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Everything posted by TeamWolf

  1. No, it had a purpose that is still heavily applicable.
  2. Something we want try and have is a chat system on the launcher so you can see who's online and give a shout to who wants to play!
  3. It's amazing to finally see such an amazing project join us and have all major W3D projects together!
  4. Sorry to hear me, something else will come along just as good or better!
  5. No idea, I just remember seeing you around on the old APB forums.
  6. Trying to remake C&C 95 on UE4 including the cut units from the RTS.
  7. Another old face, welcome to the forums.
  8. I seem to remember that you could ride on top of that back when Genesis was on the Flashpoint engine.
  9. Sentry!! Good to see you around here again! I am loving the updated AFHQ and the base defences rotating like that looks great.
  10. It's not so much the engine as the C&C intellectual property. Besides, Steam is a for-profit platform and we can't legally make or allow any third party to make money from our games. We've said until the new armour.ini is in and balanced fairly well.
  11. Hey there, welcome to the forums! Glad you like what we're doing here, feel free to make yourself at home.
  12. A missing LE prop, everyone will have the same error.
  13. That honestly wouldn't surprise me with how they are.
  14. Thank you to all, it was indeed a great birthday with a lot of grant drinking!
  15. Yeah I don't remember that much of it tbh and I am sooo tempted to get it haha.
  16. Wait a min... Did you put Chevy's face on that?
  17. I didn't manage to grab a copy of the older version, it should still be working though if you uploaded it to the forums.
  18. I think sometimes, you are better off thinking more about gameplay than real life or what was in the RTS. if they did a little bit of damage to light vehicles and a tiny amount to medium then I think that would be better.
  19. Ah that's cool, for now I'll just check out the older version!
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