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Your tactics?


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So hi.

I want to know, what strategy do you use to take down your enemy in the game? Because everybody has its own way, and I´m always fascinated of these ways.

I mainly use inpenetrable base with combination of Shock and Awe(Steamrolling)




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I love getting an awesome economy as quickly as possible than just steam rolling my enemies .

If I know my opponent I may try a quick rush .

I enjoy map awareness so in Generals I usually play as the USA.

I love sneaky tactics such as rushing engineers or crazy Ivans in the first five minutes of the game too.

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Back when I was playing a bit of Yuri's Revenge online, what I'd like to do was some sneaky side attacks like sending an Aircraft Carrier around the edge of the map to hit him when he wasn't ready for it...or do the same thing with a pack of Robot Tanks. Granted a halfway decent player probably would've seen what I was doing and countered me (and I was never particularly good at YR anyway), but it was still fun.

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Holy crap Mac, how much time did you spend on that post? ó_o



In any case, my general strategy? It depends on the game, the map and the matchup. I can apply just about any strategy that's in the book if I need to.


However, I do have a strategy to fall back on, one which suits me best.

In this case, I take a very defensive approach to the game where I aim for a late game victory. Keep in mind, I'm not building up a ring of turrets around my base backed up with a huge airforce or anything, I generally only have a few turrets placed in key possitions. I use my ground army as a flexible defensive line, using terrain to my advantage to defeat larger and stronger armies.
I'm not only defending though, I do go out to see if I can harras a few collectors or perhaps kill some units or a structure. However, I like to preserve my units as well. (I'm the kind of guy who pulls back a light tank to repair back at the base.

When the late game arrives, I should have build up a sizeable economy capable of sustaining my armies as I try to take every inch of ground while ceding none. Powers are generally well used in conjunction with my main armies to give me the upper hand.


So yeah, pretty much a case of ''kill him quick''/''destroy him as an effective force quickly'' or die later on.

I'm not the traditional turtle you might make up from this, I'm a quite different. :v


If you don't believe me, ask Voe or Naokip.

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In Tiberian Sun my tactics are pretty cool. When I play as GDI i defend my base with some RPG components and SAM components. I use 4 disruptors and 1 APC with engineers to capture the enemy base and extend my army and base. When I play as NOD I get a defensive line of arties that won't let the enemy touch my base. When I finish my base I start to rush with stanks, 4 at once.

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In any case, my general strategy? It depends on the game, the map and the matchup.


More or less, yeah... Different opponents and matchups require different ideas.


When it comes to Generals, my most preferred one is early expansion or booming. Send the first builder out immediately to build an expansion. It's costly and risky early on, but can pay off if nothing goes wrong because I get resources, sight, map control, building space... And deny my opponent all of the above. But it means less money to build early units, and vulnerability to direct rushes... High risk, high profit.


I've even done silly stuff like place a barracks right in front of Voe's base. Good times.

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In any case, my general strategy? It depends on the game, the map and the matchup.


More or less, yeah... Different opponents and matchups require different ideas.


As has been said, everything depends on several variables (the matchup, map, side, etc.). I never really got much into strategizing, as far as what different ones are called, working it out in advance in my head, and so on. I mostly just assess the match and try to adapt on the fly. Sometimes it works great, sometimes not. I have used at some point or another, all the strategies mentioned here. I think the million different ways to win or lose is what makes this genre fun.

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Einstein, you are right :D But if you are choosing opponents in skirmish, you know what you can expect :D

In Tiberium Wars, I´m taking out enemy´s PP, Refineries (I´m always surprised how many he can build), and CY. Then lots of Mammoth tanks, Stealth Tanks, Avatars or any others Supreme units. And, watching the base burning.

I have learnt from my opponent that, it doesn´t matter, who has bigger army. It´s all about who hits first. Few tanks, riflemans, rockets and anything to support and voila. It´s all about that bass

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in tib sun i like to sell all my buildings so i get a bunch of free regular guys and then charge at the enemy

The thing I enjoyed most about RA2 was that once you meet the victory conditions in the campaign , the AI would sell all of it's structures and send every unit it has in one final massive charge .

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in tib sun i like to sell all my buildings so i get a bunch of free regular guys and then charge at the enemy

The thing I enjoyed most about RA2 was that once you meet the victory conditions in the campaign , the AI would sell all of it's structures and send every unit it has in one final massive charge .

This would happen sometimes in the original RA as well. I always found it amusing

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in tib sun i like to sell all my buildings so i get a bunch of free regular guys and then charge at the enemy


It was my kind of match, because (if you turned off the shroud and spectated) you could see and hear carnage all over the place! Gunshot after gunshot, explosion after explosion, constant screams of the dieing. Just keep making more units! There was always fighting.

Sounds like lots of fun but I haven't played MO as they have yet to fix the balance of some units . For now I'm just waiting . But I do agree with you , MO online is epic .


Personally I generally like to make a play of sort in the start of a the match , infantry rush etc and keep alternating after every match to keep my opponents guessing and things interesting .

However I kind of suck at most late game matches as I lack the discipline to carry out long term plans and simply attack the enemy with overwhelming forces if possible .

For base defenses I use very little usually a few in the most accessible entrance / likely attack direction and dogs or other light cheap unit at other entrances so I can have some warning time in case of an enemy attack also a few AA turrets .


I'm not certain if this is a good thing but I usually prefer to sell any unneeded structures e.g. spare refineries or lower leveled power plants .

The only time I ever really build up defenses is when I'm loosing , when it looks like I found a cool place for a fort or just for fun .

I also believe that there is no such thing as excessive force however I don't like wasting units unless they have been damaged them I'll ether continue to attack if preferable or retreat out of combat to attack from somewhere else .


+ I love big battles and I'm not too concerned about attrition however I usually have a good/okay kd ratio.

Edited by Eternity 6
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Related idea for topic split:


Anyone want to start a topic where we share actual footage of our battles in the various RTS games? I currently don't have any recorded but I think it would be interesting for us to share those as well as our written strategies/ideas.

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Yuri's revenge brutal AI was nothing if not predictable at times. I remember there were times I'd take on all seven and still stomp their asses. Granted I had to build-up a massive amount of Grand Cannons and patriot missile batteries. But one I captured a soviet MCV and got it back to base...I built up even more before moving to wipe the rest out. The only thing that annoyed me the most was that Allied Harriers/Black Eagles could damage tanks that are already in tank bunkers.

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Yuri's revenge brutal AI was nothing if not predictable at times. I remember there were times I'd take on all seven and still stomp their asses. Granted I had to build-up a massive amount of Grand Cannons and patriot missile batteries. But one I captured a soviet MCV and got it back to base...I built up even more before moving to wipe the rest out. The only thing that annoyed me the most was that Allied Harriers/Black Eagles could damage tanks that are already in tank bunkers.

There is no way you beat 7 brutals united against you on a non-island, no-bridges destroyed (route to you cut) map with superweapons turned on :p
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Yuri's revenge brutal AI was nothing if not predictable at times. I remember there were times I'd take on all seven and still stomp their asses. Granted I had to build-up a massive amount of Grand Cannons and patriot missile batteries. But one I captured a soviet MCV and got it back to base...I built up even more before moving to wipe the rest out. The only thing that annoyed me the most was that Allied Harriers/Black Eagles could damage tanks that are already in tank bunkers.

There is no way you beat 7 brutals united against you on a non-island, no-bridges destroyed (route to you cut) map with superweapons turned on :p


If you set the game speed to 1 anything is possible :p

Provided you have enough patience .

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Yuri's revenge brutal AI was nothing if not predictable at times. I remember there were times I'd take on all seven and still stomp their asses. Granted I had to build-up a massive amount of Grand Cannons and patriot missile batteries. But one I captured a soviet MCV and got it back to base...I built up even more before moving to wipe the rest out. The only thing that annoyed me the most was that Allied Harriers/Black Eagles could damage tanks that are already in tank bunkers.

There is no way you beat 7 brutals united against you on a non-island, no-bridges destroyed (route to you cut) map with superweapons turned on :p


If you set the game speed to 1 anything is possible :p

Provided you have enough patience .


Or just bum rush them with prism tanks.

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Yuri's revenge brutal AI was nothing if not predictable at times. I remember there were times I'd take on all seven and still stomp their asses. Granted I had to build-up a massive amount of Grand Cannons and patriot missile batteries. But one I captured a soviet MCV and got it back to base...I built up even more before moving to wipe the rest out. The only thing that annoyed me the most was that Allied Harriers/Black Eagles could damage tanks that are already in tank bunkers.

There is no way you beat 7 brutals united against you on a non-island, no-bridges destroyed (route to you cut) map with superweapons turned on :p


If you set the game speed to 1 anything is possible :p

Provided you have enough patience .


Or just bum rush them with prism tanks.


You can't build enough prism tanks at all. The constantly coming ground and air rushes that attack your base and rape your ore miners doesn't give you enough credits.

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