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Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2

They did, it was called Tiberium. It was cancelled because it "didn't meet EA's quallity assurance standards". Then we got C&C4. Go figure.

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Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2

They did, it was called Tiberium. It was cancelled because it "didn't meet EA's quallity assurance standards". Then we got C&C4. Go figure.


Oh... THAT game...





Never did like that Titan design... You would have though GDI might have learned from the whole Firestorm crisis that solely AI controlled war machines are a bad idea.


Trooper armor looked good though.

Edited by DeviousDave
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I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.

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Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2

They did, it was called Tiberium. It was cancelled because it "didn't meet EA's quallity assurance standards". Then we got C&C4. Go figure.


Oh... THAT game...





Never did like that Titan design... You would have though GDI might have learned from the whole Firestorm crisis that solely AI controlled war machines are a bad idea.


Trooper armor looked good though.



The Orca Looked good too. Fact the Entire game was shaping up to be good, if they had not had canceled it and put in another 6 months of development or least another year. I think we could have had a good game, esepcially if they had Renegade's Style multiplayer included.


I mean look at this cutscene from 2:00 through to 3:00

It's epic! And for once they nailed that Tiberian Sun look.


Edited by Bayonetta
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Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2

They did, it was called Tiberium. It was cancelled because it "didn't meet EA's quallity assurance standards". Then we got C&C4. Go figure.


Oh... THAT game...



Tiberium is not Renegade 2. THIS was Renegade 2 (EA canceled this in favor of Battlefield 1942)


It's was supposed to be a prequel that takes place in between Yuri's Revenge and Tiberian Dawn. There would be 3 factions: The Allies, The Soviets, and a new faction called the Scavengers (who later evolved into Nod's army)

Edited by neko soldier
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Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2

They did, it was called Tiberium. It was cancelled because it "didn't meet EA's quallity assurance standards". Then we got C&C4. Go figure.


Oh... THAT game...



Tiberium is not Renegade 2. THIS was Renegade 2 (EA canceled this in favor of Battlefield 1942)


It's was supposed to be a prequel that takes place in between Yuri's Revenge and Tiberian Dawn. There would be 3 factions: The Allies, The Soviets, and a new faction called the Scavengers (who later evolved into Nod's army)





Further proof that EA are run by monkeys holding bananas, who wouldn't recognize the opportunity for a good new game series if bit them on the a++ and the only hope for the C&C universe is with modders who actually care about the games they are making.


Unless of course it comes out during that brief period every couple of years where EA stops messing around for a few months and actually releases good games... you know when the moon turns blue and pigs learn to fly.


EA in a nutshell






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Actually, there were only TWO factions. The Allies/GDI, and the Scavengers who came about from the dead soviets. Later on, the scavengers were scrapped in favor of just the Soviets and Allies, with a slightly bigger arsenal than RA2.


And there were several very good reasons for its cancellation as well.

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I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!

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I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!



So rather than attempt to fix it, they just scrapped it :unsure:


No matter how bad a game is, you can pull it back if you put some effort into it. That's the problem these days with bigger game companies, it's all about the profits and if the game happens to be really good and innervation then that is just a happy coincidence.


Actually I have to give credit to EA for putting their foot down and saying no to releasing it, as we all saw what releasing a highly anticipated AAA title that is a broken train wreck can do. 'cough' Alienscolonialmarines 'cough'


Although I still say EA is ran by Clowns... and not the nice kind either (assuming you get nice Clowns) I'm talking 'IT' level Clowns.

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I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!



So rather than attempt to fix it, they just scrapped it :unsure:


No matter how bad a game is, you can pull it back if you put some effort into it. That's the problem these days with bigger game companies, it's all about the profits and if the game happens to be really good and innervation then that is just a happy coincidence.


Whilst this is true in the modding and indie scene, it's not so true in the AAA scene. Game companies need to release games to be able to pay all of the staff that work on them. If they see a game that's not looking like it's going to be good, they are likely to cut their losses and work on something that will sell rather than take a needless risk.


Companies generally don't work like that because they need to sustain themselves. Which is partly the reason why Tiberium got canned. Better that they cancel the game rather than fire the entire dev team for making a mess that didn't sell well.

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I heard that Tiberium was cancelled because they focused all their budget on cool teasers, and not enough on the actual game. So of course it was cancelled because before they even worked on an actual game, they blew their budget.


TeamWolf and I met Greg Black in London and he said that Tiberium didn't pass quality standards and was essentially a bad game. He'd played one of the last builds that they'd made and it wasn't looking good at all. I think C&C4 came out just because they had the tech already established, so it was easy to heavily mod RA3 and ship it out quickly for easy money. Too bad that the game sucked!


CNC4 was going to be a Chinese online MMO originally i believe browser based. That concept turned into Tiberium Alliances and CNC4

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There is absolutely no evidence to support that "C&C Arena" was "Chinese Based".


Arena was an F2P multiplayer-only upgrade of Kane's Wrath for the asian market. That game later became C&C4.


A "skunkworks project" as some developers would later go on to describe it as.

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There is already an awesome dungeon keeper remake, look up "war for the overworld" on steam ;)

Yeah, but even though if they managed to get the guy who narrated Dungeon Keeper. And even if its inspired by Dungeon Keeper, and even uses the prototype name for the Third official game of-the series before it got canned by EA. It isn't No dungeon Keeper, i want my Bile Demons and Horned Demons. I wanna Bitch slap my Mistresses, and torture those pesky dwaves and turn them into skeletons. I want Dungeon Keeper III dammit.


I've played around with it a bit and it actually does "feel like" a real DK game. A lot of things were re-named or modified slightly to avoid copyright infringement (ie: "Underlord" instead of "Keeper" and micro piglets instead of chickens) but the game mechanics are similar



There is also series from Kaplypso called Dungeons, which is referred as DK+ :p

It's actually a semi-parody game for DK and several RPGs but seems to have adopted a lot of DK mechanics but focuses more on building an Dungeon amusement park for heroes and RPG elements of your Dungeon Lord.

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There is absolutely no evidence to support that "C&C Arena" was "Chinese Based".


No. EA was developing Tiberian Twilight to be a Chinese or Asian market only mmo browser based game at some point (Back when it was really early in concept and stuff) But EA decided at some point to scrap that idea and just incorporate the game into the CNC timeline and add it as an official and final game into the series. They were a few articles about it from bunch of other media sites back after the game launched. This is going a good few years back. I made a review up for Tiberian Twilight back when it came out and i made reference to that news i found out in my review. So i know i'm not making that up, especially if i actually included it into my review. Which i made back in 2010. The concept of the browser based game eventually a few years later turned into Tiberium Alliances. Something down the lines of that similar to what One wing Angel mentioned too, it's all kinda messy anyway.


But what is true is CNC4 was a failed product that started out as something different and then later turned into what we got.

Edited by Bayonetta
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Ok back on track now :)


I was thinking of creating a Steam group for W3D hub, so that messaging members about upcoming events for TSR could be easier (steam group members get an announcement when an event is organised or coming up when they log into Steam) and could result in more players if the group gets enough advertisement (steam group members can invite people to join the group and spread the gospel of W3D to the non belivers)


Names I was thinking of:


A) W3D

B) W3D Hub

C) W3D Renegade


E) Tiberian Sun Reborn


Feel free to add your own suggestions.


Of course W3D staff/Forum mods would have auto moderator status (or whatever the group equiv is) so that they could post event notices. Can't decide if the group should be public (anyone can join) or private (invite/ request only) and we would need a snazzy abbreviation/tag (W3D is already taken, grrrrr)


So what is peoples opinion on this.


edit: so just found out that 'w3d hub' is open as an abbreviation :)

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Ya know, When I said get back on topic, I didn't mean bring up the whole "Waaaaa! Why U Guyz No use RenX for TS Rebarnzzzzzz" and "Waaaaaa! We No wantz Renx for TS Rebarnzzzzzz"
I do believe this topic started out

Guys, as you know, the server is almost all the time empty :excl: :excl: :excl: I've been thinking that we should encourage C&C fans join us, but not only. Tell all your friends about Tiberian Sun: Reborn, about this community and about the amazing teamplays we have here! Be proud of playing this game ( soon games )! For a constant number of 3-4 players on the server, we need 1200 members, so let's start this! :D:D:D

Also, those who have youtube channel should encourage their fans to play TSR.


Which was about bringing new players to the CURRENT Ts Reborn/W3D hub not where W3D hub might head next.




I love how we just hijacked AndrewGolds thread and completely derailed it.


Maybe the whole, RenX, W3D, Unreal 4 engine discussion should be in it's own thread.

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Let's return then.

What do you guys think would help the most to get the playerbase boosted?

  • Launcher chat lobby?
  • ECW and other games coming to the launcher?
  • Stats system/stats page, more than the current "your rank is x, gj" that we have atm?
  • Dev streams/"TV shows" (e.g beyond the path)?
  • Better modding support (SDKs, howto tutorials)?
  • Something else?
Tell me :)
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I would say these two are most important:



  • Launcher chat lobby?
  • Stats system/stats page, more than the current "your rank is x, gj" that we have atm?


The rest can be added at a later date. It also probably wouldn't hurt going around Steam(I know), Origin and EA's forums and telling people there.

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Not only Kai! The new games will be a huge impact for us. A lot of interested players will come to... play. If we are making videos with them and make tutorials and things like this, people would come. We should must make animations and TV shows because teens will enjoy them. I know Tiberian Sun is old, but in 2005 i played it for the first time so there are many teens that did the same.

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I would say these two are most important:



  • Launcher chat lobby?
  • Stats system/stats page, more than the current "your rank is x, gj" that we have atm?


The rest can be added at a later date. It also probably wouldn't hurt going around Steam(I know), Origin and EA's forums and telling people there.


If your/we are gonna go to the Steam forums etc. then we'd need to collectively come up with what we would include in the posts, including links, information, videos, pictures etc etc.


Wallywood had a pretty cool pic of a harvester with the word Reborn behind it somewhere in the Post your screenshots topic that would make a great header for a post (if we could use it)


edit: Found it!



And wasn't there a trailer thing posted up not that long ago that involved someone getting shot in the family jewels by an Obelisk after his titan got kersplatted, that could also work along with the old 2013 trailer.



Assuming we could use it as it was apparently put up by BHP which might cause issues


There is also the gameplay vids from the Easter update if people were happy to have them used as well.

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Let's return then.

What do you guys think would help the most to get the playerbase boosted?

  • Launcher chat lobby?
  • ECW and other games coming to the launcher?
  • Stats system/stats page, more than the current "your rank is x, gj" that we have atm?
  • Dev streams/"TV shows" (e.g beyond the path)?
  • Better modding support (SDKs, howto tutorials)?
  • Something else?
Tell me :)



Better integration into communities. I'm in a clan right now Fourtwogaming, and we have a bunch of our members play this game. Actually finding this game is hard too, i had to explain it to them that you don't actually download the game, but instead you download the W3D hub launcher and down the game from there. A little bit confusing i'll admit considering i had to explain it to all the people in the clan, and even then most of them couldn't be bothered due to all the steps needed. Also we even considered having our own server. It would be nice to have a leaderboard that tracked stats. Better dedicated server support so other people can run their own servers. Unlockable ribbons that actually can get attached to your name like if you rank up to a pvt or sgt it should show in-game. Steam support as a free to play game on steam would probably be for the best then.

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Bit of internal resistance to releasing a dedicated server. At the moment, I am tempted to agree with them considering how confusing it is to start up a server. I eventually want to make it easy to run one via a setup tool, like the infantry beta server or the APB Beta server.

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Better integration into communities. I'm in a clan right now Fourtwogaming, and we have a bunch of our members play this game. Actually finding this game is hard too, i had to explain it to them that you don't actually download the game, but instead you download the W3D hub launcher and down the game from there. A little bit confusing i'll admit considering i had to explain it to all the people in the clan, and even then most of them couldn't be bothered due to all the steps needed. Also we even considered having our own server. It would be nice to have a leaderboard that tracked stats. Better dedicated server support so other people can run their own servers. Unlockable ribbons that actually can get attached to your name like if you rank up to a pvt or sgt it should show in-game. Steam support as a free to play game on steam would probably be for the best then.

It is surprising to me how they find it worse/more difficult to use one launcher program than to download a separate game installer and a separate server list chooser software like in the old days. And every time redownload the game when a patch comes out.

Do you guys know about this thread?


What is difficult about using the launcher? What is not straightforward? What should be changed about it to make playing games easier?

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Assuming we could use it as it was apparently put up by BHP which might cause issues


There is also the gameplay vids from the Easter update if people were happy to have them used as well.

I made that trailer, so we can use it. :p

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