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Everything posted by Alstar

  1. Metro was meh. I never liked it, that map was too small and annoying to play on with more than 10 players.
  2. ho ly shit THE CANYON RIVER IS BACK Wonder if V2 is still as good on this map as it was before
  3. Dirt 3 is avaible on Humble Bundle for free. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/dirt-3-complete-edition-free-game
  4. Imo democratic party decided to take 2 shotgun shells in their knees by rigging the stuff so its Clinton who would be promoted by them and not Sanders. I feel that if it didnt took place, its Bernie who would be electeed yesterday. Not gonna say anything to that because i dont understand most of stuff about USA election and i dont want to look like an idiot. But got to admit, this is second place from where i see a proper discussion about this. Good job W3D hub. Most of "discussions" i seen are mostly shittalks
  5. Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: Pushwall Funniest User: Voe Most Helpful User: Einstein Biggest Spammer: Looking at both W3D hub and MO Revora section, obviously Dominant Hunter Best APB Player: Pushwall Tactical Espionage Action: Silverlight Most Likely To Succeed Demo-n00b: I could make a list but it would take 2 days, so sammyd You have FRAYDO and Mackintoke in clan. If that alone doesnt yell "NLF is bunch of scrubs" then idk what does
  6. I'd rather have an option for ConYard to allow reconstruction of destroyed buildings (not defences), now that would certainly made it more viable. But would also be annoying on maps like ridge or KOTG. And "lone wolfs should be rewarded" is 50/50 because it would either promote split tactics or promote solo play. Knowing part of playerbase it would go the 2nd way. Also, sneak tactics already exist and are not hard to pull off even with enemy con yards doin their jobs.
  7. Watching some AndrewFord, arent we? But yeah, in RAland only HT's and Meds matter. And sometimes V2, Yaks and cruisers.
  8. My BO3 CW had River Raid, Volcano and Classic Zama. I think from current map roster Zama, TTC, Coastal, Pipeline and Stormy would fit into CW map roster.
  9. Clanwars for 100 bucks? Free MOney to {AW} you mean?
  10. Clearing out info: in ra3 tsunami had lowest dps, hammer had highest and guardian was one in the middle. About the lt, i find myself barely using those on maps others than seamist, camos and River raid. I dont personally find them better onnmost of maps where soviets can roll without fear of being flanked - in those moments i simply rely on my good old medmech.
  11. Hell, its about time. Welcome back Ascendancy.
  12. Halo wars 1 was for me one of best designed rts games i ever played. I havent played much, since i borrowed my friend xbox for couple of days but it felt pretty balanced. And mpra, if you complain about your gear then you can give it to me, i use 6yo laptop
  13. You Are Working On Halo Wars 2? Lucky bastard. Too bad that i wont be able to play it because i dont own xbox or decent pc
  14. Want a REAL 9935 event? Here is simple solution!
  15. It is possible to pull out this strat. I rarely see it, but 2 flares planted in enemy base equals at least one of them reaching the 0 on timer. Also, second flare can be used as distraction to protect the main flare, which is planted in something i call "Point of Doom" - a place in enemy base where flare can instantly end the game, like soviet barracks on Bonsai or roof closer to power plant on allied refinery on Zama
  16. I lost my shit at crayons V2 rockets. This is gold.
  17. CC with infinite charges = mines are pointless. This is why Supply trucks are essential for most of clearing operations. Also werent clearing charges buffed recently?
  18. Im more of combat oriented player so i rarely grab a harvester. But that money helps a lot.
  19. Then that map would quickly be deranked on my board of epicness
  20. And im fine with that. Pillbox is much weaker than ft so first better tank rush will break it. Even starting infantry assault can deal with it before any tanks are on field. If pillbox was moved to point where it cannot do that anymore, ht could simply outrange it (if possible)
  21. Not, really. This is most of my games taken from my perspective (ancient screenshot, back before middle hill was a thing but still viable in terms of score/stats). My v2 stays in base, 90% of times soviets dont bother going this route, i shut down any allied scum that comes in my way + ships, i get MVP. Removal of V2/Arty? Good luck fighting against subs/ships. And actually sieging anything. On TIER 5 MAP. Killing you, that FT is already in range of island. Allied bridge is just shorter.
  22. I actually consider change regarding bridge on CI to be a very good choice. I can already notice increased number of attacks going through middle area and im totally fine with that. That way is becoming viable again.
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