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Showing most liked content on 03/13/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey I like the Orca Truck!- The unit allows for ammo and repair... although a slightly faster repair rate would make this unit more useful. As it Is currently it will repair light damage by the time the ammo is refilled... not the most useful if you still have to fly to an SD. Some maps don't have an aircraft refill and repair pad. (Whenever playing on Cold Valley as GDI I buy one, it pays off by taking the time normally used for SD between attacks) - Buff Unit by increasing repair rate - Yes! a BIGGER BOOM!!! I would love to one shot a group of power suit Sydney units in a small cave with one healer! Yes Please!!! "OH HELL NAH" -Will Smith (weapon pickups add hope, stealth suits add the frustration, Vet system adds incentive, Ob & AGT guns where supposed to add a base defense/tank killer mid game, Crates just add random spicy bits (like the Viceriod crate, death crate, refill crate, and health crate... etc) MAPS: Orca Heights: No Def, except a few Pillboxes, and Laser Turrets. Also add a Tib Gen to both sides outer walls (keep it spicy) Ulake: Remove War Factory AGT, but add Vehicle access to both Hills by GDI Base Great Wall: I know remake: Just needs a few Tib Gens placed in the village area to offset the need for the Forg Cave (By the Way, the opponent can capture the wall's defenses outside the wall and turn them on the base, fun times) Cold Valley: Remove AGT, but add a turret to Forgotten SD, the pill goes down almost too fast (Nod early campsite for artillery) Mt Pass: Needs a secondary attack route, if not for Vehicles then for infantry (foot path is a joke, small bit of lag/strafe and watery death). Also give both sides a Forgotten Hub like Under.
  2. That's it I'm done. This is the peak.
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  3. Sunday, but I'm getting carry out for my it tomorrow. This is what it looks like actually at the restaurant (the picture incorrectly labels it as a chimichanga but it's a burrito, whoever put it on trip advisor doesn't know what they're talking about). The burrito is stuffed with chicken, pico de gallo, onions, lettice, beans, sour cream, and as you can see the whole thing is covered in that absolutely amazing cheese.
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  4. I certainly will. See you on the battlefield!!
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  5. it's always good te experiment with things and tweak, rather than slam something senselsly and no patch is eternal anyways, some changes can be well done, some can be terribly done too, but nothing lives forever, especially when the name of the game is balanacing haha, I just hope this thread and discussion will server as an insight for both devs and players from both sides as well, voicing their point and getting some insight about the general feel of the unit, tactic, map, defense structure etc. from seasoned players and people that found a niche role worth honning.
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  6. ok one small new vid
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  7. Lmfao this is so freaking true! @forg0ten1
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  8. Was playing Renegade in the Chinese map with all the lime green weed leaves scattered all over the ground with those Asian looking buildings & Castle bases. You know which map I'm talking about. Well this player named Ooflyoo told me to follow him through these 2 tunnels which we had to lower down to on a rope I would have never seen without him. So we lower down and proceed through the tunnel that takes us to this mountain base with 2 Zeppelins that apparently spawn they there when they blow up again. The Zeppelin has a very hard to maneuver auto rifle attachment & the ability to drop bombs on enemies below. I thought it was super cool & was a lot of fun to drop these Grenade turds on everyone below us. If you read this, thanks for helping me find that. Found a secret today. I never knew where people got those Zeppelins on that map. Made the map way more fun to play.
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  9. I didn't really know which section it should be posted to, honestly. That's the map, yeah! You know your stuff dude! Oh man I wish I knew use use the free aim button during that game, sure would have helped. Great tip on getting to max height, will keep that in mind next time I cycle to that map again. Thanks man! I wish I could give you an up-vote but I used mine up in the C&C meme thread today already. Will be back to rep you with my tech later doe!
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