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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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  On 8/6/2017 at 10:34 PM, OrangeP47 said:

The tension rises (and dare I hope, fall) may be completely abstracted to the players. Unless FRAYDO knows something the rest of us don't. But then again, Jeod said he did nothing last night?


Correct, and FRAYDO still has not confirmed or denied it. It's actually pretty important that he does, because if it conflicts with what my source tells me, then we have a lead.

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Yes, well, he claims he did nothing, and something conspicuously didn't happen. For example, there wasn't a nightkill. Now, we don't know if they can nightkill yet (which would point towards Mojoman instead, who needs to wait to activate his action), but if it's true that FRAYDO didn't do an action, we have a possible reason for the lack of a nightkill.

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  On 8/6/2017 at 10:43 PM, OrangeP47 said:

I'm all for nominating Jeod as well.

Finding evidence is why I think Mojo is a good pick. Calculus beyond that is about balancing strategies.


Not sure why you think Mojo would have evidence over Irish. Retaliation just confirmed Mojo's little perk as well.

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  On 8/6/2017 at 10:47 PM, Jeod said:

Not sure why you think Mojo would have evidence over Irish. Retaliation just confirmed Mojo's little perk as well.


Indeed, Retaliation's statement is something to think about.

Simply put, though, characters that need to be activated later somehow just really seem like they'd have hidden evidence.  Not saying Irish won't, just seems like Mojo, and now Retaliation more.  That said, with two in that boat now, I do need to reevaluate some.

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My source just gave me some critical information. I've already chewed him out over not telling me sooner--it seems we have a bit of an absent-minded task force member--but he claims that he is after a single assassin, who murdered the late Duke. Essentially, his victory condition is game-mechanic confirmation that there is currently at least one active scum lurking about.

This of course brings more suspicion on FRAYDO, although I must admit it's awfully convenient for my source to have two bits of information that, when put together, strongly implicate FRAYDO. Anyway, do with it what you will.

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Speaking of FRAYDO

  On 8/6/2017 at 9:00 AM, FRAYDO said:

Is this a claim that you have a general idea of the nationalities present in this game? Did you already know there was an American present before yesterday's investigation?


These questions about my cowboy comment felt weird to me when I was responding to them. The second one doesn't seem like it naturally follows from the first. Kind of reminds me of last game where I latched on to killing you's "Cat5 is town post".

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What makes me curious is the claim that Retal doesn't have an access to a night action just YET.

  On 8/6/2017 at 11:29 PM, Jeod said:

at he is after a single assassin, who murdered the late Duke


Which also means that this bit from the OP post about some "Bosnian youth" killing the guy isn't exactly true. Wasn't the actual killer, like, captured right after the act IRL? I mean they did have to learn his age and country of origins somewhere after all to put it on a headliner.

So your source might not be completely honest with you. 

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  On 8/6/2017 at 11:46 PM, Chaos_Knight said:

What makes me curious is the claim that Retal doesn't have an access to a night action just YET.

Which also means that this bit from the OP post about some "Bosnian youth" killing the guy isn't exactly true. Wasn't the actual killer, like, captured right after the act IRL? I mean they did have to learn his age and country of origins somewhere after all to put it on a headliner.

So your source might not be completely honest with you. 


It's touchy because lore isn't as much of a deal in this game (thanks Nodlied). Notice that I haven't changed my vote.

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  On 8/7/2017 at 12:04 AM, Chaos_Knight said:

True, but the headline I mentioned earlier is literally used for every image on D/N start. XD
Can it also be, well, inaccurate?


Certainly. It's likely flavor. That headline is the legitimate NYT headline:


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  On 8/7/2017 at 12:06 AM, Jeod said:

Certainly. It's likely flavor. That headline is the legitimate NYT headline:



I know it's an actual headline. I was just curious if it could have any sort of useable info for us since actual history articles aren't gonna help much obviously.

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I don't know. I feel like this game was drawn up in such a way to guarantee that no player can be eliminated straight away. We can't lynch until a certain time, so I think it makes sense that scum can't kill until a certain time. This might even be done to make it so scum can be one person, while ensuring that the game can't end on a correct lynch D1. It could also be done this way if the scum team is rather large, and prevents them from winning right away while giving town time to assemble the facts. It's a fascinating setup, whatever it is.

Even if FRAYDO is an scum assassin, I bet that if we investigate him, he'll turn up as "Suspicious" at most.

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  On 8/7/2017 at 12:12 AM, Jeod said:

Why ask a question nobody knows the answer to?


Just like nobody seems to know why tensions raised (or claims so), yet question is still here. Because this data can be useful as well as to see if anyone has their own ideas. Simple really.
I could also ramble about GM putting up pictures with text which can't be actually trusted/used but I guess it could be considered blurry enough? Maybe? Oh well.

  On 8/7/2017 at 12:15 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Why are you specifically curious of Retal when Mojoman said something very similar?


Because I missed that claim of Mojo's and it's 3am. Ahem.
(And because last time I let go of my suspicions of Retal's phrases and behaviors we basically lost to scum.)

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  On 8/6/2017 at 10:00 PM, OrangeP47 said:

In the spirit of cooperation, I'm most eager to learn more about Mojo, after what he's revealed, which might be a more pertinent place to look than this hubbub we have going on right now.  Depending on how people act, we can always keep them on the reserve list.

##investigate Mojoman



  On 8/6/2017 at 10:23 PM, TheIrishman said:

I didn't, it was pure sarcasm.

##Investigate TheIrishman





~21 and a half hours remain until hammer.


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Alright, Nodlied has finally responded, so here's the defense I previously withheld.

  On 8/6/2017 at 9:14 PM, Jeod said:

I think it's pathetic that you decided to out such sensitive information in a bid to peg me as Town or Warmonger when my alignment should be clear by now. You're so set on casting doubt on me that you failed to take into account that the objective wording could easily be used to test others. It's a rule breaker to do so, however, but your blind attack only makes me want to investigate you even more.



"I think it's pathetic that you decided to out such sensitive information in a bid to peg me as Town or Warmonger when my alignment should be clear by now." - First, my goal was to prove to you that I was town and that an investigation would be a waste. Second, outing such sensitive information? It's not sensitive, it was already stated previously. They already know our goal.

"You're so set on casting doubt on me that you failed to take into account that the objective wording could easily be used to test others." - I was already done thinking you were scum when you agreed to not using your ability tonight. And yeah, I did use it to prove myself and Cat5 to be town. It's not the first time an objective has been used to check a person's alignment.

"It's a rule breaker to do so, however, but your blind attack only makes me want to investigate you even more." - It's a rule breaker to copy and paste PMs sent by the GM. I just pointed out two words that were conveniently said in a similar way. Nor was I even the one to say them. And I was trying to be more vague about the reason why it proved us to be innocent, but you kept on hounding me for it. I already tried like 3 or 4 times to indirectly point it out. I don't get what you mean by a blind attack though. But what I find strange is even after me pointing out this information (added: of which you could only be trying to reprimand me for in the first place if it was true that I'm Town), you still want to investigate me. Which either means you're scum or you've blinded yourself with emotion.


So after reading Cat5's own words, I am no longer 100% he is town from the words he used, although I still think he's probably Town from his other actions.

  On 8/7/2017 at 12:46 AM, Retaliation said:

I would like to point out Irish hasn't made a single chart this game so he's obviously scum.


Eek gad! You caught me! :p

  On 8/6/2017 at 11:29 PM, Jeod said:

My source just gave me some critical information. I've already chewed him out over not telling me sooner--it seems we have a bit of an absent-minded task force member--but he claims that he is after a single assassin, who murdered the late Duke. Essentially, his victory condition is game-mechanic confirmation that there is currently at least one active scum lurking about.

This of course brings more suspicion on FRAYDO, although I must admit it's awfully convenient for my source to have two bits of information that, when put together, strongly implicate FRAYDO. Anyway, do with it what you will.


I feel like I must've missed something here. So it seems we have one confirmed active scum, but it only implicates FRAYDO if someone dies tonight.

What we know for actions:

Retal - Locked till X% WT

Mojo - Locked till X% WT

Jeod - Reporter

What we don't really know for actions:

Cat5 - Some night ability

Irish - Some night ability

Orange - Unknown

Vert - Unknown

FRAYDO - Unknown

Chaos_Knight - Unknown

Killing_You - Unknown

According to what we know, the active scum member could be anyone that we don't really know anything about, but we're not even certain that scum can nightkill yet. But since it seems FRAYDO is the most likely suspect, aside from Mojo and Retal

##Investigate FRAYDO

  On 8/6/2017 at 9:14 PM, Jeod said:
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