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Everything posted by NodGuy

  1. MVPeeeeee! Thanks for sharing those videos. Hopefully I can make it to the next event.
  2. Maybe it's "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of?"
  3. I was just trying random countries.
  4. So bummed that I had to work during this event. Thankfully when I came home from lunch I was able to play one round on CanyonRiver. Our team won and I got MVP, so I guess it's not all too bad.
  5. No. When playing earlier versions of A Path Beyond it was possible to teleport to blue nothingness if you ram into other vehicles (doesn't always happen) and by doing other stuff. This is where the former "Bluehell Productions" got their name and logo. This always happened to me on the map named "A Path Beyond." I miss this map.
  6. I miss ClassicFjord (I think that was the name). Good fun.
  7. Funny, I was thinking about CanyonRiver the other day, I'm glad it's returning. Will we see other maps return in the future? Also glad that radio spam has been addressed again.
  8. I'm an atheist myself as well, but I purchased a Koran at one point to learn about Islam and was told that the Koran available today is the same as the original (never confirmed that personally). So if that's true then you should have nothing to worry about there. Regarding the Bible, yeah, there are a lot of versions of this. I never got around to finding and acquiring the "correct" one so good luck there. And yes, hopefully this doesn't turn into a religious war. Me thinks we don't need that happening here.
  9. Updated avatar, for a safe and secure forum.
  10. So that's where it was hiding! I'll be sure to check there from now on.
  11. Since I still got all the 3D files from the days working on Reborn on my PC, you will totally see that stuff one day ^^ But just to make it clear, the printing doesn't work that way "extract 3D file from game -> throw it at the printer -> success!!". I basically have to model all the stuff completely from scratch. But having resource material in 3D helps of course to speed up the process, since I got already the right proportions. This I know, which makes me appreciate your work even more.
  12. I remember you, and your amazing skins and costumes! Excited to see your recent work, and I hope to see Reborn / Tiberian Sun models one day.
  13. Obliterating Allied dogs with nuclear fire was always fun. Seeing Kane in the cutscenes was enjoyable too.
  14. That would be me if we were playing Rebarn. I don't know why, but I really enjoy playing as those GDI and Nod Engineers. I don't get the same enjoyment with APBs Engineers. It's probably because it's a limited wrench and not an unlimited magic fix everything gun that shoots blue, and I get promotions.
  15. You need to press Q. I done it today and the passenger moved the tank turret before I decided to take back control.
  16. I really enjoyed the first Halo Wars game (the story, anyway). However I wish it were more like what was shown in the video below, because the base building reminded me of Command and Conquer. I played the Alpha or Beta or whatever it was for Halo Wars 2 the other month. It was okay, I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it or not. After 343i took over, I lost interest in Halo. It's not the game-play that ruined it for me, it's the story and art style. I understand why it changed but I still don't like it.
  17. I just want to hump helipads to get ammo faster.
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