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Some of you know that 2.x is coming soon-ish, and will bring a full re-balance and possibly some updates to the game mechanics. What I want to know is what some of you think of the gameplay of TSR. I want both positives and negatives, or even some neutral arguments on this topic. For example:

  • Gameplay is too fast
  • Gameplay is too slow
  • Snipers are horrible
  • Bullets feel weak
  • etc

2.x will be using the features of 5.x, which removes many of the limits we previously had regarding game logic and assorted other things. So really just post your feelings on this game. I'll be keeping a good watch on this topic as well.

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You know, it's something that should be doable and I think is working with AR and Ore. I can fairly see how it would work from a mapping side.


You could remove the Tiberium texture on the mesh and instead of the mesh type being Tiberium you could have a damage zone when Tiberium crystals are around. After saying that, not sure how much is easy to setup in terms of damage zones dependant on the amount and location of Tiberium unles each crystal had a zone attached to them.

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Some more (actual) blue tiberium would be nice. Oh and tiberium creatures such as floaters and viceroids, what's happening with those?


Most of my views are mostly down to unreleased stuff such as units, buildings, etc. Vehicle combat feels a bit of a drag currently so hopefully vehicle veterancy isn't too far off.

Edited by Kai
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Our maps are not designed for it though, and it would cause other issues. So many script zones might cause some huge issues.


Adding Tiberium fields isn't too hard and would most likely improve the look of most maps. Some maps already have mulitple Tib fields aleady.

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Impressive. Allow me to respond to these questions.

- Jumpjets. Its a bitch to kill a Jumpjet player if hes good (ducks and dodges and shit), although the rocket soldier, when he lands a hit, does good damage with 2nd fire. The Rocket Soldier seemed like best counter to JumpJet.

There are plans for No-Fly zones to be placed inside buildings and tight tunnels so Jumpjets are not such a horrible thing. These were supposed to be implemented in the last release, but some script bugs made this impossible. The AR team is trying something related to this, so I may copy off them when some results come back.

- Enforcer flying around. Again, just hard to hit good jumpjet players. Not really much you can do about it except aim better.

Same as above.

Also, the Enforcer's weapon. A personal ion cannon being cheaper than a railgun. Well, for TSilsm, I don't like that and would suggest just using another railgun. Have the gun use the Same stats as before, just jsut change it from ion cannon it a railgun - have the projectile be like a smaller version of Ghost Stalker's. TSilsm aside, this was already done in Renegade - there was a personal ion cannon in that game no problem, and since TS is the sequel, the Enforcer's weapon is fair enough. And obviously not a big deal.

Our basis for this was Renegade, and the "Drop Trooper" cutscene in TS, and also the Zone Trooper from C&C 3 (And post-TS counting Kane's Wrath)



- Disc 2nd fire seems useless. I liked how the disc was before, it's primary fire could bounce, and his secondary couldn't - it was direct hit. They might need a little bit more damage to armor.



Main reason this was done is because no-one used the primary fire. Some tweaks to the secondary fire may be in line though, but need to have some statistics on things (Danpaul) before I can actually do something about it.


- GDI Officer's Rocket Launcher is still being used by newbs against tanks. Maybe make them do a little bit more damage to tanks? Not as much damage as the Nod Rocket soldier or disc grenade though. Perhaps make it equal the same amount of damage the Elite Cadre's sting grenade does against tanks? So the three rockets you can shoot off, if you land all three on a tank, you'll do the same amount of damage the sting grenade does. Or perhaps a tad less damage? Anything to actually make it useful vs. tanks, but it that wont outshine the disc.



I don't see why people think an "AA Rocket" is going to be good against tanks? I see your point though, but also note that the Elite Cadre is getting some rework in 2.x, which is already being worked on.

- Nod Elite Cadre's rifle is awesome. But the clip magazine size seems too big. The in-game model of the gun and the magazine doe not suggest a 75 ammo count. More like 40, 50 tops. To compensate for reduced ammo count for magazine, increase accuracy slightly? Or increase damage a bit?



[handwave]Remember that these are PULSE rifles and not BULLET rifles. Hence why the projectiles look like Glowsticks. Some actual bullets will probably be given to the Mutants at one point, when we get proper models. But this explains the HUGE capacities.[/handwave]



- Nod cyborg model is too small, he looks stupid being too small. Just take out that model and keep the older, properly sized one.


We can fix this with some proper rigging and settings. I'll check those out later.


- Hijacker is tricky. I seem to be able to steal tanks no problem, but walkers are annoying - you have to find it's sweet spot or else you wont capture it!



I'll talk to a few people about this.


- Is it possible to get two reticule targeting dots for the mammoth, so you can see what the other rail cannon is aiming at


I was going to take the third option and re-rig it so the railguns can actually rotate...


- I gotta master the Chameleon Spy's knife. I thought I hit his head, but I guessed wrong.


Prepare for a surprise (a rework) for the Chameleon Spy in 2.x


- Could it be possible to get the Harpy to actually put up a fight versus Orca's, and do some decent damage base defenses/ lighter structures and light vehicles?


Light Vehicles it should already do some decent damage on. As for the rest, Remember that Nod has cheaper options for Anti-Air (Rocket Soldier, Recon Bike) compared to GDI (HMRLS, Officer)



- Concrete textures in bases, to show you where you can and cannot dig, for both sides.


Hmm. You mean like this?


This is a WIP Screenshot of a revised Crossroads. Still trying to do a lot of work, and the GDI base isn't even half-finished yet. But at least it is being worked on.



@GeneralCameo's questions:

- The game's speed seems fine to me.
- Snipers feel alright to me. If you can aim, Umagon's rifle is awesome - you can down soldiers (not cyborgs) with ease. The Toxin Trooper's gun is a bit more unwieldy with it's slow moving bullets.
- Bullets kind of feel weak. As some people have said, Reborn's infantry are bullet sponges. This does reflect Tiberian Sun's infantry. In Light Infantry vs Light Infantry battles, the soldiers soak up a lot of bullets before actually killing each other. However, headshots make all the difference. If you can land all headshots, you can kill soldiers nice and quick, so I don't see a problem with bullets feeling weak.



  • IMO it depends on the map. Some maps seem to progress faster than others.
  • We are looking at a few changes to both Umagon and the Toxin Trooper come 2.x. I think the changes will be interesting. More information in a blog later.
  • Tiberian Sun honestly wasn't balanced at all, and the gameplay was horrible. We really shouldn't be basing the game directly off of that. It's more "based on a work by" and that sort of thing. Headshot multipliers were nerfed last patch though, which seemed to radically changed the gameplay. Have you felt this change?
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If Officer's missile can damage ground targets, then doesn't that mean you can just use it to endlessly chip away at a vehicle's health so that by the time it's reached you or your base it's already lost a good chunk of health? I know it's weird to shoot a missile at a tank and have it do absolutely zero damage, but giving GDI an anti-vehicle sniper doesn't sound like a great idea.


I still think there needs to be a better method of disarming EMP mines. Reduce their health, and give the repair tools on the Technician, Engineer and MRV a little AOE. Right now in order to get rid of a mine, you have to stand perfectly still, stare at the ground, and ignore everything else around you which makes you a complete sitting duck. Also...I don't know what causes this, but sometimes mines just seem to be invisible. I'll be driving up to the enemy base entrance in a stealth tank, scan the ground for mines, looks all clear, and then BAM! I get EMP'ed.

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Look at real life though. Most AA Rockets are High-Explosive (or some variation on that), and would do near-zero damage to most modern vehicles thanks to composite armor, spall liners, and ERA. Of course that stuff is WAY too heavy to put on an aircraft. The rockets that actually do some damage are HEAT missiles, which would actually do something to tanks.

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I think sometimes, you are better off thinking more about gameplay than real life or what was in the RTS. if they did a little bit of damage to light vehicles and a tiny amount to medium then I think that would be better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an Idea for the ion cannon and multi-missile.

You can have an aircraft in an invisible box above the map that you remote control and its weapon starts the Ion cannon or Multi-missile and self destructs the air-craft.


I think it may be very similar to what was mentioned here earlier.

Edited by Isaac The Madd
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Since I'm sort of newish around Reborn I'm going to ask a n00b question, or what is probably a n00b question: Is there any plans for the Harvester to get a harvesting animation? Something feels weird about using the harvester, although the text that appears telling you that you are harvesting certainly helps, it seems like it would be more intuitive to have an animation define when you are and are not harvesting. I had a bit of trouble trying it out for the first time, wasn't sure if you had to move around the tib field of if I was just supposed to stay stationary.

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