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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. You answered it yourself, I'm not being very sharp. Plus I guess it's a force of habbit.
  2. You softclaimed doc? Actually, doctor is a common role in vanilla games like these, so it could have been a good gambit to try and see. Then again, I see no reason to potentially ruin yourself as scum just to lure out the doctor this early in the game.
  3. Really? Another no-lynch? Are we making this a new meta or something?
  4. I'm immigrant. Not comrade. Comrade is communist. Communist is bad. Freedom in life is good. Why you angry?
  5. Looks great Raap! Can't wait to see what the finished product will be.
  6. Considering I handed in the first candidate of my work, the biggest job has been tackled. So count me in?
  7. Pfft. At least I got another 3 pages out today on top of the most heretical test in the history of man.
  8. It didn't even fall on yourself? (Ok, I'll piss off again.)
  9. Hope everything will be alright again soon!
  10. As you might have read elsewhere, I'm going to be very busy for the next 2.5 weeks.
  11. Thanks for the offer! But as for now, I'd have to decline. I know myself far too well that I'd hang out in there instead of doing my work.
  12. And just like that I need to pull back from this game. Uni decided today that our deadline would be changed from the 15th of May to the 18th of April. So I'll be extremely busy until then and will not be able to play the game. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it unless I wish to fail this year. (Yes, I will leave a lighter in one of their gastanks when I receive my diploma because I'm livid right now.)
  13. Maybe next week. In any case, I'd like to make a reservation regarding the generic summer holidays and a certain game currently known as Crisis II.
  14. Well Verti, it was because I didn't have enough time and I didn't want to appear as too obvious. I wanted to fake fail-convert mason with people to get them to kill me, and it would have worked if not for the fail-masion on N1 and the Cat5 lynch today.
  15. Well, you've got to admit. All the times we almost got screwed by sneaky sneaky cheeki breeki GM mechanics provide a good reason to vote you up. (No hard feelings)
  16. I've provided useful info all day. So much for ''starting''. ¬_¬
  17. In case any of you wonder, KY isn't scum. My mason description indicates that I die should I mason a hostile target.
  18. I'm not considering myself suspicious. If anything, I'm just volunteering to confirm my alignment even more and to challenge scum.
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