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36 minutes ago, Jeod said:

You were all able to pull Dr. Victor Frankenstein from his lab and have him hanged for his "crimes"! He was Third Party. In his lab, you discovered evidence of an active abomination. However, you have no idea where it is or if it's even a threat, so you decide against adding it to your list of possible names to lynch...for now.

Congratulations on eliminating a hostile! It is now Night Three. Hammer is in 24 hours.

And thus we have the explanation as to why Shade wanted Sunflower to waste her daykill. Now, on to have some sweet dreams.

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I wanted to do a long case file response here as as a sorta closing argument, but work kinda cut into that today, so this'll have to be pretty short.

Nodlied has moved up into my #1 suspect slot. He's been rolecopped by Retaliation as a character who creates items, yet nobody has ever claimed to have received an item that came from him. What has he been doing instead? Given that there was a character giving out helpful items, I could see a scum character as potentially handing out hurtful items.

I also think that the possibility that scum didn't want to get locked out from killing TheIrishman might have raised him on their priority list when I thought one or two players should have been bigger targets, and such a possibility would be more likely if Nodlied was scum. 

In my partial reread of the thread, Nodlied was the first person to catch what looked like a scum slip by FRAYDO, but he waited for me to pounce on it before actually moving in on that argument. I wanted to go further into this, but I just don't have the time available.

One of the roleblockers will be his buddy. The question is which one?

I like Killing_You's casing so far, and he's got a compelling argument for OrangeP47 being town, so Sunflower is left as the remaining suspect. Sunflower is suspicious for talking too openly about a role that should have gotten her killed, and has done nothing but follow the arguments of others. Her sudden "Oh, yeah, my roleblock can fail, lol" might be a cover for why she didn't roleblock during the night. I think Nodlied and Sunflower is the likeliest pairing, though I admit my earlier case about day roleblockers still pings in my mind, GM-role-assignment meta is somewhat useless in a CYOR.

What's handy is that the item I was given gives me a great opportunity to test this pairing if I'm right. My abilities have been boosted in a couple different ways.

First of all, I can't be directly NK'd tonight. Second of all, my batch of one-time actions are more powerful. For example, a have a one-time night vig that is 50% effective. It is now 100% effective. If I decide to do that action, he will be my target. I also have a one-time body guard action, which was originally 50% save target, 50% kill attacker, 50% get killed, now it's 100/75/25. I may decide to defend the one I think is most likely to be attacked instead, incase I have one of the suspects wrong. I have other tools as well, but these are the two I will be picking from.

If Nodlied and Sunflower are the scum team, they are going to have to roleblock me to prevent me from killing or protecting. Sunflower will have to the roleblock and Nodlied will have to do the kill. 

About the only thing I'm worried about is an unstoppable kill, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Retaliation and Killing_You, you should be able to get information out of this plan no matter what happens as long as you pick between Nodlied, Sunflower, or myself. After that, if I fail and we wind up in LYLO, ChopBam should lead the voting as he's the only true clear town.

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Since it's the weekend and I presume everyone would prefer more time today, I can start the day phase earlier than the usual if I receive one more night action and one confirmation of a night action. Once I receive these, I'll resolve ASAP and start the next day phase.

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Due to the targets chosen in the night actions for Night 3, I have determined that there is no possible way for town to prevent a loss during Day 4. The game will therefore end after I send all resolutions for existing night actions (the missing actions aren't necessary). I will then make the game-end post and publish all docs.

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Night 3 Outcome: Killing_You has died, and TheIrishMan's corpse is missing.

Current Vote Count

Category 5 Hurricane voted no one

ChopBam voted [BLOCKED]

Nodlied voted no one

OrangeP47 voted no one

Retaliation voted no one

Sunflower voted no one

Determining possible outcomes:



Outcome 1: Retaliation cop report on Sunflower/OrangeP47 OR Nodlied reports taking a hit from an experiment

Sunflower cannot be dayblocked.

Nodlied's Beef Ravioli, if eaten before ##burn, does not protect against ##burn.

-Sunflower uses ##burn on Retaliation/Category 5 Hurricane/Nodlied

-OrangeP47 dayblocks Category 5 Hurricane, disabling his vote

RESULT: Retaliation/Category 5 Hurricane/Nodlied is lynched


Living players

Category 5 Hurricane/Retaliation/Nodlied




Night 4 Possible Outcome:



Outcome 1: Scum win, Abomination win

Scum use ##kill on Category 5 Hurricane/Retaliation

Abomination uses ##destroy on self to fulfill its win condition

Outcome 2: Scum wins

Scum use ##kill on Nodlied, but fail due to bulletproof

Abomination uses ##kill on Sunflower

Living Players:




OrangeP47 uses ##diplomacy on Nodlied

Nodlied is lynched.

Outcome 3: Scum win, Abomination win

Scum use ##kill on Nodlied, but fail due to bulletproof

Abomination uses ##destroy on self to fulfill its win condition

Scum lynch Nodlied


  Since the Abomination would logically go for their win condition, as town cannot win, Outcome 1 will be used.


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Due to the outcomes listed above, it would be a waste of time to prolong the inevitable. Neither Nodlied nor Retaliation's bulletproof abilities could prevent a scum win in the end, and so Outcome 1 was used.

CYOR III Data Sheet

CYOR III Scumdoc

CYOR III Abomination Doc

CYOR III Masonry Doc (OrangeP47 & Killing_You N1)

As I stated in the Abomination Doc, the real problem with this game is my failure to see the issues with the treestump role and third party win condition. Treestump meant shorter game length, while Frankenstein's win condition really only worked for a longer game. This is a result of ChopBam requesting his role close to the last minute (I believe). Still, I don't blame him for choosing a treestump. It's a valuable role for town when used correctly.

Another problem town had is too many roleblocker requests. I had to say no to a few initial requests. In the future, I will likely just ask for a character name and background, which will allow me to select roles the characters would fit best and also bring the proper balancing roles into the setup (aka "where was the doctor in CYOR III?")

Second, wow you all let Shade939 distract you for too long. This coupled with the Treestump meant scum victory was certain by the end of Day 2. Shade939 gets an honorary scum award for that performance.

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Just now, Retaliation said:

Giving me a rolecop and bulletproof was probably a mistake as well. I was going to go after sunflower until I realized I couldn't distinguish between scum and town roleblockers.

Sunflower also investigated as town if someone alignment copped her.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Sunflower also investigated as town if someone alignment copped her.

That was to make you guys seem more powerful than you actually were, since there was no alignment cop in the game. :p

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Just now, Jeod said:

That was to make you guys seem more powerful than you actually were, since there was no alignment cop in the game. :p

What about my 50% to dodge investigations? Would I just have a 50% chance to return a null result if KY tracked me, for instance?

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Just now, Retaliation said:

I feel like you managed to create 40k mafia MKII, including the treestump, scum mason, and useless investigation actions.

Actually, you guys managed to create it. :p When CYOR IV comes around I'm not going to ask for actions, only characters and bios and preferred alignment and role type.

Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Oh, there was too an alignment cop Jeod.  If someone ate Nodlied's Lasagna!

True but he never cooked it!

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Just now, Jeod said:

When CYOR IV comes around I'm not going to ask for actions, only characters and bios and preferred alignment and role type.

I'm going to give you suggestions anyway, because I already have what I want to be next ;)

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Just now, Jeod said:

Actually, you guys managed to create it. :p When CYOR IV comes around I'm not going to ask for actions, only characters and bios and preferred alignment and role type.


So you won't be offended when I say it was just as much of a trainwreck :v?

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