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Everything posted by Tank_Killer

  1. had broken the signs by accident, fixed those. new version is up and corrected with new screenies.
  2. View File Tank_killer's SWAPPED custom caution boundaries Just like the previous one, but the signs are on the other sides. Copy the two .dds files to APB (3.6)'s Data directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\data or C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release\data) or wherever you have it installed. Enjoy! Submitter Tank_Killer Submitted 09/21/2021 Category Custom Textures  
  3. Version 1.0.1


    Just like the previous one, but the signs are on the other sides. Copy the two .dds files to APB (3.6)'s Data directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\data or C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release\data) or wherever you have it installed. Enjoy!
  4. View File Tank_killer's custom caution boundaries Copy the two .dds files to APB (3.6)'s Data directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\data or C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release\data) or wherever you have it installed. Enjoy! Submitter Tank_Killer Submitted 09/21/2021 Category Custom Textures  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Copy the two .dds files to APB (3.6)'s Data directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\data or C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release\data) or wherever you have it installed. Enjoy!
  6. Can't wait to mess around in CWC @ CMDBob , it looks great. Also, Pogo makes some really good mixes.
  7. Did you try all available options? Or just the regedit?
  8. So, following what LeonardMT told me while I was on his server, it seems that having any VM stuff running, the server ties to the VM IP address and not your own. Tested and confirmed with my own PC since I'm running VirtualBox, too.
  9. So, even with firewall disabled, both Asterisk and the server application running in admin mode, A/V disabled and connecting to my LAN IP. I still can't connect to it hosted locally. I've tried every port in the server config and it just doesn't wanna do the thing. Tried connecting with Wife's computer, does not work either. Still get the same errors.
  10. I'm trying it myself on my PC, I can't connect either, but it doesn't generate any message in the server screen, just says "Failed to connect" so even hosted local doesn't quite work out. Give me a little bit here, I'll try some things on my end to see if I can't get it running, you're using the Asterisk tool too, right? Admin mode?
  11. Dynamic IP's are a pain, but it shouldn't be a problem unless it's shifting all the time. Then you'd need to set it to a fixed. But that shouldn't be too much of a problem since I assume you're trying to connect on the same PC.
  12. This brings back memories of troubleshooting people wanting to host Minecraft lol. Do you mind if I ask for some details about your pc? Windows Version: Antivirus (if any): Is the host computer connected wirelessly or wired?
  13. Are you hosting on the same computer you're trying to play from? If so try doing the localhost connection ( ) If you're trying to connect from outside the computer you're hosting on, you'll need to go into your router/modem's settings and forward that port to the computer hosting. If necessary you could try putting that PC in the DMZ for a moment to see if it will connect, but don't leave the PC in the DMZ as you lose alot of protections that your modem typically provides.
  14. It will be in your origin games folder. usually it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Renegade\
  15. I have a feeling this might start coming up more often, do you have a macro written to do it quicker?
  16. When you played previously, did you use capitalization with your username? The stats table behaves weird because of capitalization, and can't write to a new instance for you because CnCThang is, by a database standard, not different than cncthang or cncThang, etc. @moonsense715 was able to help with my issue, but it did take some time. Easiest fix, with the least work is to try with differing capitalization in your display name until you don't get that message - Then you've found the username of yours that exists already. Edit: You should test different capitalization on a new map, as once you're on the server on one map, it keeps your information until a new one. So it can take awhile to sort.
  17. We could just put @Guard55 on their team, then it's more than fair.
  18. Description There's a broken piece of terrain/texture behind the Soviet War Factory on ToTheCore, by the wall. Reproduction Steps login to game go behind War Factory and shipping containers, look at wall by refill pad
  19. Could we do an Oldbie vs Newbie at some point. It would be heavily stacked so probably give AI help to the short team.
  20. @forg0ten1For spying less @PXD2000 for not defending and going on the assault every time. If I knew who took part in that MAD rush I would nominate them too
  21. It would be as simple as deleting your forum account, but keeping your account does have some added benefits, namely the ability to provide feedback on changes, or make suggestions/bug reports. You don't have to login daily or anything like that..
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