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[Game Over] CYOR - Battle of the Gods Edition


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Btw I just arrived home after my 6 hour drive back home from LA. Although, there is rest to be had, plus more being out and about tomorrow (business-related stuff), and work on Sunday. I think I should really be more consistently available as we roll into next week, hopefully Monday, although I'll have a lot of office work to catch up on.

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3 hours ago, Shade939 said:

More likely my presence makes it too dangerous to perform a NK without trying to get me eliminated first during the day.


3 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

And people say I'm the one with an ego problem.


1 hour ago, Jeod said:

I suppose so, but you're dabbing into semantics here. Slim that ego a bit, it's more helpful to us.

Gods please. Olympus isn't big enough for all of your egos.

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Great, so we wind up with a repeat of last game where there isn't a nightkill, and a we get a roleblocker claim, and now we have to figure out if the blocked player is the reason why there was a failed kill. Killing_You wasn't under any kind of pressure, so it wouldn't seem that he's falsifying the claim, yet Sunflower did exactly the same thing.

At the same time, I do wonder if Shade is on to something by suggesting that perhaps the NK didn't happen because the scum team didn't want to risk hitting itself. As long as Shade isn't Mafia, this would make sense to me, as they'd have to believe his claim to be true.

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I am suspicious of KY stating he blocked iLTS despite nothing happening. However if it were a NK, iLTS would then have lost his night BP.

3 hours ago, Nodlied said:

I can confirm that I am the second lad who tried to visit Jeod this night. Why didn't my visit work though? :v

Maybe KY lied about who he blocked? If we're to move forward with Orange's plan, I would like for KY to be in it. However, instead of the #1 spot he requested I would rather we go back to Shade.

#1 Shade
#2 Killing_You

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Heh, interesting. Assuming that is a true claim, I actually have two reasons for why you may have gotten that result.

Oh really? Well that's not the reaction I was expecting.  (Though TBH I don't know what I was expecting).  But yes, it's true.  I waited to share with the class to see if you'd dig yourself a hole or not with your first post of the day.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I didn't know anybody visited me. Do you have indication to why it failed?

I can only surmise you don't need my help, otherwise the benefit would have took effect. What was your action, if you took any?

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My character choice for this game is Ashunera, one of many gods of the Fire Emblem universe. (Specifically from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn)

Ashunera is actually a combination of two gods, one called Ashera, an Order god, and Yune, a Chaos god. My roles are based on both these gods.

As Ashera, I'm the sort of the opposite of a roleblocker. I guarantee the success of the taken action (as long as it's possible, I suppose) and also guarantee the accuracy of the action as well. So It's also a counter to false or misleading reports. Because I have this action, I think there may be cops that receive inaccurate reports. We also have had two reports of failed actions and also a roleblocker that we don't know is town, so it looks like there are lots of ways this role can be useful.

As Yune, I cause my target to be more likely to fail their action. How they fail depends on what their action is, and the specifics on that are hidden from me (because to tell me would confirm what roles exist) but examples I came up with while suggesting the character were that the player would be forced to use a different actions if possible, or a different target if that was not possible. I suppose that's too close to a bus driver and that's why the role doesn't work as I designed. I was also told there would potentially be negative effects to me if I used the action. Given that you have a non-town result on me, this could mean that one of the effects of using this action is that I appear as non-town. That would make sense because Yune was considered an evil god for most of the two games she was involved in.

I did use the Yune action this time. The target was Shade.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Well, I guess...it's weird actually. I guess Jeod would have reported as if he was watching Nodlied instead. I guess we don't know whether it worked or not, though I would say that unless something happened to me that I don't know about, Shade should have failed.


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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

The other thing is that I don't know exactly how he's effected. He could have bussed two different people, for example, or did another action.

I know who I targeted, and I know I don't have any other actions I could have performed.

Based on their reactions, I can only assume that I was completely successful in using my action on both of my targets.

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Bus drivers don't leave any indications that the players were switched, and mine may have altered yours silently as well. And given that the results in Jeod's and Nodlied's case would have been the same either way, it's not possible to know what happened for sure. So the reactions should mean nothing.

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Just now, FRAYDO said:

From Category's descriptions as he stated, I can see why my action failed. It's interesting that Shade seems to have no indications of his action being tampered with.

It was vague enough that I was half way wondering if something had happened to it, all I was told was I used it successfully.

But then after Jeod targeted himself and saw me visiting him along with an unknown player, and Nodlied's action failing him because he probably used it on himself and he wasn't a viable target for it to take effect...

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Just now, Shade939 said:

It was vague enough that I was half way wondering if something had happened to it, all I was told was I used it successfully.

But then after Jeod targeted himself and saw me visiting him along with an unknown player, and Nodlied's action failing him because he probably used it on himself and he wasn't a viable target for it to take effect...

That's all I was told as well. Didn't even specify the target.

I specifically used it on you, partly because I don't trust you, and partly because I wanted to see how it affects an "expected" action. I say "expected" because you declared the action and target in advance.

It's a good point that Jeod saw you visit him. I forgot that part. So apparently that much at least is correct? Now I'm wondering if I actually hit my target.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Do you have another action that you might have done instead?

None that I can choose to use, and you can look back at my post and see how I was talking about how I didn't have many abilities to use when compared to other players like Jeod specifically.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

My ability is fairly self explanatory.

Yeah, just pointing out all possibilities of who could have targeted Category 5.

We also need @VERTi60, to go ahead and tell us what he did since he's actually the only player we don't know what they did last night now...

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