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Everything posted by ChopBam

  1. By the way, you don't need to worry about port forwarding at all if you're connecting on the same machine that's running it. So if you're trying to connect from the same machine, you can eliminate this as a cause for the issue. As long as the port you are trying to direct connect in Asterisk matches GameSpyGamePort in server.ini it should be okay. You are 100% sure that is your current local IPv4 address? This is the one that appears in the IPv4 Address field when you type ipconfig into cmd.
  2. I will also note in passing that no text should be selected in the blue FDS window, as that will freeze the FDS and make it unable to be connected to. Just in the slightly possible case this is the issue.
  3. I got ninja'd a bit there by Tank_Killer. I guess if you're using Asterisk it will pass the correct params to the game. You have verified that you are trying to connect to the correct Server IP? On my local LAN, for me that would be on port 9016. For myself I don't bother with brenbot or the plugins (as I don't need them for launcher display or anything else) so I haven't been able to help you out with those due to complete lack of experience. But I run a local FDS all the time with the bare minimum of files.
  4. @Tank_Killer I was never able to direct connect to localhost. LAN IP works for me. @LeonardMT What steps are you taking to try to connect to your server?
  5. The big blue "Renegade Master Server" window looked okay to me. This is what you run as the FDS, then you connect the players (i.e. the actual game clients) to it. You can use a desktop shortcut or the run command to put in the proper params, but I recommend using the Asterisk tool. You'll want to input your game's path as a game/mod profile, then use your computer's LAN IP and the server port to connect. If your port's open on the router, people on the internet can connect to it by using your WAN IP and the listed port. If you put +multi in the "additional commands" line, you can connect multiple players to your server from the same computer. Nifty!
  6. Are you able to direct connect to it at least?
  7. @LeonardMT We plan to make an announcement on this soon, but for now here is the link to our server hosting package. There is a readme.txt in the root directory that provides instructions to help you get it set up. Please let us know if you have any more questions! https://gitlab.com/w3dhub/a-path-beyond-fds
  8. Hi @LeonardMT, apologies for the delayed reply. To run a server you'll essentially need a separate build of the game with server specific config files and scripts hooked into it. We're working on making something public that will let people host their own servers.
  9. He went on vacation and his fiancee asked for absolute minimal screentime.
  10. It's a wishlist item for emitters on weapons. At the moment, the only way this plays out ingame is if you are jumping with a flamethrower, which increases the spread, and that's not an issue in the test builds because we removed that huge jump spread.
  11. They must mean something else because there's no function that I know of called AutoLink. The closest thing I can think of is simply Linking which is actually near the top left. Do you have a URL to the tutorial so we can see what's trying to be done?
  12. I have updated the SDK to include a simplified version of the APB Proxy Masters in gmax format. This doesn't have the tunnel versions of the buildings, and is missing a few very minor items but should otherwise work for anything you need. https://gitlab.com/w3dhub/a-path-beyond-sdk (check the Source folder)
  13. Upon further inspection it appears gmax's w3d importer doesn't work as far as importing meshes that were exported from Max 2017. So I used the .3ds route and set up a basic proxy masters file in gmax. I didn't clean this up too much and I haven't tested exporting and trying the things ingame, but it should be relatively close to what you would need to get started. Let me know if you have questions. Edit: removed, am doing some more cleanup on this and will be adding it to the SDK soon.
  14. Hey PwnCall, so good to see you here! You can have as many different LevelEdits or Mammoths as you like without needing to uninstall them. There aren't any gmax building files to be found to merge to maps, but fortunately they are just proxies, so you should be able to prepare your own building proxies without too much difficulty. You could try w3d importing each of them but what I'd actually recommend is not bothering with that and w3d importing the proxy masters file instead (poke me sometime to export it first). There you will have the proxies and the temp ground shapes. In theory this should save you the most time.
  15. @Tank_Killer Thank you for your report. However it is a duplicate report of this issue, and was fixed a few test builds ago.
  16. But the pubbies already have [Bot]Kevin and catting.
  17. @1000MammothTanks It should be in the next release
  18. It's a feature that's in the works, with many others! 👍
  19. Thanks for sharing these! Nice dog, congrats on your marriage and where you are in life, and we are so glad to have you back.
  20. Changed Status to Closed (Other) Changed Attachments to https://w3dhub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2021_02/image2.jpg.bfc091a12ef16abf5763333b31dcce57.jpg,https://w3dhub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2021_02/image1.jpg.35cf9fb197b7406628e0107522fdcee2.jpg
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