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Showing most liked content on 07/27/2017 in Posts

  1. You maybe believe it, but I cannot. Roland JD-990 and JV-2080 that I bought are the dream of my arsenal of sounds. After Red Alert remakes, this is probably the best of my works. If there will be possibility to remake some of Tiberian Sun tracks... who knows! P.S.: Interesting fact, and I know it from Frank himself: some names of instruments were chosen as titles for songs for Red Alert OST. As I discovered, "Terminate" is a soundscape instrument included with standard soundbank of JV-series, from which that song starts. And so on.
  2. Awesome!!! Thank you so much !!! If you have anything else you'd like to our way for maps we could always use a talented music artist on the team.
  3. Very nice work. Would you mind if we used this as the TSR menu music? We will give you credit of course.
  4. We need a place around here to share free non-C&C games! I'll start this thread off with a couple of my favorites from when I was a wee lad. Anyone can post here as long as the posted content follows the forum rules! That basically means nothing illegal, warez, etc. You know how to be good, so do it. Also please do not upload what you are sharing to the forum itself. Please use some other external file host. For the time being, I'm just using either my OneDrive or Google Drive. You can easily do the same. Please limit discussion in this thread to avoid clutter, and please please please do not criticize my choice of free file hosts. I realize that some of you don't believe in "free" file hosts but please discuss that elsewhere. Hasbro Interactive - Risk (1997) City Interactive - Demolition Champions (2003)
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  6. The dueling forklifts was my favorite part.
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  7. Very nice work. Anything you produce like that please share it with us! There aren't a lot of creators making C&C inspired work. We need more of that good stuff!
    1 like
  8. Lol worry not, ECW itself is ready to release now I feel, but we still have to make a few changes to the Launcher to make it more acceptable for ECW. (We have a few changes that we need to make on the launcher before ECW will be ready for the public, right now our testers have issues remembering the tricks you have to do to get config.exe to work so we have to design a better system).
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  9. Upon hearing this fine piece of art instruments, there is a sense of depth of space and suspense. But I have to say I think the bass is not that strong at "1.04". Nevertheless, is a fine piece of work. Keep it up and thank you for sharing this.
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  10. One more time - ONE LAST TIME
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  11. Don't you dare think about changing Jesus infantry.
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  12. To add to this, none of us get paid to do this. We work for free, spending many countless hours and days of our lives working on projects to bring players like you as much fun as we can. And I say again, for free.
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  13. Forg? You got something to say about this? APB isnt a game, its serious business. you dont fuck around
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