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Vanilla-Chocolate Twist Mafia


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Just now, Shade939 said:

For one thing, why was Jeod the target of the NK?

>.> I'm not sure if you know what we were talking about, but when I said my suspicions between you and Cat5 were about 30/70 and you said that my actions weren't lining up with that and then I asked you to elaborate why my actions don't line up, you're supposed to bring up my actions or words in reference to support your claim.

I don't know. I think he would've been better to leave alive from Town's perspective since he had so many things stacked up against him that made him suspicious. If you were Town, I don't really follow why you'd kill him. If Cat5 was Town, I could only see it as a way to elimin...Okay yeah, Cat5 is Town. If he killed anyone else, it would've increased the amount of players who were potentially confirmed Mafia because Sunflower had to investigate one of them. If she got a Mafia result on Jeod, then Shade or myself were killed, there'd only be Cat5, Sunflower, and Jeod left who, 2 of which would be confirmed Town.

##vote Category 5 Hurricane

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Wait...I miscounted people, there'd be Cat5, Sunflower, Jeod, and either Shade or Me left. But either way, it'd bring it down to essentially a 50/50 split between Cat5 and Shade or Cat5 and me. Knowing Cat5, he'd rather play it to a 1/3 shot than 1/2. As it stands, I'm 90% sure Cat5 is Town.

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2 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

It should be right now. Although the forum's clock is 2 minutes fast, so it annoys me to look at the timestamp on my post and know it's wrong.

Check your watch man.


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Just now, TheIrishman said:

A shame you didn't change your vote to Cat5 quick enough.

I suspect last minute trickery from Category 5 less than I do from you.

But mainly I thought we had about another 20ish minutes from now, and I'm currently using my phone.

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Just now, Jeod said:

Check your watch man.

It wasn't right "now now" I was 2 minutes past hammer when I made that post.

Just now, Shade939 said:

I suspect last minute trickery from Category 5 less than I do from you.

But mainly I thought we had about another 20ish minutes from now, and I'm currently using my phone.

He's at work, he literally couldn't do trickery even if he wanted to.

Hammer is almost always at 6:00 PM EST.

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19 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Vote Count:

TheIrishman (1 vote):

  • Shade939

NoLynch (1 vote):

  • Category 5 Hurricane

Hammer is in approximately 20 hours and 15 minutes at 6:30 PM EST 05/06.

Hammer is a bit later. 

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Just now, TheIrishman said:

Oh, I didn't see that...well then.

##vote Category 5 Hurricane

You know, if I go by everyone viewing this page, now would be a great time to change m vote. :v

To be fair Irish, I'm going to keep my vote on no lynch because Category 5 has actaully harmed Town with his actions/votes outside of a train, and I don't think he would have NK Jeod if he had a last second ability he could pull off to win the game.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

You know, if I go by everyone viewing this page, now would be a great time to change m vote. :v

To be fair Irish, I'm going to keep my vote on no lynch because Category 5 has actaully harmed Town with his actions/votes outside of a train, and I don't think he would have NK Jeod if he had a last second ability he could pull off to win the game.

Alright, I guess we'll follow with my initial plan then.

##vote No Lynch

As a reminder, I'll use Doctor and Bodyguard on both Shade and Sunflower. Sunflower, investigate Shade. Hopefully I live, but we'll see. If I don't, it should be pretty easy to figure out from there.

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No-Lynch (4 votes):

  • Category 5 Hurricane
  • TheIrishman
  • Sunflower
  • Shade939

After a productive day of discussion, you unanimously decide that it'd be best to wait for more discussion and not take somebody out today. Nobody will be lynched!

Night phase ends in 24 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/07. Each player is limited to two night posts. Get your actions in!

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Just now, Shade939 said:

@Sunflower, investigations are best done with a bit of randomess to reduce the odds of them being countered.

Have I ever announced who I would investigate? :p

I know I might have telegraphed it last time because everyone knew Jeod was my top suspect, but I considered loads of scenarios for each player and was going to pick someone different but changed my mind at the last minute because I convinced myself Jeod was the scum. In hindsight, I kinda knew that if he wasn't that the scum would kill him though.

I really really hate being the cop. It's like every decision I make has too much pressure and everyone is trying to confuse me into doing something stupid.

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Sorry if I'm just adding pressure, here's how I figured it

Investigate Shade | Players left

Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish

Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish

Investigate Cat5

Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Cat

Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish

Investigate Irishman

Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Irish

Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat

Aside from the scenario where we get lucky enough that no one dies, we have these as tomorrow's results. From a pure mathematical perspective, Shade is the best pick since he also ends up alive in all these situations. But if we're adding in the evidence and if you don't mind a little risk, I think Cat5 would still be a good pick. Don't feel too much weight over the decision, either one should be fine.

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@Sunflower, naturally because I am actually more on the cynical/paranoid side, and I can't discount the possibility. :v

But there is a chance your ability has a chance of killing it's target considering that 2/3 of the targets you've visited died the same night, so I'm not discounting the possibility of your ability resulting in a double NK at worst. Which should be rather obvious to Scum if they saw a player you visited died that they didn't choose to NK, in which they case they would be aware of that and would be capable of taking advantage of that information such as not eliminating you with a day kill.

Although, by all means I'm really not certain if the above possibility is correct if it does point toward Irish or Category 5 actually being Town, but I'd lean toward Irish in this case.

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Sorry Shade but in no uncertain terms, that is stupid. Again this is a basic game, her investigation cannot NK by chance, especially without her knowing - that'd be bastard modding (it's an actual term). I've never heard of a basic game with % based abilities, as far as I'm aware you either have it or you don't.

Alright, to come clean now that we're just shy of daybreak so actions shouldn't be allowed to change. In case I die it's better you guys know the truth. I only had 1 x doctor and 4 x bodyguard actions total, which means that I only had the option to bodyguard one person and couldn't protect the other. I did this to try and force Town to NK me because they wouldn't want to risk their NK failing against Shade or Sunflower. The person I guarded was Sunflower.

If I'm dead, good luck.

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Huh that's odd...did Town want to pretend that my Doctor ability blocked the kill? Although I suppose this might be the best result for them as long as Sunflower didn't investigate them. This way there's still 4 people left, leaving a 50% chance of winning whereas the plan I laid for last night would've put them at closer to 0%.

I'm sorry if this is insulting, Shade, but I just don't think you'd think like that, in addition to the potential thought process behind Jeod being killed. Waiting for Sunflower's report, but I think cat5 is Town.

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