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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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I told you bloody people to halt. :v But instead you all kept talking. Pfft. Excuse me for the delay. Anyway

16 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Halt people. It's time to resolve an action!

Jeod suddenly pulls out a grenade. You see him looking at Chaos_Knight. He pulls the pin but donks the throw. The grenade flies through the window and lands in the Danube. Luckily, no-one was hurt! (Insert TTE.mp3)


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So we have 3 people who haven't claimed anything about items (that I can remember).

Orange who we know has no evidence

Irish who has been engaging with us to some degree

Chaos who hasn't really said so much (possibly because of timezones again)

##vote investigate chaos

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3 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

So, Chaos, you have time to talk now. Perhaps you should do so?

I am quite multitasking atm but alright.

If you wanna know more about my role, I am a full-time tracker. No items, no evidence. Tracked you N1, saw you visit Orange, didn't report cuz I don't know who you are. Don't want to out doc or cop to scum ya know.
Didn't send my action N2 since, well, wasn't there due to IRL reasons.

Atm I am suspicious. Might be because I am a lazy bum. As stated in my N2 result (lol).

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So you're claiming a tracker (which makes you the second tracker claim) and claimed to track someone who already stated publicly what he did, and then didn't do anything Night 2.

This sounds flimsy, and puts you at odds with Jeod. I'm not totally satisfied with Jeod's decision to use weapons and the target he chose, so I'll need to do some thinking on this.

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Just now, Retaliation said:

I find it odd you didn't question jeod's tracker claim if you aren't a tracker yourself.

Because I learn from my mistakes. :v (*cough* DeathNote *cough*)

Why out myself before I have any good info? Now it's a different case. Since spotlight is directly on me, might as well cooperate.

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1 minute ago, Retaliation said:

I find it odd you didn't question jeod's tracker claim if you aren't a tracker yourself.

@JeodThis is why I'm trusting Retaliation. He's thinking the same things I am, even if I'm not saying them. It's one thing to parrot me, but another to say things aloud that I'd been thinking but didn't say.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

@JeodThis is why I'm trusting Retaliation. He's thinking the same things I am, even if I'm not saying them. It's one thing to parrot me, but another to say things aloud that I'd been thinking but didn't say.

Litereally role baiting 101. Claim a role and wait for someone to counterclaim.

Then again, I wouldn't be surprised to find 2 trackers or something like that in this game setup. I can prove myself N3 or N4 (depending if you'll want to investigate me).

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Just now, Retaliation said:

Could I get a rundown of this?

Of how I was outed in Death Note? Short version was making a backstory that fit entirely with information that was already out 'in the wild' so to speak. IE Cat 5 has already said he looked at me D1, now CK claims he saw Cat look me D1 as his action. It doesn't tell us anything new, and it cannot be verified.

Granted, I suppose, even if he did tell us something new, we'd then have to decide whether or not to trust it.

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13 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

It occurred to me while making soup that if chaos was a scum tracker that would let them know cat5 had a usable item. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but nope. I am no scum and I can see no items on any person, nor I require items to track people.

Jeod trying to grenade me looks quite curious to me personally. Felt kinda out of the blue (also attempted murder, makes me wonder if he's guilty now?). Then again, I brought this upon myself with my inactivity. >_>
Also Vert kinda disappeared after the attack on me. Tisk-tisk.

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I'll know when night phase comes if that grenade changed my Status, and I'll be sure to let you know, because if it does, then that means suspicious doesn't necessarily mean scum.

I'm all for investigating either Chaos_Knight or Verti60.

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8 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Sorry to burst your bubble, but nope. I am no scum and I can see no items on any person, nor I require items to track people.

Jeod trying to grenade me looks quite curious to me personally. Felt kinda out of the blue (also attempted murder, makes me wonder if he's guilty now?). Then again, I brought this upon myself with my inactivity. >_>
Also Vert kinda disappeared after the attack on me. Tisk-tisk.



The attack happened when my shift was over and I didn't have an opportunity to log in in the tram. (sorry to burst YOUR bubble) :p

That's really an interesting way you are trying to shift attention. Very.


Also can anyone who was tracked confirm that they receive a report of it?

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