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Everything posted by GeneralCamo

  1. Another short patch has been released. Get the changelog in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone. This one is not going to have a long intro, as this is purely just a balance and bug fix patch. Changelog GENERAL A-Bomb impact timer raised from 55 to 60 seconds. A-Bomb flare arming time raised from 0.25 to 1 second. Gunboat/Volkov damage to surfaced naval units up by 11% (0.9 to 1.0) and submerged ones up by 25% (0.3 to 0.375). VEHICLES Destroyer turret can now rotate a full 360 degrees instead of 180. Gunboat turret's lower limit on vertical tilt loosened from -6.25 to -7.5 degrees. Gunboat now drops depth charges from the sides rather than behind. Attack Sub damage down from 75 to 70. MAD Tank health down from 500 to 400. Naval Transport health down from 250 to 200. AESTHETICS Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport radar dishes rotate now. Gunboat and Destroyer bob up and down slightly. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Cruisers actually shoot the Soviet base again instead of the ocean. RA_ForestOfIllusion: The boss takes double damage from shock rifles. RA_RidgeWar: Re-added Tesla Coil to the Soviet base in its 3.0 position, removed Flame Tower near its position. RA_RidgeWar: Re-arranged external flame towers to be less exploitable. RA_RidgeWar: Fixed floating turret at distant Allied service depot. RA_RidgeWar: AA gun at distant Allied service depot is actually centered on the roof of the shack now, which should make it less exploitable. RA_Wasteland: Fixed jukebox not being delayed. This patch is live on the launcher! Grab it now, and be on the lookout for more updates!
  2. The guy wanted to make APB into TCW but Red Alert. He ported over most of the features from it and made them server-side mods.
  3. I personally don't see the point. When I look at the trailer, seeing white units on temperate maps and green units on snow maps looks absolutely appalling. This is literally the only game I have seen such opposition. When forced model changes were implemented in Rise of the Reds, I saw no-one complaining there.
  4. Actually that doesn't. The point here is to fit the camo to the map, not remove the camo entirely. The core art style would be maintained, it just would look better per-map.
  5. What about doubling unit production times instead of cost?
  6. (slightly off-topic: I would prefer to see free-falling bombs rather than "para" bombs which make no sense at all. Para bombs can be chalked up to game engine limitations, as the cutscenes showed free falling bombs)
  7. I would be willing to participate if one is held.
  8. Considering that code compiling significantly improved over the last two decades, I could see it running even faster thanks to modern efficiency.
  9. Not really. There were plans otherwise years ago, but voices in the team called against it. But this is totally possible.
  10. It IS underlying thoughts. It never had any other name. I think he might be confusing it with Second Hand.
  11. Spy Plane: What would the use of this thing be? Why would I use it over something like binoculars?
  12. TTFS does not allow this. It is always lower-case. So this really isn't Raap's department.
  13. That's how most of the current in-game Delta map loading screenshots are done. I don't personally see an issue with it, but that's up to Raap.
  14. You all forget that RA and TD tech is technically the same since Kane is the master behind all the technology. The allies just stole it from the soviets.
  15. OpenRA is far more powerful though. So much in-fact that a few TS and RA2 mods recently moved to that engine as it gives much more flexible support than either TS or RA2.
  16. Another patch has been released, which includes a new map! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server! This one is smaller, but contains the first new map since Delta: RA_Zama. I'm sure the oldies here will remember it. Here is the (not very) long changelist: Changelist GENERAL Armour-piercing bullets (M60, PKM, Ranger, APC, Remington slug) damage to heavy vehicles increased by 6.66% (0.375 to 0.4) Armour-piercing bullets (M60, PKM, Ranger, APC, Remington slug) damage to super-heavy vehicles and boats increased by 10% (0.25 to 0.275) Gunboat/Volkov cannon/Volktillery damage to naval units increased by 20% (0.75 to 0.9 for surfaced ones, 0.25 to 0.3 for submerged). Removed some old scripts from naval units which may have been interfering in spy/thief use. INFANTRY Fixed Allied Sniper bot points for real this time. Engineer C4 damage to naval units evened out; instead of doing 25 when armour exists and 1000 when armour is stripped or the unit is submerged, it deals 500 in both cases, one-shotting everything except destroyers. VEHICLES Ranger/APC magazine size reduced to 50 again. Hind damage to heavy vehicles increased by ~14% (0.175 to 0.2) Hind damage to super-heavy vehicles increased by 25% (0.1 to 0.125) Attack Sub max speed down from 13m/s to 11.8m/s (a ~9% decrease). Attack Sub range up from 110 to 115. AESTHETICS Helicopters in "crash and burn" mode will now explode when submerged in deep water, just like living helicopters. Fixed "In Trouble" music track having vocals that it shouldn't Fixed inconsistent capitalization of "Ore truck lost" Fixed kill strings for Allied Power Plant and FoI secret unit. Fixed barrel recoil on the Artillery which was applied to a part that it shouldn't have been. Sound distance rolloff should be behaving properly now. If your camera somehow manages to find its way out of a VIS sector, all objects/meshes will now be displayed instead of being culled based on the last sector you were in (which created a lot of obvious terrain holes) MAP CHANGES RA_PacificThreat: Reduced size of thief zones by half, and added chainlink fences at certain points around the zones to limit the potential "angles of attack". RA_Zama is back in the game! Here's how it's changed since Gamma: Removed Helipads and added Power Plants, Ore Silos and extra Service Depots. Base locations have been swapped; Soviets are now on the hill like they were in Classic Zama, and Allies are in the opposite corner at the end of the river. Added light posts to bases/landmarks. Allied gem field is downgraded to a mixed ore+gems field. All resource fields except the Soviet gem field have been moved under the mountains. Many of the old "lumpy" hills have been reshaped into cliffs that cannot be climbed. Added a couple of tunnels in the field to assist infantry sneaks. Respawning Supply Trucks have been added to 2 locations far from the bases. Mudslide leading to the top of the Allied cliff (which was previously a pile of hay... sure) is easier to climb now. No-beacon zones added to tunnels/resource mines, out-of-bounds areas, and the Missile Silo basement. Added visibility culling system. And of course, a massive visual overhaul. No secret pictures this time, but I can assure you that this is not the only map that will be released in the future! Until then, you can download the new patch on the launcher and join our server! See you on the battlefield!
  17. I think I am just going to keep using this topic to post updates: http://forums.swr-productions.com/index.php?showtopic=10857 I'm co-hosting the first internal live stream by the way. There is going to be some neat stuff not seen in the updates as well, so maybe come take a look. It might surprise you.
  18. Pathfinder crashes your system and deletes your hard drive to meet your wish. I wish I could write essays just by thinking about them.
  19. The one currently in-game is the non-remix. The one that was originally in TD and what was in-game (and will again be in-game) was the remix. TD's music originally was intended to feature a lot of voices like this. Most of them were cut and remixed, with the exception of No Mercy.
  20. Here is a bit of a statement from me regarding the music. I did not think that the voices in "In Trouble" were such a big deal. Playing games though, it turns out it was indeed a mistake on my part, and take full responsibility for it. Rest assured that "In Trouble" will be reverted to the mono version come next patch.
  21. Granted. But it's Wii U exclusive. I wish I could control my internal clock to make boring things seem to go faster.
  22. *revives* Granted. He now dies in 1964, before Dune was released. I wish I wouldn't have financial aid problems.
  23. Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! This patch contains mostly balance changes, but there are other things in the update as well like an overhauled MCT, a few new sounds, changes to Coastal Influence's Soviet base, and more! But many of you want the long version, so here you go: Changelist INFANTRY Thieves take 3 seconds to steal money, and Soviets are now notified about the stolen money as well. Rocket Soldiers/RPG Troopers cannot be trained without a Barracks. Medic Kit healing effect duration down from 6 to 5 seconds. MP5-N range down from 70 to 60 (same as pistols/shotguns). MP5-N reload time up from 2.1s to 2.35s. MP5-N warhead changed from standard Assault Rifle bullets to AK-47 spray bullets (damage to all vehicles/buildings reduced by 15%). Flamethrower splash damage up from 27.5 to 30. Flamethrower direct damage down from 80 to 70. Fire damage multiplier to building walls up from 0.24 to 0.25 (a ~9% decrease after the damage nerf). Fire damage multiplier to building weakpoints up from 0.32 to 0.35 (a ~4% decrease after the damage nerf). Fire damage multiplier to pads/silos buildings up from 0.24 to 0.3 (a ~9% increase after the damage nerf). Fire damage multiplier to defenses down from 0.32 to 0.3 (a ~18% decrease after the damage nerf). Shock rifle damage multiplier to building weakpoints up from 0.2 to 0.225 (a 12.5% increase). Shock rifle damage multiplier to pads/silos up from 0.15 to 0.175 (a 16.66% increase). Allied sniper bots no longer give out 100x the intended points/cash. VEHICLES Gunboat/Destroyer turn rate improved. Destroyer rockets no longer arc up as this causes them to be unable to fire sometimes for some reason. Destroyer/Missile Sub rocket projectile velocity up from 50m/s to 75m/s. BUILDINGS The side windows of the Power Plant can no longer be broken. AESTHETICS The appearance of the MCT has been vastly improved, with the texture/model overhauled by Synaesthesia and the animation redone by Generalcamo. Rangers, APCs, MBTs, Artillery, and Gunboats now have visible barrel recoil. AA guns use the right sound file now. New sounds for Destroyer/Missile Sub and V2 rockets. Pillbox/Hind use 2 separate sound files (currently identical). Higher-quality stereo versions of the following music tracks: Crush (Rock Trap) Deception (Camos Canyon) Face The Enemy (Coastal Influence, Guard Duty) Fogger (KOTG) Industrial (Pipeline) In Trouble (Pipeline) Militant Force (Fissure) On The Prowl (Forest of Illusion) Re-Con (Stormy Valley) Run (Camos Canyon, Under) Terminate (Under) Underlying Thoughts (Under) Vector (KOTG) MAP CHANGES RA_CoastalInfluence: Removed a couple of the Allied defenses around the inlet and added a Soviet flame tower by the bridge. RA_CoastalInfluence: Soviet base is raised up to the height of the bridge. RA_CoastalInfluence: Thickened fog a little as there is no ridge blocking base-to-base sight anymore. RA_GuardDuty: Fixed a VIS error in Allied Barracks basement. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Fixed hole in terrain behind the Soviet base. RA_Pipeline: Fixed the floating rocks on the "V2 ridge". RA_StormyValley: Fixed the out-of-bounds zone. RA_StormyValley: Improved lighting level slightly. RA_Wasteland: Medium/Heavy Tanks no longer respawn. Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
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