fallen ill with One More Turn Syndrome... I've now read through and I'm mostly caught up. Unfortunately, I have a pretty solid town read on Shade right now so he's got to stick around. I don't have much more to go off yet.
    1 like
  9. Hi everyone! New game, time to ##vo- *dodges random shots* Well, alright then. That's one way to start the day.
    1 like
  10. 1 like
  11. Didn't we resolve that already thought? To be fair I agitate so many people it's kinda hard to keep track
    1 like
  12. Look at all of you. Don't you think you're all special debating on what price is right for a bribe? Be ashamed! Just accept all bribes! And then do nothing until your price has been reached! That way you won't have to talk about price and you will either get what you wanted or just some free money or stuff. Much more economical for yourself.
    1 like
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